Imam Khamenei

Without Lady Khadijah's support, Islam's progression could have been disrupted

The mere fact of believing in the prophet (pbuh) is extremely valuable and important: the first believers were Imam Ali (pbuh) and Lady Khadijah (pbuh). Relinquishing a way of life, that one has lived with for many years, is not so easy: we haven’t experienced this to understand how difficult it is. Lady Khadija (pbuh) understood the truth [of Islam], right away, due to her pure soul. Just as she saw the prophet returning from [the cave of] Hara in a familiar state of being, as depicted in books, she understood an important phenomenon had taken place; thus, her heart was fascinated, and she believed. Then she stood, steadfastly, for belief in Islam. She spent all her money in the way of Islam: this is easy to describe in words. Well, the wealthy sometimes spend their money; but, when someone gives away all their money and abandons their comfortable life for a cause, it is not easy. For instance, it is said that Imam Hassan Mujtaba (pbuh) gave away much of his hard earned money, on several occasions, or that he gave half of his wealth away: this requires a great spirit. Lady Khadijah (pbuh) had such a remarkable spirit that she gave away all her wealth in support of Islam and the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Later on, she was inflicted with immense suffering and hardships, one instance included three years in exile, in the Shi'b Abi Talib. She endured all those difficulties and stood, steadfast, in her beliefs.

May 10, 2013


  • Islam
  • Khadija Kubra
  • Prophet Muhammad
  • Women in Islam


  • 2018-05-26 19:06
    Such a divine and humble woman I wish to be like her.
  • 2020-05-04 21:27
    How one can pay khums to imam sayyid ali Khamenei from foreign country?I'm from Bangladesh.
