Is observing hijab and chastity only obligatory for women?
Islam has set certain limits [in the arena of social activities] which do not pertain to women needing permission to take part in activities. Rather, it is pertains to the mingling of men and women—which is a sensitive issue in Islam. Islam believes that men and women—wherever they are, on the streets, at office, or business places—must observe certain limits between themselves. There is a limit, and a buffer defined between Muslim men and women. Relationships between men and women, are not like relationships among men, or among women [in unisex settings]. This has to be respected, by both men and women. If this sensitivity demanded by Islam regarding the relationships between men and women is properly observed, women can do any type of activities that men can do in the society, if they are physically able, have the time, and want to do them... In order to provide them with a safe and healthy environment, where women can perform their activities in the society, and men can fulfill their responsibilities, Islam has defined Hijab, and it is one of the remarkable laws of Islam.