New hitlerism emerged

A new, more hazardous type of Hitlerism has emerged after WWII: Imam Khamenei

as long as superpowers run global issues, wars won't end throughout the world. Wars are financially beneficial for them. This war is not a war for the sake of justice. The U.S. officials lie, so do those who claim they go on wars to bring security. No, this is exactly the other way around.

The point I would like to make today, regarding the issue of the U.S. attack on Iraq—which is a very important issue—is that our dear nation should know that this invasion has aftermaths which will have an impact beyond [the borders of] Iraq. Invasion of a country—whether it is Iraq or another country—by a world power and from a far off location and on bogus and fabricated pretexts is wrong in any form. The people and the global public opinion have condemned it, too. Now, you can watch on TV the massive popular demonstrations in the west and the east and even inside the United States [condemning the invasion of Iraq by the U.S.]. However, for the world of Islam, the issue is more dangerous and has broader consequences. One should not look at the issue only by seeing a world power attacking a country upon various motives. Of course, the U.S. officials try to depict the incident in a different way. They pretend that their purpose is to oust Saddam; because Saddam possesses weapons of mass destruction or promotes terrorism. They want the Iraqi nation to support the US. That is what the U.S. officials pretend. However, this is deception; many people throughout the world know it today. The fundamental issue is that a new type of Hitlerism—far more hazardous and appalling [than the first Hitlerism] has emerged in the history. They are acting exactly like Hitler when he was arranging the prelude to the Second World War. When Hitler started his attacks on his neighboring countries in Europe, he justified his invasion for the global public opinion by saying that Germany needs space to live on; that the country of Germany is too small for the German nation and regime. They need more land to breathe and survive. That is how Hitler would justify his crimes to his own people as well as the global public opinion: a ludicrous and erroneous justification.

Today the U.S. officials justify their invasion of Iraq—and Afghanistan previously—by saying they want to protect their national interests and compel threats against themselves. This is the trendy justification today. Now, where is Iraq and where is the U.S. located?! How can Iraq be a threat to the United States?! Alternatively, what are the U.S. interests that provide the permission to the U.S. regime to launch an invasion against a country or a nation? This question has remained unanswered.  


March 21, 2003


The story of weapons and military expenditure is one of the most tragic stories of the humanity in today's world. Today the weapon-manufacturing companies produce various types of weapons to sell. Then, they create wars in the world to set humans against each other, to push governments in opposing each other. They create threats in order to sell, saturate and fulfill their own treacherous thoughts and vicious greed.

Hence, as long as superpowers run global issues, wars won't end throughout the world. Wars are financially beneficial for them. This war is not a war for the sake of justice. The U.S. officials lie, so do those who claim they go on wars to bring security. No, this is exactly the other way around. Wherever they have a military presence or activity, they create insecurity and injustice, making life more difficult for the humankind. Developed facilities have emerged in the world, yet human beings are under pressure. There are official international reports saying that over the course of forty-five years—that is after the World War II until 1990, which is dubbed the 'Cold War' period— wars were avoided only for three weeks! All throughout these forty-five years, there have been wars somewhere in the world. Who creates these wars? The same people who manufacture weapons. Military expenditure of major powers is among the highest expenditures. According to their own data, during the previous year, the U.S. government spent over 600 billion in dollars on military activities! We can witness such high military expenditures among our neighboring countries, too. These sums of money are spent on the oppression of the Muslim nation of Afghanistan, to put under pressure the Iraqi nation, to support the vicious Zionist regime and to always keep the Middle East in chaos. This is the orientation the corrupt world powers have adopted today. Islam confronts and opposes such measures.


July 10, 2010


  • hegemony
  • Hitler
  • Hitlerism
  • Imperialism
