Imam Khamenei

"Philosophy for children" a deviation or a necessity? Ayatollah Khamenei answers

On the occasion of World Philosophy Day, publishes statements made by Ayatollah Khamenei on philosophy, which are as follows:

The importance of fiqh should not have us ignore the importance of philosophy

One point is related to the issue of philosophy as a lesson and as a field. Pay attention to this point. The importance and the impressiveness of fiqh should not make us ignore the importance of philosophy as a lesson and as a field of study. Philosophy and fiqh are responsible for certain things. Fiqh has a mission to fulfill, and philosophy also has a great mission to fulfill. The flag of Islamic philosophy has been in the hands of Islamic seminaries, and it should remain in their hands. If you put this flag down, others will pick it up - others who may not have the necessary qualifications. Teaching philosophy and the field of philosophy will fall into the hands of certain individuals who may not have the necessary qualifications. Today if our government and our people are deprived of philosophy, they will be defenseless against different doubts that are raised and against the philosophies that have been imported from abroad. Often fiqh cannot provide you with the answers you need. It is rational sciences which can provide such answers: philosophy and logic. These fields are necessary. These fields are very important in Islamic seminaries. Tafsir [exegesis] is another important field - close familiarity with the Holy Quran. We should not deprive ourselves from exegesis. Tafsir is an important field, just as philosophy is. These fields are very valuable.

 Oct 21, 2010

Philosophy for children is a serious and necessary subject

If education is improved and corrected in a country, it will influence the economy, health, the natural environment, mortality rate, fertility, aesthetics and art, the people's behavior towards one another in society and most importantly, it will influence religion, philosophy and ethics. Today, they teach philosophy to children in the world by using children's language. This is something that looks meaningless to the decision-makers of our country. They think that philosophy is particular to adults and those who are fairly old. Today, adopting a modern outlook towards the important matters of life has helped the scientific leaders of the world to teach philosophy to children in elementary schools. Of course, they use children's language.

May 2, 2006
Today in advanced materialistic countries, one of the essential things they do is that they teach philosophy to children. Many people in our society believe that it is not even possible to teach philosophy to a child. Some people think that philosophy is a complex subject that only attracts certain adults. This is not the case. Philosophy teaches thinking and comprehending. It makes the mind accustomed to comprehending and thinking. This should develop from childhood. As far as teaching philosophy to children is concerned, content is important, but what is more important is form. That is to say, it is necessary to accustom people to thinking and reasoning from children. This is very important.

  Oct 11, 2012

