Fleet 2

Imam Khamenei’s message following the return of Fleet-75 from the Atlantic Ocean

Congratulating the powerful, honorable return of the 75th Fleet of the Navy of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army, Imam Khamenei thanked the Commander and each of its staff for the historic mission in sailing across the Atlantic Ocean. The text of the message of the Commander-in-Chief of Iran's Armed Forces, which was communicated to Major General Mousavi—Commander-in-Chief of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army— is as follows:

In the Name of the Most High

I offer my congratulations on the powerful, honorable return of the 75th Fleet of the IRI Army's Naval Forces from their momentous naval mission in the Atlantic Ocean, which has been carried out for the first time in Iran's naval history. 
Praise God the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran is present on the scene today with its insightful, zealous and untiring staff and is prepared to strive for the sake of the glorious Islamic Revolution's lofty goals. Preserve and promote this capability.

Express my gratitude and appreciation to the Commander and each of the dear staff of the Fleet.

