Leader's Speech in Meeting with Basiji Students

The following is the full text of the speech delivered on October 31, 2007 by Ayatollah Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a meeting with Basiji students. The meeting was held on the occasion of the Iranian students' movement on the 13th of Aban of 1358.

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

I welcome all you dear youth and I hope that, by Allah's favor, your pure, enlightened and bright hearts - which are places for the manifestation of divine blessings and kindness - guide you in all the difficult stages of your blessed lives in the future.

Today's meeting with you youth and university and school students - my dear children - is on the occasion of the very important day of the 13th of Aban. The 13th of Aban is, in fact, youth's day and the day of young students in schools and universities.

Although the first memory that has been recorded in the historical mind of our people about this day is the 13th of Aban of 1343 - may years before you were born when America's mercenaries, who had unfortunately ruled over our country for many years, arrested our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) in Qom and exiled him from the country because of his opposition to the American law of capitulation - many years later, it was the youth's turn to create important events in their historical opportunity on this day.

Another bitter event was the 13th of Aban of the year 1357 when our students lost their lives and were massacred by the same mercenaries who had dominated our country. This was the second blow that America delivered to our people and our country by its agents. But the third event followed this as well which was the 13th of Aban of the following year - that is to say, the year 1358. This time, Iranian youth slapped America across the face.

It is many years now that the Americans have been bringing up - in their propaganda - the third event as Iranian transgression and they have been creating uproar about it, but they have forgotten about the previous two events and they have deleted them from history. Such treacherous acts have been committed many times in history, but the truth is that the event of capturing America's embassy - which was the center of its espionage - was the hard slap of Iranian youth across the face of that government and that bullying and interfering power which had crushed our country, our people and our resources in its fists for many years.

This is the story of nations and powers throughout history. Our outlook towards history should inform us of the general fate of nations and peoples. It is a lesson and it shows the path. This is the fate of nations. It is the story of people's history. A people who are oppressed by oppressive political relationships in the world either endure this oppression or try to respond. It is either of these two conditions. It is this choice that determines the fate of peoples. You youth should think very deeply about this point. This shows us the path. The issue of oppressive relationships between imperialist powers, and dominated nations and countries is not the issue of today and the past. Rather, it is the issue of history at all times.

With their political weapons and with their financial and military capabilities, some powers give themselves the right to oppress other nations. They give themselves the right to enter other countries, kill people, trample upon them and loot their wealth. This is an oppressive relationship. This is what we have referred to as global arrogance. Global arrogance means the relationship between the oppressor and the oppressed.

What decision will those peoples who are under domination make? How will they act? Their fate is determined by the answer to this question. If they choose the first path and if they say, "I get along with this oppression" then it is clear what the fate of these people - who choose abiding, silence and satisfaction with a humiliating life and with survival for a couple of days - will be. Their fate is to be under domination. If you want to find a clear example for such nations, you should take a look at the Islamic Ummah during the past two centuries.

During the past two centuries, Islamic countries chose the first path. They chose the path of abiding and silence. Who is to blame in such circumstances? It is intellectuals, religious ulama and the youth of these societies who are to blame. As we can witness, this is the fate of these nations. With a rich cultural heritage and with an outstanding political background, they ended up being under the domination of colonialism during the past one, two centuries. This happened to almost all Islamic countries.

They were either under the domination of overt and direct colonialism - such as many Arabic countries and the like - or they were under the domination of indirect colonialism or as they say, "neocolonialism". For instance, this is what happened to our country during the time of taghut. This is the result of choosing the first path: They remain backward in scientific areas and in the area of international achievements.

In the area of living conditions, they move towards poverty on a daily basis, their human resources remain untapped and their natural resources are looted. This is the result: the destruction of countries. Contrary to them, imperialist countries strengthen themselves by feeding on their resources. They become more dominant and they exert more influence.

