Imam Khomeini’s demise

The Zionist regime is coming to an end

The following is the full text of the live televised speech delivered by Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, on the 35th anniversary of Imam Khomeini’s demise. This ceremony was held in the Mausoleum of Imam Khomeini on June 3, 2024.

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

All praise is due to God, Lord of the Worlds, and peace and greetings be upon our Master and our Prophet, Abul Qasim al-Mustafa, Muhammad, and his untainted, pure, chosen, guiding and well-guided, immaculate, honored Progeny, particularly the Remnant of God on earth.

This large annual gathering has an important, necessary goal for the Iranian nation, which is to commemorate the memory of the magnanimous Imam [Khomeini], to benefit from his teachings for the progress and administration of the country, and to pursue the Revolution’s lofty goals. We should either learn from the Imam's teachings, which are available to us in his speeches and writings, or benefit from the various aspects of his outstanding, exceptional personality, each of which is a lesson for us.

Today, I would like to share a few words with you from the viewpoint of Imam [Khomeini] regarding two important issues that have taken place since June of last year. One is the issue of Palestine, which is at the forefront of global issues today. It began with a massive attack by the people, the effects of which have captured the world’s attention, turning it into the most important issue in the world. The other issue is the tragic loss of our beloved, valued President, which was also a major event. The martyrdom of our President and his entourage has repercussions both domestically and internationally, and it’s one of the most significant events in the history of the Revolution.

We are going to look at and discuss these two issues from Imam Khomeini’s perspective. Then, God willing, of course, I will also share a few words with you about the [upcoming presidential] elections and the national, public duty that we have in this regard.

We can observe one of Imam Khomeini’s most outstanding lessons and outlooks in the case of Palestine. From the very first day of the Islamic Movement, the magnanimous Imam emphasized the issue of Palestine, spoke about it, made predictions about the future, and gave guidance to the Muslim nations and the Palestinians themselves.

What Imam Khomeini predicted about the future of Palestine some 50 years ago or more is gradually unfolding today. His foresight regarding the matter of Palestine is a very important topic, which I will elaborate on later. Of course, this insight, foresight, and the Imam's careful attention to events were not limited to the issue of Palestine. In many of the country’s ongoing, important affairs, the Imam's opinion, his precise viewpoint, and his foresight were proven correct as was seen in multiple examples that were witnessed by many.

One example of this is from the early days of the Movement, when the Islamic Movement led by the magnanimous Imam was taking its first steps and the tyrannical regime was using all its power and extreme cruelty to suppress any movement in Feyziyyah [School] in Qom, in the streets of Qom, and in Tehran. In such a situation where the fighters were few in number and the opponent was a tyrannical, ruthless regime, he told us young seminary students at that time, "Their time will end, [but] you will stay" (Sahifeh-ye Imam, 2: 130). Back then, analysts and those who studied the various issues of countries, battles, and the like were surprised by this statement. [But] he said this, and that’s what happened too.

Another example comes from the later years of this esteemed man's blessed life, and it is something he wrote in a letter to the former head of the Soviet Union (Sahifeh-ye Imam, 21: 220). It is one of the statements that will remain in history. Back then when the Soviet Union seemed to be at the height of its power and prestige, he said that he could hear the sound of the breaking bones of the communist regime. No one could imagine such a thing at that time. He said this, and this wasn't long before what he had predicted took place.

Imam Khomeini approached the issue of Palestine with this perspective and outlook. The essence and a summary of what the magnanimous Imam wanted for Palestine was for them to not depend on negotiations for compromise. He didn’t want them to depend on or be optimistic about negotiations for compromise being able to solve the problems of the Palestinians and bring a just solution for the Palestinian issue. This is a summary of what Imam was saying.

He [Imam Khomeini] believed that the Palestinian people themselves must take action to reclaim their rights and force the enemy — that is, the Zionist regime — to retreat. [He also believed that] they should weaken it [the enemy] and that all the nations of the world, especially the Muslim governments, must support the Palestinians. He always reiterated this idea that if other nations become involved and the Palestinians themselves take action, if this happens, the Zionist regime will be forced to retreat. This is something that has taken place today, and I will now elaborate on this.

During Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, the Palestinians entered the field, took action, and cornered the enemy in a position where there is no escape or way to save themselves. The United States supports the Zionist regime, and so do many Western governments. However, everyone acknowledges and agrees that the situation that has arisen for the Zionist government is such that there is no way for that regime to save itself. I will speak briefly here regarding the immense movement of the Palestinians.

There are two fundamental points to consider in the Al-Aqsa Flood event, two fundamental, important points. One is that Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, which took place on October 7th last year, was precisely what the region needed. Our region needed this operation. It was the answer to a great need in the region, and I will elaborate on this. Secondly, this operation dealt a decisive blow to the Zionist regime, a blow from which there is no recovery. And as a result of this blow, the Zionist regime is suffering from problems that it will never recover from.

As for the first point when I mentioned that Operation Al-Aqsa Flood took place precisely at a time when the region needed it, the explanation for this is that a comprehensive, broad plan had been devised by the US, Zionist elements, their followers, and certain governments in the region. This comprehensive plan aimed to reshape regional relations and dynamics.

[The goal was to] establish relations between the Zionist regime and regional governments based on the wishes of that regime. This in turn meant that the Zionist regime would not only attain domination over the politics and economy of the entire region of West Asia, but also over the entire Islamic world. They had devised a comprehensive plan that would have this outcome. They were carrying out this plan based on extensive preparations. The US was behind this plan, England was behind this plan, and the global Zionist community was behind this plan.

Some of the governments in the region were earnestly cooperating with this plan. This plan was in its final stages. In other words, the implementation of this plan and this long-term strategy was imminent. It was at such a critical moment that the Al-Aqsa Flood attack began, disrupting all the enemy’s plans. The attack on October 7th foiled the carefully designed plan of the enemy. Considering the events that have unfolded over the past eight months, there is not much hope for them that they will be able to revive this plan. A significant accomplishment has been achieved.

When you see the Zionist regime attacking the defenseless people of Gaza with such aggression and cruelty, this is their agitated response to the failure of their plan. The reason the US government is aiding these crimes in front of the eyes of the world is because this is their agitated response to the failure of a plan that they had worked so hard to devise. This is the miracle of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood.

Operation Al-Aqsa Flood took place at the best possible time and best possible moment. Although, I cannot claim for certain that the designers of Al-Aqsa Flood were aware of the magnitude of their undertaking. I don’t know. But, the truth of the matter is that what they did couldn’t have been done in any other way. Operation Al-Aqsa Flood thwarted and nullified a large international conspiracy targeting the West Asian region. This is the first point.

As for the second point, when I said that Operation Al-Aqsa Flood dealt a decisive blow to the Zionist regime, it was a blow that cannot be compensated for. It has put the Zionist regime on a path that will end in nothing but their destruction and annihilation. We have spoken about this many times. We have talked about this on numerous occasions since the beginning of the Al-Aqsa Flood Operation. Today, I would like to speak about this matter from the words of other people. Let's put aside our own opinions for now. I will present the views of individuals who do not share the same orientations and approaches that we take.

All Western analysts — including Europeans, Americans, and even those affiliated with the Zionist regime itself — believe that in this operation the Zionist regime with all its pretense and pomp has suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of a small resistance group.

They say that eight months after Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, the Zionist regime hasn’t achieved the least of its objectives despite all its efforts. This is what Western analysts are saying. Furthermore, a Western analyst has said, “The Al-Aqsa Flood is an event that could be a game-changer for the 21st century.” This is the opinion of a well-known Western analyst. I don't want to mention their names. Another analysis from another Western analyst states that the Al-Aqsa Flood will change the world.

[When] a Zionist security analyst, who is from inside the Zionist regime itself, wants to say that confusion and perplexity exist among the heads and top-ranking officials of the Zionist regime and they don’t know what to do, he says, “If the content of the discussions and conflicts going on between Israeli officials are published by the media, four million people will leave Israel.” [This means] reverse migration. In other words, the level of perplexity, confusion, and panic among Israeli officials has reached this degree. Pay attention to this! This is very important. An Israeli historian has said, “The Zionist project is breathing its last breaths.” A Zionist analyst and historian is saying this. “The Zionist project is breathing its last breaths. This is the beginning of the end of the Zionist regime. The army has been defeated while trying to guard the Jewish communities in southern and northern Israel.”

