How does Imam Khomeini differ from the leaders of the rest of the world?

Our late magnanimous Imam is becoming more prominent as time goes by, and his thought and his path are becoming more clearly understood and more deeply felt in our society and in the Islamic world. What has caused this durability and continuity of existence and given rise to all these blessings? It is genuine faith and sincere deeds. Our magnanimous Imam was the evidence corroborating this holy verse: "Surely (as for) those who believe and do pious deeds, Allah will bring about love for them" (the Holy Qur'an, 19: 96). His objective was a divine objective; his behavior was combined with faith, and his actions were pious deeds. This is the reason why this personality remains permanently alive and experiences no death in the collective memory of the Islamic community, similar to divine prophets whose bodies have disappeared from the scene, and who are no longer before the eyes of the public, but their truth and their identity have remained alive. His objective was a divine objective; his behavior was combined with faith, and his actions were pious deeds. This is the reason why this personality remains permanently alive and experiences no death in the collective memory of the Islamic community, similar to divine prophets whose bodies have disappeared from the scene, and who are no longer before the eyes of the public, but their truth and their identity have remained alive. They clutch at straws and use every stratagem to keep materialist leaders alive in the hearts of people, but they do not succeed in doing so. They mummified the dead body of Lenin, the former Soviet leader, so that he would remain before the eyes, but he did not remain so. That mummy - a worthless body - and that thought and those principles and that memory were all doomed to destruction, both in Lenin's own society and in the entire world. This is what marks off religious and spiritual leadership. The reason for this difference is the connection to the main source of power, that is to say, relationship and communion with Almighty Allah, and considering everything to be originating from Him and doing everything for His cause and in His way. This is the secret of power and influence and eternity of godly men. From this viewpoint, Imam Khomeini will continue to remain alive.


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