Ashura is the revolution that revived Islam. Ashura teaches Muslims to take a stance against Opressorrs no matter what the cost may be. It not for Ashura, Islam would be the Islam of the Ummayads.
Ashura is a movement. It is an example that should be followed by all human beings whose conscience have awakened. Imam Hussein (a.s) set out on this path against tyranny, injustice, oppression, and material lusts; and countered evil by completely submitting to his Creator, the One and Only Allah (s.w). It's the standard to measure one's LOVE for and FAITH in Allah (s.w.t).
Ashura is a movement. It is an example that should be followed by all human beings whose conscience have awakened. Imam Hussein (a.s) set out on this path against tyranny, injustice, oppression, and material lusts; and countered evil by completely submitting to his Creator, the One and Only Allah (s.w). It's the standard to measure one's LOVE for and FAITH in Allah (s.w.t).
for me Imam Hossein and Lady Zainab the rule model of my life, for sure here I would be alone but in this loneliness I'm better than being with dark crowd. He did a huge sacrifice to God which history doesn't have such an example.
Ashura is the İmam Hussein's(a) love for his followers. With the help of Ashura we can get closer to Imam (a). As our Prophet (s) said: Imam Hussein is the light for the right way...