But the second path changes the fate of peoples: "Surely Allah does not change the condition of a people until they change their own condition" [The Holy Quran, 13: 11]. It is the people who should make this choice. If great individuals and liberated personalities emerge among an oppressed people, if outstanding personalities enter the arena in a courageous way, if all the people are prepared to abandon fleeting pleasures and mean desires in their everyday lives, if they make efforts and prepare themselves for martyrdom, they can free themselves of the humiliation to be under domination. This was the choice that the people of Iran made with the Revolution.

The first role was played by Imam (r.a.) and the people. The positive response of our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) - this unique and unforgettable personality in the history of our country - and the people's response to him on this path turned the tables. We had received a slap and we returned the favor.

The Islamic Revolution was the great slap that the people of Iran delivered to the transgressions, bullying, humiliation and oppressive imperialism of America and arrogant powers throughout many years. One manifestation of this is the 13th of Aban of the year 1358 which is particular to youth. All the people of Iran played their part during the time of the Revolution. Women and men played an outstanding role and people from different social backgrounds entered the arena to create this great event.

It is obvious that imperialist powers do not surrender and retreat easily and soon. This fighting should continue until a people can strengthen their position. Today, you are continuing this fight. This fight is not always in the arena of war, but it is always related to human capacities and willpowers. When a people decide to continue the path of independence and dignity, they will move forward. This is what happened in Iran. Dear youth, you are the inheritors of a glorious reality in this country.

One day, our country was the sensitive and most important target of arrogant imperialism in this region. Treacherous rulers, the sinister Pahlavi household, dependent and corrupt men, silent intellectuals and indifferent ulama joined hands and turned our people into a stagnant quagmire. Imperialists too did whatever they wanted to our people.

An example of this is the capitulation law that I referred to. They passed a law in the Majlis according to which the government of Iran and the judiciary branch of Iran did not have the right to pursue American criminals. On that day, Imam (r.a.) let out a loud cry and clarified the issue for the people. If a low-ranking American military personality - an American sergeant or cook - insulted the greatest scientific, religious and political personalities of our country, the people did not have the right to put him on trial.

This is what is happening in countries which are the victims of America's oppression. Notice that the American mercenary company of "Blackwater" fires a volley of bullets at innocent people in Iraq no one dares to punish them and say, "Why did you do this?" They wanted to create such a situation in Iran. When they dominate a people, they do not show mercy to anything. Peoples should find themselves, they should be vigilant and find their path. And the people of Iran did this.

Of course, we have paid a high price. The eight-year war was one of the prices that the people of Iran paid. But in return, the people took back their independence and dignity. Today, the people and youth of Iran are a source of inspiration for the world of Islam and for people and intellectuals in many other countries. Today, Iran enjoys more respect and dignity than all other countries in universities throughout the world of Islam. This was because of the willpower and determination that the people of Iran showed with which they managed to change their fate.

This path should continue. Hopes are pinned on you youth. Therefore, you should prepare yourselves. The issue is not only about a military war so that we say, "You should prepare yourselves for a military war". This is not the case. Even if one day a military event takes place in our country, these millions of Iranian youth, these boys and girls and these mothers and children have emerged victorious out of this test. They have showed in the past what they can do and they will show it in the future as well.

However, the issue is not confined to this. Iranian youth should take the path of knowledge, determination, creativity, construction, growth and perfection. The more we drift away from Islamic teachings and the more we abandon the path of diligence and endeavor, the more loss we will suffer and the more we will move backward in this historical battle of life and death. If we do this, we will receive a blow.

The people of Iran should stand firm in the arena of knowledge, they should make efforts in the arena of economic activities, they should strengthen the unity and solidarity that exists between them and the government and they should water the seeds of understanding, awareness and intellectual and spiritual capabilities among themselves, particularly among youth.

In our universities, each of these seeds of knowledge, understanding and political awareness and each of these different organizations - Islamic organizations including the Islamic Society, the Justice-Seeking Movement, Student Basij and tens of other youth organizations which are working with different names in universities and high schools - are like a golden and victorious leaf which manifest the efforts of the people of Iran. We should strengthen these seeds. This is the collective gathering of a people. The ill-wishers of our people give a bad definition of Basij. Basij is in fact this.

