University Professors Meet With Leader

University professors and elites met with the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Thursday afternoon and expressed their viewpoints on different issues including academic, scientific and research problems.

During the meeting, Dr. Salimi, a professor at the Amir Kabir University, speculated on obstacles to the software movement in Iran. He criticized the political perspective of parties on scientific and cultural issues and said, "Development is only possible through insisting on theorization and development of thoughts and ideas."

Dr. Shahram Alamdari, a professor at the Tehran Medical University, demanded the increase of facilities and proper organization of health centers and training professionals for offering better services to people in emergency cases.

Dr. Tayyebi Rahni, head of Iran's Aviation Technology College, recommended a special budget be allotted for education and research in aerospace technology at universities.

Dr. Mahdi Koochakzadeh, professor of Tarbiyat Modarres University, insisted on giving priority to Islamic and Revolutionary criteria for decision-making by officials and managers.

Dr. Afjei, a professor at Allameh Tabataba'i University, called on the media to pay more attention to public culture in universities. He asked for more interaction between officials and elites and more focus of the governmental sectors on experts' perspectives.

Referring to the great responsibility of the university in elevating culture at the university and in the society, Dr. Mohammad-Nejad, a professor at the University of Shahed, insisted on organizing committed university manpower for achieving this goal.

Dr. Shafazand, a professor at Kerman's University of Shahid Bahonar, claimed that the hegemonic powers are trying to control information technology at an international level. He postulated that more attention to information and communication technology is the primary step for Iran in order to play an active role in the future of the world.

Criticising the Western economic patterns, Dr. Mohammad Khoshchehreh, a professor of economics at the University of Tehran, said, "In line with wealth creation and economic expansion, economic-political officials should pay full attention to social justice.

Dr. A'zam Givari who taught at the Iran Medical University criticized the thirst for academic degrees and superficial treatment of research at universities and required an appropriate expenditure of research budgets at higher educational centers.

Dr. Karim Zare', research deputy of Islamic Azad University, regarded the scientific growth as insufficient, saying, "In view of recent developments, the current scientific status of the country has to be fully promoted."

After speeches were delivered by a group of university professors, the Leader expressed satisfaction over his meeting with the scientific and academic elites and Iran's scientific and research development particularly over the recent past years. He then emphasized, "We have to evaluate scientific and research development of Iran with a positive and realistic perspective and make further efforts to persevere in the path of an important scientific status for the country."

Ayatollah Khamenei regarded translation and learning as insufficient and advised the scientific centers to create knowledge. He highlighted the monopoly over modern science and technology of those who possess it and added, "Despite efforts made by foreigners to inspire a sense of impotence in the Iranian nation, the sense of potency, self-confidence and self-sufficiency is taking shape in the Iranian nation.

Stressing the determining role of management in perusing crucial aims of the country, he added, "Preparing the ground for the process of the country's scientific development is a crucial responsibility shouldered by the Council for Cultural Revolution (SCCR), the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Training, the Ministry of Education and directors of universities and research centers.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution regarded knowledge as necessary for all fields including humanities. Then he pointed out that there has been no significant movement in humanities in terms of theorization and creativity and this is despite our expectations.

Criticizing the reactionary treatment of Western theories in disciplines such as economics, sociology, psychology and politics, he postulated, "There are the principles of law, politics, economics and other disciplines of humanities in Islam which can be exploited by committed university professors and ulema of seminaries, by theorization and scientific creativity, for the general movement of the country.

Ayatollah Khamenei insisted on a full follow-up of the problems stated by university professors.

At the end of the meeting, the evening prayers were led by Ayatollah Khamenei. Then the university professors broke their fast, taking part in iftar ceremony with the Leader.