The greatest martyr of the history of Islam and of mankind

This great personality is the greatest martyr not only in the history of Islam but also throughout the history of humanity. There is an epithet that has been used for Hazrat Aba-Abdullah al-Hussein, the Master of Martyrs: “Tharallah” -- which means someone whose blood is the money of God. This is what “Tharallah” means. His blood is valuable and the value of blood, from such dear personalities, is so heavy that only Allah the Exalted can repay them. The same epithet has been used for the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.). You say in your prayers: “[Greetings be upon you] tharallah and you son of him who is tharallah.” The latter refers to the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.): he too enjoys the same greatness. These terms and epithets make it clear what magnificence this great martyr – who was martyred during the mihrab and martyred on the path of the truth, steadfastness, and resistance – enjoys.


  • Imam_Ali