An army that claimed to be one of the strongest armies in the world has been defeated inside its own land. Who has defeated it? Was it a powerful government? No, it was defeated by Resistance groups like Hamas and Hezbollah. It was defeated by these [groups]. This is what Al-Aqsa Flood did.

Putting everything else aside, what we are witnessing in front of our eyes is that the issue of Palestine has become the highest priority issue in the world. This is very important. For many years, the official propaganda of the media sources affiliated with the US and wealthy Zionist centers have attempted to gradually eliminate the name of Palestine and the issue of Palestine, causing it to gradually be forgotten. [They wanted] people to forget that something by the name of "Palestine" had ever existed! They have been trying to do this for many years, and they have spent money to do this. Despite their efforts, the issue of Palestine today has the highest priority in the world.

On the streets of London, in the squares of Paris, and in American universities, people chant mottos in favor of the Palestinian people and against the Zionist regime. The US too has been forced into a passive position in the face of the global consensus of nations on this. Sooner or later, it will be forced to stop backing the Zionist regime.

Of course, the tragedies in Gaza, the heartbreaking events in Gaza, [including] the attacks on defenseless people, the killing of nearly 40,000 people, the killing of around 15,000 or more children — including babies and infants — these tragedies exist. This is the price the Palestinian nation is paying to save itself. But [nonetheless] it remains steadfast and resistant, and it’s defending those who are making this epic happen and the Resistance fighters. Despite all the problems and hardships, the Palestinian nation has not rejected or turned away from the Resistance. They defend the Resistance due to the blessing of their faith in Islam and belief in the verses of the Quran. This is very important.

The truth of the matter is that the Zionist regime miscalculated and misinterpreted the capabilities of the formidable Resistance Front. Today, a great front exists in our region called the "Resistance Front." This front has many capabilities. The Zionist regime didn’t understand this reality correctly.

With its own hands, the Zionist regime has thrown itself into a dead end where it will suffer continuous defeats one after another. And with God’s power and strength, it will never find a way to save itself from this dead end. The Zionist regime is gradually melting before the eyes of the people of the world. It is coming to an end.

The people of the world are witnessing this. Of course, they say things in their propaganda, but this is the reality of the matter. They themselves know this, many politicians in the world know this, many nations understand this, and the Palestinian people have understood this. This was about the first issue that I said I wanted to discuss today, the issue of Palestine and the Al-Aqsa Flood.

As for the second important event, that was the heartbreaking martyrdom of our valuable, beloved, hardworking President and his entourage, each of whom were valuable in their own right. I knew some of them personally, [such as] the late Mr. Ale-Hashem who was active, with the people, and a worthy individual. He was the Friday Prayer Leader of Tabriz and the Leader's Representative in the important province of East Azerbaijan. He maintained heartfelt, personal, and professional connections with the people, the youth, students, artists, athletes, and the vast majority of the population. He was truly a valuable individual.

The late Mr. Amir-Abdollahian was our active, hardworking, innovative Foreign Minister. He was a skilled negotiator. I had the opportunity to observe him during negotiations on certain occasions. [He was] a strong, intelligent negotiator who adhered to the principles and values [of the Islamic Republic]. These were individuals whom I knew personally. And the others, including the governor of Azerbaijan, the president's security guard, and the three dear members of the flight crew, they were all — according to those who knew them — competent, distinguished, devoutly religious individuals. Losing them was truly a loss for the country.

What should we do in the face of a tragedy? This is important. Before delving into this profound loss, I would like to illuminate our discussion with this honorable verse from the Quran, “And do not say about those who are killed in the way of Allah, ‘They are dead.’ Rather, they are alive, but you perceive [it] not” (2:154). The context of this verse, both before and after it, does not mention military action, war, fighting, or anything of that sort. It simply states fi sabilillah [in the way of Allah]. It cannot be claimed that the meaning of yuqtallu fi sabilillah [killed in the way of Allah] means being killed in battle as there is no indication of this in the verse.

