
The battle between the front of Imam Hussain (pbuh) and the front of people like Yazid, a never-ending battle

The following is the full text of the speech delivered by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution during a mourning ceremony on the occasion of the Arbaeen (40th) of the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (pbuh) on Sunday, August 25, 2024. This mourning ceremony was held in the Imam Khomeini Hussainiyah with the presence of a group of Iranian university students.

Like in all the previous ceremonies for commemorating Arbaeen here, you dear young people have illuminated this Hussainiyah with your presence and your pure feelings. I thank all of you for being here and for this ceremony that, praise God, was conducted in the best way. The programs were excellent. The choir was beautiful, the recitation of the Quran was good, the ziyarat [a form of supplication] was recited very well, the sermon was very good, and Mr. Motiee’s program [recitation and eulogy] was also very good. Praise God, all the programs you performed here were meaningful, profound, and informative.

In Ziyarat Ashura, you address Imam Hussain (pbuh), saying, “O Abu Abdallah! I am at peace with those who are at peace with you and at war with those who are at war with you until the Day of Judgment.” What does “until the Day of Judgment” mean? It means that this battle, the battle between the front of the followers of Imam Hussain (pbuh) and the front of people like Yazid [oppressors], is a never-ending battle. This battle is ongoing. The front of Imam Hussain (pbuh) has introduced itself. In Imam Hussain’s journey to Karbala, he clearly announced in several places what his message was and what his goal was.

He said, “The Messenger of God (pbuh) said, ‘If someone sees a tyrannical ruler who makes lawful what God has forbidden, who breaks God’s covenant … and who oppresses God’s servants with injustice and aggression [and they don’t try to change the situation with a word or a deed, God will put them in the same [evil] place as that tyrant in the Hereafter].’” [So,] the issue is that of oppression. It is that of tyranny. That is the issue.

This is the front of the followers of Hussain. It is active and fights against oppression. The opposite of this is the front of tyranny, the front of injustice, and the front that breaks the divine covenant. You can see this in the world today. These two fronts existed before the time of Imam Hussain (pbuh) too. They also existed after him, and they exist today as well. They will exist forever. In all of these [periods, Imam Hussain’s followers say], “I am at peace with those who are at peace with you,” [meaning] I am at peace with whoever is in your front, “and at war with those who are at war with you,” [meaning] I will fight against anyone who fights against your front.

This war takes place in various shapes and forms. It was carried out in one form in the era of swords and spears, and in another form in the age of atomic [technology], artificial intelligence, and so on. But it exists. In the era of propagation using poetry, odes, hadith, and spoken words, it was carried out in one way. And [now] in the era of quantum [physics], the internet, and the like, it is carried out in another way. But it exists. When a person is a university student, it appears in one form, and when people become a manager or when they have an official responsibility, it takes on another form. It exists in all circumstances. [The concept,] “I am at war with whoever is at war with you,” must not be forgotten.

“I am at war with those who are at war with you,” does not always mean taking up arms. It means thinking correctly, speaking properly, understanding things accurately, and hitting the target with precision. This is what, “I am at war with those who are at war with you,” is about. Understand what your duty is. Recognize the path you need to follow. If we think in this manner, if we understand matters correctly, and if we strive in this way, our lives will gain meaning and purpose. Money is not worthy of being the goal of one’s life. Status, power, and social positions are too trivial to be the goals of a person’s life.

The purpose of life is [God’s] servitude. The goal is to reach God, and the only way to do this is to be “at peace with those who are at peace with you [Imam Hussain (pbuh)], and at war with those who are at war with you.” Realize the value of your youthhood. A vast field lies before you. God willing, you will still be in this world and working 60 or 70 years from now. Use this opportunity. Make plans for this lengthy opportunity. In order for your plans to be successful, you must think. And in order to think correctly, make sure you get to know the Quran. Read the Quran and ponder over it. Learn from those who pondered over it before you and more than you. Learning is not something shameful; it is an honor. We must always continue to learn until the end of our lives.

Think, study, understand matters, and take action where necessary. Sometimes this action may be in a laboratory, in a classroom, or in a university environment. It may be in a part of society, in a political arena, or on the path of Karbala or on the path of Palestine. And sometimes it involves advocating noble Islamic goals. The Islamic Revolution opened this path for us. My dear young people, you did not experience those days and be glad that you didn’t. We experienced those days, and they were terrible days, days of difficulty, darkness, and despair.

The Revolution turned things around. The Revolution opened the way for us and gave us an opportunity. We can take advantage of this opportunity. You can either make use of this opportunity or let it slip away. If we fail to take advantage of it, we will suffer loss. But if we take advantage of this opportunity, we will be successful. “Certainly, the believers are successful” (Quran 23:1).

God willing, may you be successful and assisted [by God] and may God’s greetings, mercy, and blessings be upon you.
