Excerpts from statements made during a meeting with a group of women

A symptom of patriarchy in the West is that they want women for men [to serve their lust]. Thus, they say that women should wear makeup so that man can seek pleasure! This is patriarchy, not freedom of women: it is actually freedom for men. They want men to be free to even fulfil their visual lusts; so they persuade women to uncover, wear makeup and exhibit themselves before men! Of course this type of selfishness was present in many men in societies that did not enjoy divine religions; it was existent in them from old times and they have it today, too: the Westerners were the utmost manifestation of it. Therefore, the issue of women pursuing knowledge, science, studying, awareness and acquiring knowledge and educations should be strictly followed up by ladies themselves and they should value it.

The next issue is the issue of valuing decency and modesty in women. Any move that is taken towards defending women should be based on women’s modesty as a fundamental pillar. As I previously mentioned, since this has not been observed in the West—that is, the decency of women has not been attended to and has been neglected—such unrestrained lewdness has emerged. The negligence of the modesty of women—which is a key element in the character of women—should be prevented. Decency and modesty of women are a means of honoring and glorifying the character of women in the eyes of others, even in the eyes of depraved and lustful men. A woman’s decency and modesty is a source of respect and character for her. Islam values the issue of decency and modesty in women. Of course, decency and modesty of men are also valued. Decency and modesty are not exclusive to women; men must be decent, too.

