Imam Khomeini’s comprehensive virtue: A revolutionary worshipping believer

Some of the descriptions and terms that have been used less than others, in reference to our great late Imam (r.a.), are comprehensive terms: pious, a believer, and a revolutionary. We always describe Imam (r.a.) with different terms and descriptions, but these descriptions – which we have used less frequently – are comprehensive: he was a believer, a pious individual, and a revolutionary. When we refer to him as a ‘Believer’ this means that he believed in God, in a major goal--the very path that helped him reach that goal--and in the people... He was a servant of God, a pious man, and he worshipped Him [God]. He considered himself as a servant of God.--This is an important description as well... Imam (r.a.) enjoyed this characteristic: the characteristic of being a worshipper. He was a man of humility and supplication. He was a man that used to pray ardently: a worshipping believer. As for a third term – that is to say, being a pious, revolutionary believer – I would like to put stress on this description and speak on it. Imam Khomeini (r.a.) was the Imam of the Revolution. Revolution is a word that contains countless realities. “The Imam of the Revolution” means being a leader of all the qualities and characteristics that the word “revolution” encompasses. The reason why materialistic powers were angry and irritated at, and – of course – afraid of, our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) was that he enjoyed the characteristic of being a revolutionary. They chose to be enemies because of this characteristic that he embraced. Today, too, the enemies of the Iranian people exhibit hostility towards this revolutionary characteristic of Imam Khomeini (r.a.). Basically, materialistic powers are intimidated by the word ‘Revolution.’ They are afraid of it, intimidated by it, and panic at the mention of the word: ‘Islamic Revolution.’ The pressures that they exert [on Iran] originate from him [Khomeini] being a revolutionary.


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