
How did Prophet Muhammad fight against discrimination, corruption, oppression and lustfulness?

1. Eid Al-Mab’ath is an occasion of motivation for working towards eliminating mankind’s sufferings
Eid Al-Mab’ath is the celebration of getting motivated to work towards eliminating the sufferings of humanity; it is really an ‘Eid. Major sufferings of humanity that have continued throughout history—and to this day too—continue in different forms: serving those other than God, establishing oppression and injustice, creating a gap among different classes of people,  giving in to the suffering of the weak as well as oppression by bullies. These are the ever-present pains of humanity. These things have always been imposed on humanity by the filthy and corrupt motivation of the hounding powers.
The goal of Mab'ath is wiping away these troubles. Mab’ath is, in fact, the day of returning to the divine nature. This is because all these sufferings, difficulties and chaotic situations are rejected in the divine nature that has been entrusted upon mankind. The divine nature of humankind support the truth, justice and jihad in the way of the oppressed. This is human nature.May 5, 2016

2. Be'that emerged to confront ignorance
Be'that emerged to confront ignorance. In Islamic literature, jahiliyya (Ignorance) is the era before the Holy Prophet's appointment to (s.w.a.) prophethood. It should not be thought that ignorance was particular to the Arabian Peninsula and those Arab peoples living in Makkah, Hijaz and other Arab areas. This was not the case. Ignorance was common everywhere. At that time, Iran was drowned in ignorance as well. The same was true of the Roman Empire. Islam and the Holy Prophet's (s.w.a.) Be’that (appointment to prophethood) emerged to confront that ignorance. Ignorance does not only mean lack of knowledge. In Islamic terminology and literature, the meaning of jahiliyya (ignorance) is beyond that. Part of ignorance is lack of knowledge, but ignorance in its broad sense means the domination of human lust and rage over one’s life. This is the meaning of ignorance. Ignorance means that human societies lose virtue and get subdued by evil mainly under the influence of their rulers' lust and rage. This is the meaning of jahiliyya.
Ignorance in the lives of the people of those days was so vast in scope. On the one hand, people were involved in lust, sexual desire and other such temptations in an unbridled way—you can take a look at the Arabian Peninsula of those days, but other environments were the same and anyone who had the opportunity indulged in lust in an unbridled way—and on the other hand, these followers of lust exploited all imaginable boundaries of cruelty, destruction and blood-shedding. They used to kill their own children: "Lost are those who slay their children from folly and without knowledge" [The Holy Quran, 6: 140]. This was done out of folly and this folly equals ignorance. Their cruelty reached as far as killing their own children, let alone others' innocent children and women. This is ignorance.
On the one hand, it was out of lust and on the other hand, it was out of rage. Hence, life becomes a slave of these two unbridled and uncontrolled feelings. Islam emerged to change that condition. Of course, the same thing could be witnessed in the behavior of Sassanid courtiers in Iran and courtiers in the Roman Empire. The same thing could be witnessed in all those places where empires, courtiers and cruel and tyrannical monarchies existed. Islam rose against all these ugly realities: "That it may be an admonition to all peoples" [The Holy Quran, 25: 1]. The Holy Quran addressed its warning to all the people in the world. This is Islam's message. May 16, 2015

