Head 01

Gaza War will definitely end in victory over the enemy

Shortly after the Leader of the Islamic Revolution had met with a joint delegation from Hamas and Islamic Jihad, KHAMENEI.IR spoke with Mr. Ismail Haniyeh and Mr. Ziyad al-Nakhalah. In this interview, which was the last in-depth interview with Martyr Ismail Haniyeh just hours before his martyrdom, the heads of these two Palestinian Islamic Resistance groups emphasized that victory is certain. They also stressed the need for unity among the Islamic Ummah. This interview is as follows:

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Question: Haj Ismail Haniyeh and Haj Ziyad al-Nakhalah, I would like to thank you for this time you have given us. As we approach the 10-month mark since Operation Al-Aqsa Flood,another part of the Resistance Front has begun its attacks on the heart of Tel Aviv and has been able to put the Zionists under a maritime siege for the most part. The operations by Yemen and on the northern front have led to the evacuation of Zionist settlements in that region, resulting in a defeat for the Israeli regime's army. What are the reasons and factors behind the increase in the Resistance’s strength after 10 months of war and a siege on them? If the war continues, what will be the next steps of the Resistance Front in various fields?

Mr. Haniyeh: In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
First, I send my greetings from the heart of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the people of Palestine and their brave Resistance in Gaza, the West Bank, and other places. I also send my greetings to all the Resistance fronts that support the Al-Aqsa Flood and stand by our nation and our Resistance. Without a doubt, the assets that act as a reinforcement for being able to resist and persevere can be summarized in three fundamental principles. The first principle is the foundation of faith and belief. A faith-based, jihadi character empowers the Resistance to be able to be steadfast on the battlefield, generous, self-sacrificing, patient, and have the resilience to endure the difficulties that arise on this path. The second principle is military preparedness. Before Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, Resistance groups had been preparing for many years. They developed their capabilities and increased them, enabling them to acquire the equipment necessary to engage in this battle and create this historic epic. It is true that there is a significant difference in the balance of power between us and the enemy, but the internal capabilities of the Resistance and the Resistance Front’s support have enabled it to continue on this path. The third principle is strategic alliances. The Resistance has maintained its relations with the Resistance Front and the members of the Ummah and maintained its strategic depth both within this Ummah and in the region. Furthermore, it has established relations with other countries - including countries in places like Latin America and elsewhere, such as Russia, China, and South Africa. All of this has led to the formation of political umbrellas for the Resistance in the Security Council and other places. I believe that these three principles - the spiritual, military, and political dimensions or strategic alliances - are a grace bestowed by Almighty God, who is the endless source supporting this courageous Resistance. As you mentioned, there is no doubt that the actions of the Resistance fronts in Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq, and the remarkable progress of our Ansar Allah brothers in Yemen in targeting Tel Aviv with a drone, have brought about a qualitative shift in confronting the Zionist regime from outside the territory of Palestine.

We believe we are at a very critical, decisive moment. We have a very good opportunity to achieve victory, God willing. However, there are challenges ahead of us that are not easy, especially the condition of our people in Gaza, the massacres, killings, war, destruction, displacement, homelessness, and what the enemy is doing in the West Bank. But God willing, we are on the path toward victory by the will of Almighty God.

Question: I would like to ask Mr. Haj Abu Tariq the same question. Today we see that the Resistance is stronger than it was in the first days of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood. If the war continues, what will be the next steps of the Resistance Front considering the increasing power of this front in various fields?

Mr. Nakhalah: In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
First, this steadfastness of the Resistance during the past 10 months and their persistence, God willing, will continue until victory. These are based on the thoughts and principles of Islam and the Quran, which states:

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Prepare against them whatever you can of [military] power and war-horses, awing thereby the enemy of Allah, and your enemy, and others besides them” (8:60).

First, preparing a strong, healthy society in accordance with the Quran and Islamic culture [is necessary]. Second, the proper preparation of the Resistance Forces for combat and jihad [is also necessary]. These two fundamental points are the main factors behind the resilience of Palestinian society and the Palestinian Resistance in the field. The Resistance fighters and the mujahideen [fighters on the path of God] continue to fight, are tested in the field, and their jihadi activities are moving forward day by day. Furthermore, the crimes that the enemy commits every day against Palestinian civilians, women, and children are a strong motive for the Palestinian youth and fighters to punish this enemy. You see the courage and bravery of the fighters on the battlefield as they have been confronting Israeli forces over a period of 10 months and causing damage to their military vehicles and soldiers in a way that the world has never witnessed before. A combatant will approach enemy vehicles and place a landmine or a bomb on the roof of a tank. This scene has been repeated tens of times, and there are many cases that cameras were unable to capture due to the conditions that exist on the battlefield. This historic resistance of the Palestinians is something that extends throughout the region, and the Palestinian people feel they have allies in the region, which is the Resistance Front that stands in support of the Palestinian Resistance. This matter is very important and has nothing to do with the war that is taking place these days. this is a relationship between the Islamic Republic and the Palestinian Resistance, between Hezbollah and the Palestinian Resistance, and also with our brothers in Yemen. All of these nations in the region are Muslim people who share a bond of solidarity and mutual dependence. Therefore, this unity with regard to the Islamic position in the region has had a significant impact both spiritually and in practice on the resistance of the Palestinian people.

