Divine Satisfaction

ودّ المؤمن المؤمن في‏اللّه من أعظم شعب الإيمان ومن أحب في‏اللّه وأبغض في‏اللّه وأعطى في‏اللّه ومنع في‏اللّه فهو من الأصفياء

The believer’s affection towards another believer for the sake of Allah is one of the most remarkable features of faith. He who loves, hates, makes a charitable donation or fails to do so for the sake of Allah is considered one of the selected few [asfiah].

(Tohfatul Oqul, p. 48)


Friendship, enmity, mercy and the lack thereof (where it is appropriate) - if they are for the sake of God - raise man's position to that of asfiah (meaning 'the select few') whose status is higher than believers and the pious people.