The Leader of the Islamic Revolution praised the efforts made by the High Council of Cultural Revolution and added: "The culture and identity of a nation and the orientation of this culture and identity can be identified through standards such as beliefs, ethics, norms of social and individual conduct and national characteristics."
Ayatollah Khamenei reiterated: "If a nation appears to be advanced and acceptable in terms of its structure but suffers from disorganization in terms of culture, that nation will be a bankrupt nation. But a nation that is rich in terms of culture has the potential to become a powerful nation even if it suffers from certain political and economic problems."
His Eminence said that the requirement for preserving national identity is to eliminate cultural flaws and shortcomings.
Ayatollah Khamenei described the High Council of Cultural Revolution as the main "cultural stronghold" of the country and added: "Considering the great breakthroughs in the area of modern tools of communication, cultural war has turned into a complex area with different dimensions."
His Eminence said that the camp of arrogance is the main leader of this cultural war, further adding: "The scope of cultural invasion by the camp of arrogance includes all countries of the world, but the Islamic Republic is the main target of this invasion because the Islamic Republic is standing against the order of domination. The Islamic Republic has proven that it is sincere in its resistance and that it has the capability to act against cultural invasion and make progress."
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to cultural missions of the Islamic Revolution and reiterated: "The only way to stand up against the cultural invasion of the camp of arrogance is to promote and deepen the cultural missions of the Islamic Revolution in the area of ethics, social and individual conduct, religious beliefs and political issues."