God willing, this war will only end with the defeat of the enemy. Signs of the Zionist society falling apart are becoming apparent to the public, while signs of the unity of the Palestinians as well as the unity of the Resistance on both the battlefield and the political front are also emerging. What greater proof is there of this than the fact that today the Islamic movement in Palestine, the mujahideen in Palestine, and the Resistance forces in Palestine are speaking with one voice in negotiations and politics? This is evidence that the Resistance has united the Palestinian people against Israel. And God willing, from one victory to another, and more victories, no matter how long the war takes.

Question: Dear "Haj Abu Tariq"... Since the time of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, you have met with the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khamenei, many times. During these meetings, what topic was repeated and emphasized more than others? How important are these meetings for coordination among the various parts of the Resistance Front?

Mr. Nakhalah: First of all, I must say that meeting with the Leader of the Islamic Revolution isn’t something new for the Palestinian Resistance. Since its establishment, uprising, and coming into existence, the Islamic Republic has always kept its doors open to the Palestinian Resistance and the Palestinian people. The meetings with the Leader continue due to his heartfelt, rational beliefs, as well as the clear, public stances he takes regarding the Resistance and also his stances in opposition to and of a combative nature against the Zionist project in the region. These stances have played a significant role in the Islamic Republic’s support for the Resistance and in the welcoming embrace of the Resistance forces toward the Islamic Republic. Thus, there is no doubt that the views and historical positions taken by the Leader have played a fundamental role in strengthening the position of the Resistance and its capabilities. This has ensured that the Islamic Republic has always maintained a correct position and been a true supporter of the Palestinian Resistance. Therefore, we continually emphasize the significant, historical role of the Leader of the Islamic Republic in supporting the Palestinian Resistance and insist on the unity of the Resistance Forces in Palestine in the face of the Zionist project.

Question: Haj Haniyeh, I would like to ask you the same question. You have met with the Leader of the Revolution during this period several times. What topics were emphasized during these meetings? What is the significance of these meetings with the Leader of the Revolution?

Mr. Haniyeh: In general, what is the significance of these meetings in terms of the coordination among various factions of the Resistance? First, the repeated meetings with the Leader of the Revolution here in Iran serve as a testament to the significance of the issue of Palestine in the minds of the Leader and the Muslims of Iran. Given that the issue of Palestine is a fundamental, central issue for the Ummah, and there are certainly other matters calling Iran’s attention - but the matter of Palestine has the highest priority in the mind of the Leader.

Second, in these meetings there is always a focus on the nature of this conflict and the dimensions of this dispute, both regarding Palestine and the region. Another issue discussed is how to strengthen and maintain the resilience and strength of the Resistance to confront this Zionist project, since the first line of defense for the region and the Ummah is the Resistance in Palestine. The Leader understands that, God forbid, any retreat or defeat of the Palestinian Resistance would have consequences for the region and would allow the Zionist enemy to infiltrate this region. Therefore, supporting the Palestinian Resistance is based on a religious, Islamic, humanitarian, and brotherly duty. It also stems from having observed the nature of the conflict with this Zionist project, since its threat is not limited to Palestine alone and extends throughout the entire region. Consequently, the issue of the Resistance is a topic of ongoing discussion, particularly concerning how to effectively support and expand it, as well as how to ensure the provision of essential financial and military resources.

The third topic that is always discussed is the role of the Resistance Front in supporting this resistance and the ways in which the Islamic Republic can equip the Resistance Front and the Resistance Front with essential capabilities at more than one level. This enables the Islamic Republic to play a pivotal role in providing crucial support to the Resistance in the Palestinian territories. Today, there is no doubt that meeting with the Leader has taken on another meaning. The Islamic Resistance Movement of Palestine, which includes both Hamas and Islamic Jihad, has formed a joint delegation. This signifies the nature of this relationship, brotherhood, and the faith-based jihadi unity that exists between the followers of the Islamic project in the land of Palestine. This serves as a message to the people that we desire the unity of this Ummah. Just as the Resistance stands united today and the Islamic Movement is united, we wish for this Ummah to be united as well.

Furthermore, I believe this message was significant and the Leader watched the attendance of a joint Palestinian-Islamic delegation in this meeting with deep gratitude and pride. Additionally, today’s meeting gains importance in light of the participation in the inauguration ceremony and the oath-taking of the elected President of the Islamic Republic before the Iranian Parliament. Our meeting with the Leader took place after our meeting with the esteemed [Iranian] President, where we heard the steadfast positions of the Islamic Republic, such as with regard to the issue of Palestine in the context of the Resistance. This was a source of reassurance for us that officials can change, and positions can shift yet Iran's policy on this matter and regarding the Resistance remains constant and does not change.

Thank you for this opportunity. We pray Almighty God grants victory to the Palestinian people.
