Muslims’ intellectual achievements in the realm of politics emerged from Imam Khomeini’s school of thought

The third characteristic of Imam's (r.a.) political school of thought is its international and global outlook. In his political opinions and ideas, Imam (r.a.) addressed the entire humanity, not just the people of Iran. The people of Iran carefully listened to his message. They fought and stood up for it and they managed to achieve dignity and independence. But this message addressed the entire humanity. His political school of thought wants good, independence, dignity and faith for the entire Islamic Ummah and humanity. This is a mission which falls on a Muslim individual. Of course, the difference between Imam (r.a.) and those who assume a global responsibility is that Imam's (r.a.) political school of thought does not want to make a people believe in its thoughts and path by using weapons and torture. The Americans say, "We have a responsibility to promote human rights and democracy in the world". Is using nuclear bombs in Hiroshima the way to promote democracy? Is it using cannons, tanks, waging wars and launching coup d'états in Latin America and Africa? Today too, such deception, oppression, tricks and crimes are being witnessed in the Middle East region. They want to promote human rights and carry out their global responsibility with these tools. Islam's political school of thought leaves its new and correct thoughts and opinions in people's minds and these thoughts spread everywhere like a spring breeze and like the scent of flowers. Those who have a good sense of smell can benefit from it, as many people in many countries have benefitted from it until today. The Palestinians say that they have been revived and awakened by Imam's (r.a.) message. The people of Lebanon say that they have learned from Imam's (r.a.) political school how to defeat the army of the Zionist regime. Muslims in all areas of the world - Muslim youth, intellectuals and outstanding personalities - believe that their intellectual victories in different political arenas have originated from his political school of thought. The masses of people in Islamic countries feel dignified with the name of Islam. This is the same international outlook that Imam's (r.a.) school of thought adopted towards the issues of humanity.


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