Young generations managed to liberate the country from the enemy in Sacred Defense era
The youth throughout our country should know that the young generation managed to liberate the country from the clutches of the enemy during to the Sacred Defense Era through their sacrifices, cleverness and strong determination. The goal of the enemies of the Islamic Republic was to humiliate the Iranian nation by occupying a part of our Islamic homeland. They wanted to impose their power on the Iranian nation. They wanted to humiliate our nation and have full control over the lives and wealth of our people. Who prevented this? It was the selfless young soldiers who stood up against the huge number of the enemies, relying on their strong determination and faith. America was helping our enemy, just as the Soviet Union was. European countries that are now claiming to support human rights were helping this evil enemy to kill, destroy and set everything on fire, and our enemy was going to do so thoughtlessly, but the young children of our people did not let this happen