By preventing hijab in the West, has the rate of violence against women increased or decreased?

In the West, including the United States, where they endlessly talk about equality of rights for men and women, there are horrendous statistics of violence against women, and of using them in different settings. So the issues concerning women are not resolved by the solutions provided by the West, and by rejecting Hijab and religious constraints, these problems worsen. On the other hand, Islam endeavors to create a healthy environment based on reason and thought, where the weak would not be dominated... Contrary to the West's rants about Hijab as something that limits the rights and liberties of women, Hijab has nothing to do with [suppressing] the rights and liberties of women. Hijab is a must for men and women that has to be observed by each in a certain way. Because by removing Hijab, women would face the same fate that has afflicted women in Western environments through abusing them. Islam's approach to Hijab is a very wise approach. Hijab is relevant in the limits of personal lives of men and women, and in this regard, Chador, while not proven essential, is considered to be the best Hijab. Sacred Islamic laws have defined the limits of Hijab that must be respected, without having to fall for the extremes.


  • WhyHijab
