Imam Khamenei

Condolences on the demise of the founder of the Union of Islamic Student Assoc in Europe

Imam Khamenei, the leader of the Islamic Revolution, issued a message of condolence on the demise of the founder of the Union of University Students Islamic Associations in Europe.

In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful

We were deeply saddened to learn that the diligent scholar, Hujjatul Islam Dr. Javad Ezhe’i has passed away. He was a prominent, distinguished figure who made great, auspicious endeavors with sincerity and without the slightest pretense for many years. He left a memorable legacy for our country and the Revolution. Establishing the Union of University Students Islamic Associations in Europe, establishing schools for students with exceptional talents, managing the associations for young intellectual elites like a father, and providing support during the golden era of medal winning in international academic competitions are among his unique services. 
This humble fighter, the brother of a dear martyr and the son-in-law of the honorable martyr Ayatollah Beheshti, built the foundation for training intellectual elites on the strong basis of faith and revolution. With honor and esteem, he has hastened to meet God the Merciful. I offer my condolences to his honorable, patient wife, to his dear children, his other family and friends as well as the community of intellectual elites of the country, and ask God for His mercy and forgiveness for him.
Sayyid Ali Khamenei,
November 14, 2020


  • Islam
  • Union of University Students Islamic Associations in Europe
  • University students
