The move by which Imam Khomeini surprised the world
Our late magnanimous Imam managed to create a new identity in this region in the turbulent world of politics. This identity is the Islamic Republic of Iran, which was established and safeguarded by the Iranian nation. It is an Islamic and national identity; however, the Islamic aspect of this identity does not only belong to the Iranian nation, but it also belongs to the entire Muslim ummah. Through the perseverance of the Iranian nation, our magnanimous Imam created and infused life into this identity.
The West had dominated this region for many years. After World War II, the domination of the Middle East had almost become complete. The regional countries, including Iraq and Iran and Jordan and Syria and Lebanon and Egypt, were each dominated by the Western colonial powers - first the European powers and then the United States.
They also created the usurper regime of Israel in this sensitive region in order to make sure that the West could maintain an active military and political presence in this region through the agency of the Zionists and exercise control and dominance over the region... Under the circumstances, the Westerners were taken aback by the Islamic Revolution. They could not believe that a movement launched by the Islamic clergy and led by the late Imam Khomeini could develop into such a great popular movement. The Iranian nation emerged on the scene in its entirety. It was the Iranian nation's perseverance and our late magnanimous Imam's unique leadership that gave rise to this miraculous event.