Oct 3, 2016

What is Ashura's lesson for all Muslims?

Imam Hussain


  • 2016-10-04 01:23
    Menginspirasikan kita utk berani melawan penindasan dan membela orang tertindas.
  • 2016-10-04 09:09
    Ashura is the revolution that revived Islam. Ashura teaches Muslims to take a stance against Opressorrs no matter what the cost may be. It not for Ashura, Islam would be the Islam of the Ummayads.
  • 2016-10-04 17:54
    Ashura is a movement. It is an example that should be followed by all human beings whose conscience have awakened. Imam Hussein (a.s) set out on this path against tyranny, injustice, oppression, and material lusts; and countered evil by completely submitting to his Creator, the One and Only Allah (s.w). It's the standard to measure one's LOVE for and FAITH in Allah (s.w.t).
  • 2016-10-04 17:54
    Ashura is a movement. It is an example that should be followed by all human beings whose conscience have awakened. Imam Hussein (a.s) set out on this path against tyranny, injustice, oppression, and material lusts; and countered evil by completely submitting to his Creator, the One and Only Allah (s.w). It's the standard to measure one's LOVE for and FAITH in Allah (s.w.t).
  • 2016-10-08 04:36
    To follow the path of Islam you HV to be so precise like you R walking thru a thin string........
  • 2016-10-10 15:52
    yes amazing, well put!
  • 2018-04-20 16:20
    for me Imam Hossein and Lady Zainab the rule model of my life, for sure here I would be alone but in this loneliness I'm better than being with dark crowd. He did a huge sacrifice to God which history doesn't have such an example.
  • 2019-09-02 01:04
    Ashura is the İmam Hussein's(a) love for his followers. With the help of Ashura we can get closer to Imam (a). As our Prophet (s) said: Imam Hussein is the light for the right way...
  • 2019-09-12 13:15
    The ART work is very good
