Laila Al-Gandour

U.S. paves the road for the Zionist regime to murder children in Palestine

The same person who hates wars so much, who cries when he thinks of wars and who sheds tears in front of cameras is one of those people who do not even frown when hundreds of children are chopped into pieces in Gaza and when the Zionists behave in a merciless manner towards women, infants, children, the elderly and the youth with complete savagery and cruelty.

US provided Saudis with weapons to murder children

When you realize that it’s almost a year and a half, now, that Yemen has been under bombardment, is this a minor event? They are constantly bombarding a country. And they are not bombarding its military centers, rather they are bombarding its markets, hospitals, public squares and schools, and the people’s houses and gatherings. This is not a minor event, rather it is an extremely grave crime. They do not understand what the month of Ramadan, and a month of hara’am, are; and, they do not differentiate between children and adults. They have murdered so many children! Well, this is a grave crime as well, which has unfortunately been committed by the Saudi government. However, they have done so with the support of the U.S., with its approval and with its armaments – the weapons and ammunition are from the U.S.

August 1, 2016


Those who murder children know nothing about human conscience 

The Islamic Republic of Iran’s Army and the other armed forces of the Islamic Republic honor Islamic [moral] commitments.  The armed forces of many countries--as far we know, almost all countries in the world--do not have these commitments. Today, you can see an example of this in Yemen. Before that, you’ve witnessed examples of such behavior in Palestine, Lebanon, and other areas. They do not have these commitments, but our Armed Forces abide by Islamic rules and observe them. If we have said that we do not use nuclear weapons, it is because of such commitments to Islam and to Islamic rules and regulations. This is one of the most prominent characteristics of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic.

Today, our enemies accuse the Islamic Republic of interfering in the affairs of certain countries. This is not true, we do not do this: we do not interfere in the affairs of any country. Of course, we put up a brilliant defense where we are attacked, but we do not interfere in the affairs of any country. We strongly oppose those who attack defenseless people and civilians, kill children, murder women and destroy houses. We announce our abhorrence and detestation of such elements because they do not know anything about Islam, nor do they know anything about human conscience. One characteristic of our Armed Forces is that they are committed to Islamic principles or divine laws. Divine laws should be observed at all times, either in times of war or peace. 

Apr 19, 2015

Defenseless children killed while bogus human rights advocates remain silent

Currently, you see that in the East Asian country of Myanmar, thousands of Muslims are being killed because of prejudice and ignorance - assuming that the claims are true and that these killings are due to prejudice and ignorance, and not because of political matters - but those who falsely claim to support human rights keep silent. The same people who sympathize with animals, the same people who magnify every problem that exists in countries which are not dependent on them, have been silent while innocent and defenceless men, women and children are being killed. They also make attempts at justification. This is how they support human rights, the kind of human rights which are independent from morality, spirituality and God. They say the people who are being killed are not the people of Myanmar. Let us assume that they are not the people of Myanmar - which is a lie and according to the reports I have received, they have been living in Myanmar for three, four hundred years. So what? Should they be killed because they are not the people of Myanmar? For many years, westerners - particularly, England - did the same things to the people of that country and the neighbor countries. They imposed as much suffering on the people as they could. Wherever they went, they did nothing but create corruption and cause destruction. "His aim everywhere is to spread mischief through the earth and destroy crops and cattle." [The Holy Quran, 2: 205] Yes, they introduced new products to the people in order to find new markets for their products, in order to boost their trade. Their civilization is isolated from spirituality and the Holy Quran.

Jul 21, 2012


US supports murderers of innocent children in Yemen, Gaza, and elsewhere

They shed tears as well! During the nuclear negotiations, it was witnessed that an American official said, “I have hated wars since my youth” and then he cried. Well, some people might say simple-mindedly, “Wow, they have really become good people. It is good news that ‘the cat has become a believer in God’” [an Iranian expression- audience laughs]. But the same person who hates wars so much, who cries when he thinks of wars and who sheds tears in front of cameras is one of those people who do not even frown when hundreds of children are chopped into pieces in Gaza and when the Zionists behave in a merciless manner towards women, infants, children, the elderly and the youth with complete savagery and cruelty.

If you really hate wars so much, then say something to these malevolent butchers and executioners and frown at them. However, not only do they not frown at them, but they also encourage them. During the time when they were launching those attacks on Gaza and today that they are massacring the people in different ways in the West Bank and in Gaza, the Americans – their senior leaders – announced many times that Israel has the right to defend itself. This means that the people of Palestine do not have the right to defend themselves. If they destroy their farms, kill their youth, set their houses on fire and burn a few-month-old baby and its parents, they should not have the right to make any response.

Today too, they are encouraging, helping and supporting the Zionist regime. It is several months now that the people of Yemen have been witnessing the destruction of their hospitals, houses and infrastructures under bombardment. Humans are being massacred by transgressing airplanes, but the Americans do not speak a word and do not frown. Instead, they support. This is America. So, can crying in front of cameras be considered a sincere act? Does anyone believe this?

November 3, 2015