3. Mab’ath is the best, greatest and most blessed day of the year
Mab'ath is definitely the greatest and the most important day of the year. This is because sending down the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) for humanity was greater than all divine blessings throughout history. Therefore, one can say with certainty that Mab'ath is the best, the greatest and the most auspicious day of the year. We should commemorate the event that happened on Mab'ath, and we should visualize the greatness of that event.
The Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) said, "God sent the Prophet when the mission of other Prophets had stopped and the peoples were in slumber for a long time." Be'that happened at a time when humanity had been deprived of the presence of divine prophets for a long time. It was about 600 years after Jesus Christ. Humanity had not seen a divine messenger for hundreds of years. What was the result? "The minarets of guidance had disappeared and signs of destruction had appeared." The world was a dark place. Spirituality had left the world. Mankind was living in ignorance, deviation and arrogance. Allah the Exalted sent among the people the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) in such a situation.
The Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) was the person who had been prepared by Allah the Exalted for such a great mission in the entire history of mankind. Therefore, the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) managed to start a movement in 23 years, and this movement has pushed human history forward in spite of all the problems. Twenty three years is a short time, and 13 years of it were spent in unfair battles. It started in Mecca with 5, 10 to 50 people. Only a small number of people managed to resist under the unbearable pressure of prejudiced, blind and ignorant enemies of Islam. Firm foundations were built upon which the Islamic society and Islamic civilization could be established. Later on Allah the Exalted prepared the way for the immigration of the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) to Medina, and he managed to establish this Islamic system and this civilization in Medina. The Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) organized, built and managed this system in only ten years. It was a short time. Such events usually disappear in the flood of other important events, and they are usually forgotten. Ten years is a very short time. But the Holy Prophet managed to plant, water and nurture this sapling in that period of time. He managed to start a movement that led to a civilization, and this civilization stood at the peak of human civilization during a certain period. That is to say, during the 3rd and 4th centuries of the Hijri calendar, Islamic civilization was greater than all earlier civilizations. This is one of the miracles of Islam.
This was while different bitter events happened to the Islamic Ummah after the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) passed away. Problems, disagreements and internal conflicts emerged. In spite of all these things, in spite of the deviations that emerged over time, in spite of the impurities that appeared and grew, the Holy Prophet of Islam and the message of Be'that managed to give rise to that greatness in the course of 3, 4 centuries, and the modern world and all civilizations of the modern world are indebted to the Islamic civilization of the 3rd and 4th Hijri centuries.
If humanity considered the issue in a fair way, they would acknowledge that human beings' salvation and their movement towards perfection will be possible only through Islam. We Muslims were ungrateful. We were unappreciative. We failed to appreciate Islam. We failed to preserve the foundations that had been developed by the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) for prominent and advanced human societies. We were ungrateful, and we paid the price. Islam has the capacity to help humanity achieve prosperity and perfection. It has the capacity to help humanity achieve material and spiritual growth. The foundations that were established by the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.)—faith, rationality, struggle and dignity—are the main foundations of an Islamic community. Jun 30, 2011

4. The world of discrimination, corruption, oppression and lust that the prophet transformed
The appointment of the holy prophet of Islam to Prophethood (Be’that) opened a novel path for humanity. The surrounding world where the message emerged was a ruthless and intolerable environment. It was a world of fascination by material wealth, a world of mere animal instincts, a world of absolute freedom for the powerful, coercive individuals, a world of discrimination, corruption, oppression, and immorality. This was not only true for the Hijaz region, the other two big reigns that had surrounded the Arab region—that is, the Sassanid in Iran and the Roman Empire—were afflicted with the same problems. The ignorance that was inflicting the people was a dominant ignorance… Islamic Be’that emerged in face of all these. Thus, Be’that was not only for that population; rather, it applied to whole of the humanity. “It, (the Quran), is nothing but a reminder to you from the Lord of the Universe [Quran; 38:87].” Prophet Muhammad managed to stand up to all those calamities and transform them. Prophet Muhammad managed to create deep gaps in the walls of injustice and chaos of human life, make some of them collapse, and prepare some others for collapse. The prophet went through the most difficult incidents in his way. When meanness, chaos and corruption are equipped with power, armaments, will-power and politics, it becomes a big threat to humanity. October 5, 2002
5. The movement of Be’that initiated with the order to “read”
The appointment of the prophet (Mab’ath) is indeed the day of the rising of the flag of a mission whose characteristics are distinctive and matchless for humans. In fact, Mab'ath rose the flag of wisdom and knowledge. Mab'ath commenced with the order [by God to Prophet Muhammad] to 'read': “(Muhammad), read in the name of your Lord who created (all things) [Quran; 96:1].” Then it continued with “Call (the pagans) to the path of your Lord through wisdom and good advice; [Quran 16:125],”which implies invitation along with wisdom. Islamic invitation represents promoting wisdom across the world and throughout history; just as Be’that is the rising of the flag of justice. Consequently, justice is established among the believers, God's servants and all the people; just as prophethood is the rising of the flag of human ethics. “I was appointed for the perfection of ethics [a hadith from Bihar al-Anwar].” The Almighty God addresses Prophet Muhammad, stating: “(Muhammad), We have not sent you for any reason but to be a mercy to the mankind [Quran; 21:107].” All what the mankind, in all times, in all circumstances, and in any corner of the world need is placed in Be’that: knowledge and wisdom, mercy and sagacity, justice, fraternity and equity: the essential elements upon which healthy human life relies. October 15, 2001