Basij means that each and every youth knows their country should be independent, free and well-developed. It means that they want to make efforts on this path, play their part and accept responsibilities. This is Basij. The name of Basij is a holy name. The collective Basij of a people means constant preparation and vigilance, particularly on the part of the youth who are acquiring knowledge whether in schools or in universities.

The same is true of the officials of the country. Everyone should be a basiji in this sense. When this is achieved, a people become invulnerable and they begin to grow on a daily basis. This has happened in our country. That is why our country has grown on a daily basis.

You dear youth should know that the conditions of our country have dramatically changed compared to what it was 20 years ago in scientific and economic areas, in the area of the growth of revolutionary and Islamic motivation and in the area of youth's awareness and broadmindedness. We have moved forward. What is in front of our eyes and what is visible and measurable is our scientific achievements an example of which is the nuclear issue. There are many other examples as well. Of course, our enemies are against these achievements.

Today, the main issue of the foreign policy of a country like America has become the nuclear issue of Iran. Why is that? It is because this is the sign of the progress of a people whom they do not want to make progress, achieve power - including scientific and spiritual power - and gain self-confidence. They do not want this because they want to restore their domination. This is why they show opposition to our people's progress.

Today, the main propaganda of America and the politicians of this country in their media networks - they have lost everything and these networks are the only things that they have - is that the Iranians are killing American soldiers in Iraq. They are constantly bringing up this issue. But it is a blatant lie. They have been questioned. Today, the government and the dominant system of America have been questioned by their own people because of their stupid, idiotic and oppressive behavior in Iraq.

Their people say, "You send our youth to Iraq and you kill them". They should answer to their people and their answer is this, "It is not we who kill them. Rather, it is the Iranians who do this". A blatant lie. Their own hands are red with the blood of their youth and their soldiers. What are they doing in Iraq? They have dispatched their soldiers to Iraq from thousands of kilometers away. Why do they do this? What do they fight for?

Today, the main reason behind the insecurity of the Middle East region is the presence and the interferences of the Americans. They are a source of insecurity and instability in Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine. The world understands this. Fortunately, nations have awakened. Notice that nations react wherever in the world the president of America and American politicians show their presence. They burn America's flag, they burn the effigy of Bush. Isolation means this.

Today, America's power, magnificence and awe have been destroyed in the eyes of nations. Nations have awakened and they have found courage. And you people of Iran are the main element behind this awakening. The main element is you youth who staged uprisings, who stood firm, who carried out the Revolution and who stood up for your legitimate claims: "In the case of those who say, ‘Our Lord is Allah', and further stand straight and steadfast, the angels descend on them from time to time: ‘Fear you not, nor grieve'" [The Holy Quran, 41: 30].

You showed resistance. The result is that Allah the Exalted will shower His mercy and blessings on you: "The angels descend on them from time to time: ‘Fear you not, nor grieve'". Fear of the enemy does not exist in the hearts of Iranian youth. Our youth are not afraid of the enemy. There is no inhibition and concern in their hearts about the domination of the enemy. "'Fear you not, nor grieve'". Do not be afraid and do not be worried. This is the message of divine angels to you.

And I will tell you dear youth that you should continue this path. The future of the country is bright. Future prospects are very bright, but it depends on your determination, your activities, your diligence and your engagement in self-education - scientific and religious self-education - and in preserving the purity of your souls and your God-given and enlightened hearts in all arenas of activity, diligence and dynamism. This is the factor which by Allah's favor, will help your country reach the peak of power and dignity.

I hope that the pure souls of martyrs and the holy soul of our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) always support you and that the holy heart of the Imam of the Age (may our souls be sacrificed for his sake) is satisfied with you. I hope that by Allah's favor, all of you will see that bright day and that beautiful future.

Greetings be upon you and Allah's mercy and blessings