In Surah Al-Imran, the verse, "Do not suppose those who were slain in the way of Allah to be dead; rather they are alive and provided for near their Lord" (3:169), comes in a discussion on jihad, but not this verse. It is unqualified [and speaks of] anyone who is killed in the way of Allah. The way of serving the people is a way of Allah. Jihadi work for the betterment of society is a way of Allah. Administering an Islamic country is a way of Allah. Striving for the progress of the system of the Islamic Republic is a way of Allah. Our dear President Raisi and his entourage were killed while in the way of working for the progress of the country, in the way of serving the people, and in the way of improving the Islamic Republic. [Therefore,] they are included in this verse.

Do not consider them to be dead. “Rather, they are alive.” They are alive. This is the same meaning that is applied to the martyrs. Therefore, as the people have said, we call these individuals the “Martyrs of Service.” The terms “Martyred President” and “Martyr of Service” emerged from the hearts of the people. This is truly valuable. This tragedy was truly a profound tragedy for the country.

I would like to say a few words about our late President, a few words about our people and nation, and also about how they responded to this event. These events are lessons that we must learn from. These events are lessons for us.

Regarding our beloved President, may God’s mercy be upon him, everyone acknowledged that he was a man who worked hard, a man of action, a man of service, and a man of sincerity and purity. Everyone acknowledged this. He worked tirelessly day and night. He set a new standard in serving the country.

We have had people who served the country before, but never to this extent, with this volume, with this quality, at this level of honesty, this busy, and working tirelessly in this way. Mr. Raisi (ra) set a new standard in serving the nation. In the area of foreign affairs, he made the best use of opportunities. All his efforts and travels abroad have had valuable, blessed effects for the country, both for the current state of the country and for the future of the country. He has made Iran greater and more outstanding in the eyes of the world's politicians. He correctly defined and introduced the Islamic Revolution and the Iranian people in his statements and in his remarks when he was abroad.

Therefore, the statesmen who talk about him today speak of him as a prominent figure. This is something new and valuable for those of us with years of experience in foreign affairs. His management style was unique when he was among his colleagues. It was accompanied by sincerity. He was sincere and warm with his colleagues, the Ministers, and managers in the government. He treated people with respect and dignity. He allowed the people, especially the youth, to give their opinions on matters. He respected people, and he trusted and honored the youth.

He treated those who had wronged him with dignity. His response to people who had even insulted him was never harsh, ugly, or bad-tempered. In contrast, he was clear in drawing the line with the enemies of the Revolution. He would not speak ambiguously about those who were opposed to or showed animosity toward the Revolution. He spoke clearly, and he would clearly draw the line. He never trusted the enemy's smile. These are values and lessons for us. Each of these things serve as an example for our politicians, our future presidents, and those who are trusted by the nation working in a particular sector.

After the passing of this dear man, I noticed that nearly all newspapers, media outlets, the social media, and various individuals from different factions were talking about, commending, and praising his services and tireless efforts. I felt sorry for him. I felt sorry for Mr. Raisi. Some of these individuals were not willing to say even one of these things when he was alive. They witnessed his merits while he was alive, but they would hide this or even do the opposite and upset him. Of course, he rarely ever responded, but sometimes he would share some of his grievances with me. May Almighty God elevate the status of this dear, honorable man. May He also elevate the status of those who were with him and grant patience to their families. This was what I wanted to say about these dear people.

Now, I would like to say a few words about the people. I believe this chapter regarding the people is an important chapter. It was a devastating event. How do we respond when confronted with major tragedies? What is our reaction in times of personal or national crises? One possible reaction is for individuals to succumb to feelings of depression and isolation when confronted with a tragedy. That is, they become defeated by the tragedy and lose hope. That is one way to respond to tragedies.

Another way to react when facing adversities is to stand firmly in confronting them. This concept is referred to as sabr [patience] in the Quran. Sabr entails standing firmly in the face of challenges and being patient. It means not only enduring with patience, but also creating opportunities for oneself amidst adversities, initiating an epic movement, and obtaining sweet outcomes from bitter events. This is the approach that the Iranian nation chose. The people of Iran initiated an epic movement in response to a bitter situation. The massive gatherings and incredible epic farewells to those dear individuals were one of the remarkable achievements of the Iranian nation.

