The Pahlavi regime was never condemned for violating human rights or democracy

During the time of taghut - Pahlavi regime - Iran was under the complete control of the Americans. Americans dominated all parts of Iran. They used to establish military bases in order to gain control of Arab countries of the Middle East and monitor their activities from these bases. Iran and Israel were allies and the worst dictators ruled over Iran. They used to torture freedom fighters in prison. Brutal suppression of the people by the taghuti regime's violent agents and the severity of their actions were noticeable throughout the country for example in your own city, Mashhad, and in Tehran and many other cities. They plundered our oil. They lost our national wealth and public funds to foreign rulers. They did not allow the Iranian nation to participate in global competition to make progress in scientific and industrial arenas. They utterly humiliated the Iranian nation. That regime in Iran was the closest ally of the U.S. in the region. Therefore, the Americans fervently supported these rulers. They raised no objections to violating human rights and lack of democracy in taghuti regime of that time.


  • Pahlavi_crimes