6. Be’that came to shape people's life
If among all the events in the history of mankind, we regard Be’that of the prophets as the most influential and important factor in humans' fate—which is true—Be’that of the last prophet (s.w.a.) is the foremost event in human history.  No other event, including principle revolutions, nations' life and death, emergence of key figures, the fading away of key figures, and emergence of different thoughts is not as important as Be’that for humanity. Undoubtedly, human civilization and science, admirable behaviors among humans, good habits and many other appropriate practices—even if are not apparently related to religions—are in the main root, derived from religions and divine teachings, at the climax of which is the Be’that of the holy prophet of Islam. Meanwhile, all humanity uses the effects of it, even more in the future. Thus, the biggest, most prominent and important event in the history of humanity is this Be’that. Light and darkness are not possibly mistaken by humans. Islam and the message of Be’that saves humans from the dark of ignorance, the darkness of bad habits, adverse behaviors, seditions among humans, superstitions, as well as the darkness of oppression and arrogance—which might dominate over human mind, and deviate people from the straight path—and it will lead and guide humans toward the light, which is the opposite. The Almighty God saved us from those calamities by the grace of Islam, by the grace of attention to the spirituality of Islam and to the political message of Islam. Hence, Be’that does not mean that a limited number of people adhere to a belief or perform personal duties while the social system is ruled by God’s enemies. Rather, Be’that came to form human life. Thanks be to God, this was realized in the social system of Islam; and our dear nation have also witnessed its effects and pleasing results. November 28, 1997

7. Be’that was a pragmatic movement to lead mankind to individual spiritual aspirations as well social progress
The day of Be’that is truly the most important day in the history of humanity. It is the birthday of the most prominent and valuable of all concepts and values. The appointment of Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) to prophethood was a pragmatic move to help humanity reach individual, spiritual and moral aspirations on the one hand, and social life excellence and societal progress on the other. The important point is that, with the appointment of Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) to prophethood, people were presented with just a series of dogmas and a path with no followers and no leader; rather, from the beginning, this appointment was realized with this message in his personality and in the spirits, thoughts and actions of the believers, and the front of ignorance received a blow from this message and opposed it... Since the beginning, the Be’that pursued two clear goals: the first one was the creation of an internal, and spiritual motivation to remind human beings and guide them towards God. This is the first point: that is, faith, attention to the creator of the world or as many verses in the Qur'an call it "Zikr". What is offered in the first place to human beings by God through Be’that is Zikr, attention and a rekindling. This is the first step and as long as it is not taken, none of the objectives of Be’that and prophethood would be realized. "You can only warn him who follows the reminder" [Qur'an 36:11]. One who created this reminder for oneself and follows it, is then ready for warning, improvement, growth, evolution and fight for social causes. This is as for the first step. The second goal pursued by the Prophet from the beginning is the creation of a healthy and suitable environment for humans to live in and for a humane life; that is a world free from cruelty and the devouring of the weak by the powerful; a world free of absolute defeat for the weak; a world not based on the law of the wild. That is what is referred to in the Qur'an, in ahadith, and religious language by "Qist": or justice: this is the biggest yearning of humanity. The highest ideal of human beings from the start of the history of humanity (that is from the time human beings started to reason and ponder, and put some order in their lives) until today is justice. December 20, 1995

