Meeting filled with unity, hope and sense of responsibility

Meeting filled with unity, hope and sense of responsibility

Mojtaba Darabi, researcher and journalist

The Imam Khomeini Hussainiyah was abuzz with a rare blend of solemnity and friendship as President Masoud Pezeshkian and his newly formed cabinet met with Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, on August 27, 2024. The occasion was momentous—not only was it the first such meeting since Pezeshkian took office, but it also coincided with National Government Week and the upcoming anniversary of the martyrdom of Martyrs Rajaee and Bahonar. The weight of history and the urgency of the present moment seemed to converge in that hall, where the nation’s leadership gathered to reflect, strategize, and unite.

As I entered the hall, the atmosphere struck me immediately—a sense of unity and purpose was palpable among the cabinet members. They greeted each other with warmth and respect, their interactions marked by the camaraderie of those who had shared both triumphs and tragedies. The mood was intimate, yet charged with the significance of the task at hand. This was not merely a ceremonial gathering; it was a meeting of minds and hearts, bound by a shared commitment to the nation's future. President Pezeshkian, who has placed national unity at the forefront of his administration, seeks a government in which collaboration will be more than just a slogan but a lived reality.

The meeting began with President Pezeshkian honoring the memory of Martyr Raisi, his predecessor whose life and work had been tragically cut short. He spoke of the principles that would guide his administration—right, justice, attention to the deprived, and a focus on those who are often unseen.

All eyes were on Imam Khamenei as he began his speech. His words carried the weight of decades of leadership, filled with both wisdom and a deep understanding of the nation’s challenges. He began by commending the swift formation of the new cabinet following the tragic loss of Ayatollah Ebrahim Raisi. The Leader of the Islamic Revolution’s acknowledgment of the heavy burden placed upon Pezeshkian and his ministers was coupled with a call to action: to continue the monumental projects that Raisi had initiated, projects that were crucial to the nation’s infrastructure and future prosperity.

One of the most poignant moments of the meeting was when Imam Khamenei mentioned Martyr Raisi’s name along with Amir Kabir, saying that both of whom had achieved great things in a short span of time. The Leader of the Islamic Revolution also placed emphasis on completing Raisi’s unfinished work—be it in infrastructure, social justice, or governance.

Imam Khamenei encouraged to involve “young, faithful, revolutionary, and highly motivated individuals” in the government structure.


He recommended that the new government continue Ayatollah Raisi's practice of engaging directly with the populace, stressing that some of the most critical insights and realities could only be understood through direct observation and interaction, rather than relying solely on reports.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution’s discourse extended beyond past accomplishments to encompass future directives. He spoke fervently about the importance of advancing artificial intelligence, a field that had recently seen significant developments under Martyr Raisi’s government. Imam Khamenei encouraged the Pezeshkian administration to build on these advancements, emphasizing the potential for AI to revolutionize various sectors and enhance the nation's technological infrastructure.

Imam Khamenei’s concerns extended beyond the immediate tasks at hand. He spoke of the need to recognize and harness the nation’s vast resources—natural, geographical, and human. His words were a reminder that effective governance begins with a clear understanding of the nation’s capacities. He highlighted Iran’s abundant natural resources, its strategic location at the crossroads of global trade routes, and its extensive coastlines as invaluable assets that must be leveraged for national development. His focus on these material capacities underscored a broader vision of self-reliance and resilience, one that would enable the nation to navigate the complexities of the global landscape.

Imam Khamenei’s advice on dealing with external powers was particularly resonant. He cautioned against relying on Iran’s enemies or waiting for their approval, a sentiment echoed in recent statements by both the President and the Foreign Minister. “Do not place your hopes in them. Do not trust the enemy,” the Leader of the Islamic Revolution warned, highlighting the importance of self-reliance and strategic prudence. However, he also acknowledged the nuanced realities of international relations, noting that interaction with adversaries is possible in certain situations. The key, he emphasized, was to engage from a position of strength and independence, not dependence.

As the meeting progressed, the continuity between Martyr Raisi’s government and Pezeshkian’s administration became increasingly evident. The faces of several key figures from Raisi’s cabinet, now serving under Pezeshkian, underscored the commitment to carrying forward the previous administration’s initiatives. Among them was Mohammad Eslami, head of the Atomic Energy Organization, whose presence signaled the ongoing importance of peaceful nuclear energy development. The Leader of the Islamic Revolution’s recommendation to focus on infrastructure and advancements in peaceful nuclear technology was a clear directive for the Pezeshkian government to maintain and further achievements in this critical area.

The discussions were rich with insights and directives, but what stood out most was the shared sense of purpose that permeated the room. The empathy and unity among the cabinet members, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution’s wise counsel, and the President’s commitment to justice and equity all pointed to a government deeply aware of its responsibilities and determined to fulfill them. It was clear that this administration was not merely seeking to govern but to transform—to build on the legacies of the past while forging a path toward a more just and prosperous future.

As the meeting drew to a close, the cabinet members rose from their seats with a renewed sense of mission. The Leader of the Islamic Revolution’s words had not just inspired but had also set a clear course for action. There was a collective understanding that the challenges ahead were formidable, but so too was the determination to overcome them. The Pezeshkian administration, guided by the principles of justice, self-reliance, and unity, seemed poised to continue to complete the unfinished tasks, and to lead the nation with the same revolutionary spirit that had defined Iran’s history.


(The above is Mojtaba Darabi's personal account of his participation in Imam Khamenei's meeting  with President Masoud Pezeshkian and his cabinet. This meeting was held in the Imam Khomeini Hussainiyah on August 27, 2024).
