Tree Planting Day

Planting saplings, an essential & beautiful activity

The following is the full text of the message delivered by Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, on the occasion of Natural Resources Week and Iran’s National Tree Planting Day on March 5, 2025.

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

This year, as is our annual tradition, we’ve been fortunate to be able to plant a few saplings — two or three of them, praise God. This is to encourage not only the youth but also people of our age to engage in this important, significant, essential, beautiful activity and [to encourage] everyone to work with enthusiasm to plant saplings and increase the number of trees and the greenery in the country.

Planting trees is an investment. In fact, it benefits our future and generates wealth. In a short time, this sapling will grow into a tree. If it’s a fruit tree, that’s one type of wealth. If it’s a tree that’s used for its wood, that’s another form of wealth. By planting a sapling, you profit without incurring any loss. This is one aspect of planting trees.

Another aspect is that it helps to clean the air. Trees, agricultural fields, and the greenery that Almighty God brings up from the earth are effective in improving the living environment and air quality. Thus, the environment also benefits from people planting saplings and trees. Our environment is extremely important. It is people’s living environment, and human beings definitely need the environment. This is another aspect.

Another aspect is that trees and greenery bring freshness and purity to the living environment. Aside from health benefits, material gains, and the like, they are pleasing to the eye and comforting to the soul. If the living environment is green and filled with the greenery and growth that are a blessing from the Lord, this is naturally useful for people’s spiritual environment and people benefit from them. These are various aspects. In fact, trees and planting saplings have material gains, ecological benefits, and a source of freshness and psychological well-being. In every respect, they’re truly beneficial. That is, there’s no harm involved in this at all.

What I would like to recommend is that you take seriously and pursue the national movement for tree planting, which was announced last year. From what I’ve heard, praise God, it has made good progress. It was stated during Martyr Raisi’s administration that one billion trees would be planted over the course of four years. It is now evident that this [goal] is feasible and achievable, provided everyone makes an effort and the relevant government institutions assist the people in carrying out this task. This can be done through awareness campaigns, their support in carrying this out, administrative assistance, and other such actions.

Another important point to note is that we shouldn't be planting saplings on the one hand while we’re destroying and cutting down large, mature, useful trees on the other hand. Now, cutting trees — whether in forests or elsewhere — is, of course, necessary and technically required in certain cases, which is a whole different matter. But generally speaking, we must be cautious because cutting down trees is considered to be a loss and a danger. The destruction of forests and use of agricultural lands for other purposes must be prevented. This is also another issue. I have heard that, praise God, good efforts have been made in this regard in Tehran and some other cities. These efforts must continue.

My recommendation to our dear people is for them to regard planting saplings to be a virtuous, good deed; to increase the number of trees and vegetation; to help purify the environment by planting trees. Furthermore, this will be a means for material, spiritual, and moral benefits for them. I pray for Almighty God to grant success to everyone.

May God’s greetings, mercy, and blessings be upon you.
