Leader's Statements in a Meeting with Chinese President

The following is a summary of the statements made by Grand Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei, in a meeting with the visiting Chinese President, Jiang Zemin, on April 21, 2002.
The Leader welcomed the Chinese president to the Islamic Republic and hoped that he would enjoy his visit and return home with pleasant memories.

Ayatollah Khamenei further told the Chinese President:

"I was briefed on your talks with the president and other officials of the Islamic Republic. The talks have been very constructive, and I hope that the mutual cooperation in various fields, which was discussed during the talks, will soon materialize and get under way in earnest through determination on both sides.

"As regards the bilateral relations, I believe that Iran and China have ample potential for the expansion of their relations and cooperation. Presently, the bilateral trade and mutual cooperation are at a satisfactory level, and they seem to have grown considerably compared with the past. But they still could be much better, considering the great potential of the two countries."

The Leader stressed that the Iranian officials hold a positive attitude toward China, since it has a great nation that is determined to remain independent.

"When the former Soviet Union was disintegrated, the United States and certain other Western countries very much liked to see the same thing happen to China. However, by adopting a wise policy, China managed to preserve its independence and identity. We are also determined to safeguard our independence, identity and values," he noted.

Elsewhere in his statements, Leader of the Islamic Republic pointed out that Tehran and Beijing hold similar views on many international issues.

Concerning the issue of Palestine and the Palestinian Intifada, he stated:

"The issue of Palestine, as you pointed out, is a major issue of the world, since the defenseless Palestinian people are currently being massacred by the armed-to-the-teeth Zionist forces, who are fully supported by Washington. Indeed, a human catastrophe is taking place in the occupied territories.

"The Intifada of the Palestinians is the resistance of an oppressed nation to occupation and aggression, and it is only an act of self-defense. But the United States is describing this resistance as an act of terrorism!

"This is the most illogical remark that is often repeated by the U.S. officials, but the same officials in Washington are turning a blind eye to the heinous crimes and atrocities that are being committed by the Zionist regime against Palestinians and that constitute a flagrant instance of state terrorism."

As regards the position of the Islamic Republic on the issue of Palestine, Ayatollah Khamenei noted:

"We believe that the Zionist regime is an occupier and usurper entity, and we consider it our duty to give our moral support to the oppressed Palestinian nation."

Further in his remarks, the Leader referred to the expansionist objectives pursued by the United States:

"Today, the United States is trying to impose its own will on other nations in the ugliest manner, and this is posing a serious threat to the world peace and stability. Therefore, it is the responsibility of different nations to take a firm stance against the domineering and hegemonic attitude of the White House officials, and any nation that submits to U.S. hegemony and expansionism will in fact contribute to a gloomy future for mankind.

"We believe that the independent states should face up to their responsibilities and play a more effective role in the international arena. The U.S. military power does not mean that Washington can do whatever it wishes to. As a matter of fact, the United States has on several occasions been foiled in its attempts to achieve certain objectives.

"Fortunately, the stance adopted by Europe is different from that of the United States, and Washington is receiving no support for its policies."

In conclusion, Ayatollah Khamenei stressed that Tehran and Beijing should expand their mutual cooperation in various areas, including in the economic and technological spheres. He also hoped for further consolidation of cordial ties between the two nations.