الزّاهد في الدّنيا من لم يغلب الحرام صبره ولم يشغل الحلال شكره
A pious man in the world is the one who is not overwhelmed by illegitimate things (haram) and who is not obsessed with Allah’s blessings so much so that he forgets to thank Him.
(Tohfatul Oqul, p. 200)
According to this tradition, there are two facets to the essence of the piety which was intended by Islam and was recommended to the infallible Imams (AS). First, satanic temptations and inferior carnal desires which provoke man to commit sins, should not overwhelm man, and he should exercise patience in this regard. Second, being preoccupied with Allah's blessings should not lead man to forget being thankful to Him and neglect to remember the One who gave him those blessings. And we must be extremely cautious about this negligence because it has dangerous