Ayatollah Khamenei

Imam Khamenei’s decree on fasting in Ramadan during Corona

Grand Ayatollah Khamenei's office for answering questions on religious verdicts has published the ruling concerning fasting in the month of Ramadan during the Coronavirus pandemic. What follows is the full text of the question and answer.

Now that Coronavirus has become widespreadspread rapidly, what are the rules for fasting during the month of Ramadan?

Fasting, which is a religious obligation, is in fact God’s special blessing upon His servants and is a foundation for perfection and spiritual upliftment for humanity. It was obligatory for previous nations as well.
Some of the effects of fasting include gaining a state of spirituality and inner purity, increasing individual and social piety, and the strengthening of one’s willpower and resistance when faced with hardships. The role it plays in people’s health is evident, and God has placed a great reward for those who fast.
Fasting is a religious obligation and a pillar in Islamic Law. Therefore, not fasting during the auspicious month of Ramadan is not allowable unless an individual has a reason to believe that fasting will:
1.    Cause an illness
2.    Intensify an illness
3.    Prolong an illness, or delay one’s recuperation.
In such cases, one should not fast, but it will be necessary to make up for the missed fasts at a later time.
Obviously, it is enough if this conviction is obtained based on the opinion of a religious physician.
Therefore, if a person has a reasonable fear of being subject to any of the above-mentioned difficulties, they should not fast, but it will be necessary to make up for these missed fasts at a later time.


  • coronavirus
  • decree
  • fasting
  • Fatwa
  • Islam
  • Ramadan


  • 2020-04-20 15:02
    Thank you our Rahbar for the clear clarification. May Allah prolong your life and good health.
  • 2020-04-20 15:38
    khamenei he is a great hero.
  • 2020-04-21 17:54
    salam sayed ali khameni they said in UK you can't fast because it's like how many hours 23 hours . some from doctors said don't fast because you already illness because of the Coronavirus don't understand should I fast or shall I not fast ?
  • 2020-04-22 12:58
    My allegiance to the auspicious and Able Deputy of sahibuz asr wa zahman atfs
  • 2020-04-23 00:23
    What about Agha's ruling for health care professionals do they left fast in this pandemic situation?
  • 2020-04-23 19:29
    Thanks very much our Muslims leader may Almighty Allah prolong ur life and more nkwnoledge behaki Muhammad wa all Muhammad ( from Uganda east Africa)
  • 2020-05-22 09:45
    To Sayeda Halimah and Taj Haider above: I believe your questions were already answered by the very verdict. Halimah: Imam Khamenei made clear that the only reason not to fast is one of the three mentioned, and not in any way anything else, like because you may supposedly fast 23 hours! On doctors, it was explicitly explained that it's a person-by-person case: you know whether you must not fast when you are personally examined for health by not just any doctor, but only by a religious doctor. This religious doctor will diagnose if fasting in and of itself will cause, intensify, or prolong an illness, including Coronavirus, specifically in your case. Only then you must not fast. Taj Haider: there is no exception in the verdict for healthcare professionals. Anyone, including healthcare professionals, can know if they must not fast through the three reasons mentioned above, only when attested to by a religious doctor.