Our nation has achieved many remarkable accomplishments during the years of the Revolution and after the Revolution. One of the great achievements was their mourning for their beloved figures like Martyr Soleimani, Martyr Raisi, and others. Their mourning was of epic proportions. There were gatherings of millions in Tehran, Mashhad, Tabriz, Qom, Rey for two days in a row, Zanjan, Maragheh, Najafabad, and Birjand. The huge gatherings that people formed and these epics are a proof that these people will not be defeated by such tragedies. Rather, their perseverance and motivation only grow stronger.

These fervent gatherings conveyed several messages. One of them was that the Iranian people are motivated, tireless, resilient, alive, and they are present in the face of various events and demonstrate their determination. Another message was that a strong connection, affection, and an emotional bond exists between the people and the high-ranking officials of the country. This is exactly the opposite of what the enemy wishes to portray. The enemies continuously said this outside the country, and unfortunately some repeated this inside the country that “The Islamic Republic has lost its national asset.” No, the [true] national asset of the Islamic Republic may be seen when a president is taken from the people and millions of people come out into the streets [for his funeral procession]. Nowhere in the world is there anything like this.

Such a thing has never been witnessed anywhere else in the world. While there have been presidents who were liked in other countries and their deaths were mourned by their people, I remember some cases myself, it was incomparable to what occurred here. The people took to the streets here in this magnitude, which was unparalleled. There is nothing like this anywhere else in the world. This is the connection between the people and the officials. This is the connection between the people and the leaders. Now, the passing of the magnanimous Imam was a different case altogether. What happened in the passing of the Imam is another story and a different matter. However, these officials who were among the people, like Soleimani and Raisi, were embraced by the people in such a manner.

Another message that was conveyed through these gatherings was that the people support the mottos of the Revolution. They [the enemies] cannot hide this. Because the late Mr. Raisi, may God be pleased with him, used to explicitly state the mottos of the Revolution, and he was the embodiment of the Revolution’s mottos. When the people honor and praise him, they are actually showing their own attachment to the mottos of the Revolution, because he was the embodiment of them.

Another point is that the people appreciate the efforts of those who serve them. The officials should pay attention to this. Our officials should not think that their efforts and services remain unnoticed by the people. Rather, the people understand, recognize, and appreciate them. This motivates people to serve more.

These important messages arising from the people’s gatherings will have an impact on the region’s political dynamics. They affect the distribution of power in the region. The important political analysts and political figures in the world should look and see that this is the nation of Iran with this motivation, this passion, this presence, this readiness, and this being on the scene. This reflects the realities of Iran and Iranians to the world.

Another issue which is also important is that despite losing the President, the country was able to completely maintain its peace and security.

Well, dear brothers and sisters! As I conclude my speech, I would like to say one thing about the [upcoming presidential] elections. The upcoming elections are an important task and a highly-rewarding phenomenon. God willing, if the upcoming elections are conducted well and with splendor and magnificence, it will be a significant achievement for the Iranian nation.

In the wake of this bitter tragedy, if the people gather and elect the next official with a high vote count, it will resonate powerfully throughout the world. Therefore, these elections are very important. This electoral epic will serve to complete the epic farewell you gave to the martyrs. It will complete what you did before when you bid farewell to the martyrs.

In order to safeguard its interests in complex international equations, solidify its strategic depth, use its natural and human potential and talents, bring joy to its people, and bridge economic and cultural gaps, the Iranian nation requires an active, hardworking, knowledgeable president who believes in the principles of the Revolution.

Now listen to my final recommendation. In this great movement that is taking place and in the upcoming electoral competition between candidates, ethical behavior must prevail. Slander, false accusations, and insults do not help to achieve progress. Rather, they harm our national reputation. The elections should be an epic scene of honor and a competition to serve the people, not a battlefield to gain power. The brothers who enter the scene of electoral rivalries and competition should look at this position as a duty. They must fulfil their duties, and Almighty God will, God willing, guide the hearts of the people to select the most suitable candidate. And, God willing, a worthy president will be elected by the Iranian nation. 

May God’s greetings, mercy, and blessings be upon you.
