Without the Mobilized Resistance Forces and the IRGC, Iran would have failed the war with Saddam
One of the great achievements of Basij [Mobilized Forces] is that through it, the IRGC was transformed from a small, limited organization to an effective and massive military force and managed to come out victoriously from the imposed war, in the view of the Iranian nation. If it was not for this fruitful and rich tree in this land, the outcome of the war would have surely been different than what came about. The war was imposed on us to humiliate the Iranian nation. But Basij proved them wrong with its strong presence, which was a sign of the dignity of the Iranian nation. The war was imposed on us to accuse the blessed Islamic Republic of Iran of being weak in defending the country’s borders. However, with a presence among the armed forces and through self-sacrifice, Basij made the foundations of the Islamic Republic evermore stronger. It was proven that defending the frontiers in the Islamic government is not simply a task relying on the regular forces—that may or may not be ready—rather, it relies on the will of the Iranian nation.