8. In a difficult struggle, the Prophet saved mankind from ignorance, superstitions, corruption, cruelty, and devastating prejudices.
What is said in historical accounts that the crenellations of the palace of Kasra [King of Iran] broke down and the signs of idolatry and paganism around the world were damaged, if true, could be signs of the divine power. It would announce with a sign language, the emergence of the power that would destroy the pillars of cruelty and corruption, and purify knowledge from superstitions, and civilization from corruption and cruelty. This is what our great prophet achieved. This holy being, faced such a world at the beginning of his great mission and through a difficult Jihad, saved humanity from ignorance, superstitions, corruption, cruelty, devastating prejudices, oppression and exploitation of some men by others. He totally transformed humanity. He created a new order and context in the world. Obviously, he was not supposed to reform the whole world. No, he was supposed to take this practical demo and correct example from divine revelations and hand it down to humanity for humans to follow this example through their lives and benefit from it at all times. Who submitted to it and who put it aside is another matter. That great man accomplished his mission and completed his work and left this world for the vicinity of God's compassion. September 5, 1993

9. Be’that was the salvation for human beings and the path to the purification of the souls, spirits, and morals and to resolve calamities and difficulties
The great event of Be’that, after many centuries and numerous reflections by thinkers and intellectuals of the world, still deserves precise study, and analysis from different aspects. Be’that of the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) was a great movement in the history of humanity, the salvation for human beings, the path to purifying souls, spirits, and morals and the way to solve problems and difficulties that humanity has always faced. Every religion is against evil and corruption and provides a path towards great goals. Yet, Islam as a divine religion has the particularity of being a permanent solution and remaining forever relevant. Its solutions stay effective throughout different stages of human beings' lives. It is a remedy for all eras; a remedy for ignorance, establishment of cruelty, discrimination, oppression of the weak by the powerful, and every other pain that humanity has suffered from since the beginning of life. Like any other solution, it is effective if applied. If left aside, or misunderstood, or not applied out of fear or lack of audacity, it would be as though it did not exist. If you are given the best prescription, by the most prominent doctors, and cannot read it, or apply it, and thus do not act based on it, that prescription would have zero effect on the patient, and that would not be the doctor's fault. February 2, 1992

10. The remedy to all mankind’s distresses lies within Be’that of the Prophet
Be’that of the last Prophet (p.b.u.h.) is a celebration for humanity. Because at this point, with the teachings of Islam, every major problem that humanity faces can be cured in the best way. As Amir al-Mu'minin [Imam Ali (a.s.)] described the Prophet: "he is like a doctor presenting his expertise to patients, and provides his solutions and answers to them." He had the remedy for the incurable wounds of mankind ready at hand. From the first moments of appointment to Prophethood and revelation to him, Qur'an paid attention to every necessary instrument for the reformation and improvement of human society. In sura ‘Alaq [the first verses revealed upon the Prophet] after beginning in the name of God and ordering the Prophet to read, the Quran reads: "God created man, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood [Qur'an 96:2]". Mankind, whose biggest pains include selfishness, rebelliousness, self-absorption, and egoism, is reminded that he/she is created from a simple clot of blood. The one who brought human beings to existence and made them great is God. Humans are reminded that they must obey God, stay humble before God, not rebel against God and divine values, and not assume command over life in place of God. These are the first words, and after a few verses it is said: "Despite this, man still tends to rebel;" [Qur'an 96:6-7]. If mankind feels needless before God, it leads them to rebellion against Him...
Dark passages in the history of mankind have led to cruelty, exploitation, backwardness, fratricide, difficult lives in this world, neglecting God's blessings, and other problems in human life. Both matters relating to man's life on earth—such as food and other needs—as well as matters relating to the afterlife—such as going astray, cruelty, crime, moral and behavioral impurities and deviations, are addressed in the Islamic Be’that ideology through a realistic viewpoint and are provided with solutions. Thus, if humanity understood, comprehended and acted upon this religion and this set of instructions for prosperity, and obeyed them, we would not have so many miseries and so many problems today. February 13, 1991




  • Islam
  • Prophet Muhammad
