
Qualities of the Prophet (pbuh)

In the being of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), knowledge is accompanied by morality, governing by wisdom, the worship of God by service to the people, Jihad by mercy, love of God by love of God's creatures, dignity by humbleness, and the soul’s being drowned in the remembrance of God by the pursuit of peace and physical health.

March 21, 2006

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There is no stagnation, stopping, fatigue, helplessness and hopelessness in the culture and way of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Our Holy Prophet fought against hopelessness.

March 21, 2006


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Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) behaved like a traveling physician. Physicians sit in their offices waiting for people to come to them, but the prophets (pbut) did not wait for the people to come to them. It was they who would go to the people.

Jan. 12, 2005

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When Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was with other people, he would eat and behave like an ordinary person, not like royalty. The Prophet came from a noble family, but he behaved humbly with his people. But on the other hand, his holy look at the emperors of those days struck fear into their hearts.

April 14, 2000

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  • Islam
  • Prophet Muhammad
  • Prophet of Islam
