The meaning of asking for God’s help for worship acts

The true meaning of asking for God’s help is that if I, as an imperfect, incompetent human being, use all my strength to worship You, I will still not have fulfilled the obligation that I have to worship You. You must give me extra assistance for me to be able to do this. Even if we serve God with all our strength, we will still not have fulfilled even a part of our obligation to worship Him. Great men like the Prophet [of Islam] and the Imams say, “We have not worshiped You as You deserve to be worshiped.” Individuals like Imam Ali and Imam Sajjad (pbut) declare their own faults and shortcomings when it comes to worshiping God. This is while we cannot even envisage the [great] things they did.  

Imam Khamenei
April 24, 1991

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