Leader Meets with UN Secretary General

Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Revolution met Wednesday evening with the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and his accompanying delegation. At the meeting, Ayatollah Khamenei said: "Considering the Iranian nation's important and outstanding position in cultural and civilizational issues, the Islamic Republic of Iran enjoys very good potential for promoting human culture and civilization originating from Islam."

His Eminence referred to the common concerns of humanity, particularly the issue of nuclear disarmament, and stressed: "The Islamic Republic of Iran insists on its position ‘Middle East free of nuclear weapons' and the United Nations should make serious efforts to dispel the existing concerns about nuclear weapons."

Ayatollah Khamenei pointed out that America and certain other powers have equipped the Zionist regime with nuclear weapons, further stating: "This is a great danger for the region and the United Nations is expected to adopt a measure in this regard."

He added: "Unfortunately, the structure of the United Nations is flawed and the most domineering powers of the world, which possess nuclear weapons and have also used it, have dominated the Security Council."

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to the UN Secretary General's statements regarding the need for Iran to help resolve the Syrian crisis and added: "The issue of Syria is a very tragic issue, which has resulted in the innocent people of Syria being sacrificed."

His Eminence stressed: "On the basis of its beliefs and religious principles, the Islamic Republic of Iran is prepared to make every effort to help resolve the issue of Syria."

Ayatollah Khamenei added: "But resolving the Syrian crisis naturally depends on one condition and this condition is preventing weapons from being sent to irresponsible groups inside Syria."

His Eminence said that current conditions of Syria are the result of weapons flooding into Syria and added: "It is natural for the Syrian government to have weapons because the Syrian government, like any other government, has an army."

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution stressed: "The bitter truth about Syria is that a group of governments have forced the opposition groups into a proxy war with the Syrian government, and this proxy war is the truth behind the current Syrian crisis."

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution reiterated: "The same governments that have started a proxy war in Syria prevented the implementation and success of Kofi Annan's plan."

His Eminence added: "As long as this extremely dangerous plan is being followed up in Syria by certain governments, the conditions of Syria will not change."

Elsewhere in his statements, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to the statements of the UN Secretary General regarding Iran's nuclear issue and added: "The Americans are fully aware that Iran is not after nuclear weapons and that it is only a pretext."

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to Iran's cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency and reiterated: "According to its own regulations, the agency has a responsibility to offer scientific and technical help to the Islamic Republic of Iran, but not only has the International Atomic Energy Agency failed to do so, but it has also constantly engaged in obstructionism."

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that westerners have admitted that they have been trying to design computer viruses, including Stuxnet, to sabotage Iran's nuclear program, further adding: "Why did the International Atomic Energy Agency fail to adopt a position in this regard?"

Ayatollah Khamenei also referred to President Obama's nuclear threat against Iran and said: "The United Nations was expected to respond to this threat immediately."

His Eminence stressed that the Islamic Republic of Iran is opposed to production and use of nuclear weapons, adding that the stance is based on Iran's religious beliefs and that it is not an attempt to please America and western countries.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution advised the UN Secretary General to pursue nuclear disarmament without taking the interests of any power into consideration. "Make the best of the opportunity that has been provided for you."

At the meeting, the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said that Iran enjoys a very important position in the region and stated: "Regarding Syria, as the UN Secretary General, I ask the Islamic Republic of Iran to use its influence and power to prepare the ground for resolving the Syrian crisis."

He added: "We believe that it is necessary to stop sending weapons to the Syrian government and the opposition groups."

The UN Secretary General also expressed his concern over Iran's nuclear issue and asked Iran to increase its cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency and the P5+1.