What is the secret to Imam Khomeini’s magnanimity and grandeur?
The secret of the surprising influence of this great man, who deeply influenced masses of Muslims in different countries, was to practice self-denial and renounce his self, obey Allah, receive inspiration from the Almighty and strive in the way of Allah in a wholehearted manner. This is the secret of the grandeur of our magnanimous Imam and of any spiritual leader.
This was also the secret of the influence and permanence of prophets; otherwise, everybody is familiar with outward things and collusion and secret deals and empty slogans that are aimed at attracting the masses. Others are doing so, but this is not what helps a spiritual leader to influence and dominate the hearts. The rule of a spiritual leader is not like the rule of tyrants and oppressors, but it is like the rule of prophets.
Therefore, if you study the life of Imam Khomeini, you will notice that his relationship and communion with Almighty Allah had created in him a sense of composure and peace of mind. He was calm and self-possessed at the time when others were frightened. He was determined and unwavering at the time when others wavered and showed signs of indecision.