Beware of Shia and Sunni mercenaries working at separating Muslims

Today, some elements both among Sunnis and Shias are working at separating Muslims from one another. If you trace these elements, you will see that all of them are connected to espionage and intelligence services of the enemies of Islam - not the enemies of Iran and Shia Muslims, rather the enemies of Islam. The kind of Shia which works with the MI6 of England and the kind of Sunni which is a mercenary of the CIA of America are neither Shia nor Sunni. Both of them are against Islam. It is 35 years now that we in the Islamic Republic are letting out this cry. We do not only speak, rather we act. The Islamic Republic's assistance to its Muslim brothers has mostly been given to Sunnis. We have stood beside the Palestinians. We have stood beside the religious people of regional countries because we know that today, the issue of unity is at the top of Islamic issues. I advise and I insist that well-known ulama, outstanding personalities and politicians of the world of Islam do not speak so much about discord and disunity. Some people in the world are spending money in order to promote Islamophobia and damage the reputation of Islam. And we ourselves are trying to damage one another's reputation and frighten people of one another. This is against wisdom and politics.


  • TUnity


  • 2017-11-02 07:53
    Assalamun Alayekum I am Shiya boy and I want to be a servant of Ahlulbayt a.s I want some help and suggestions from My Rehbar Imam Khamenei Actually I was searching and doing operation on Akhbari shiya and I found a big chain who are doing these type of practice.I always advise my friends to be aware from these agents who are doing some akhbari practice. Oh my Rehbar but now a days this fitnah is growing very very and very fast and I am observing that my country's youth and buzurg are joining them. O Rehbar they have very strong financial Support with them and I really feel very sad that some of my friends are unware by their plannings and are getting attract towards them. O Rehbar some of them don't read Namaz but Do the Azadaari and they Course on All Mujtahids,Aisha,and Umar Usmaan and Abu Bakr in front of all muslim sects. Oh Rehber I am feeling very upset and I really worried about this all Because if they don't stop a shia sunni war will began.please suggest me some tip
  • 2018-10-03 21:52
