Great actions face big objections
Jun 7, 2013Be'that was a great and difficult task. The greatness of all tasks depends on the problems and hardships that occur in the middle of the way. Naturally, small tasks and insignificant measures involve minor problems and great tasks involve great problems and challenges. During the auspicious life of the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) - whether when he was in Mecca or when he was in Medina - there were constant and various interferences against this divine invitation. This is not particular to our Holy Prophet (s.w.a.). All prophets and all missions were faced with such confrontations. Of course, for our Holy Prophet (s.w.a.), these confrontations were heavier, more serious and more comprehensive: "And thus did We make for every prophet an enemy, the shaitans from among men and jinn, some of them suggesting to others varnished falsehood to deceive (them)" [the Holy Quran, 6: 112]. "The shaitans from among men and jinn" help one another against the divine invitation and against the path of human happiness: "To such (deceit) let the hearts of those incline, who have no faith in the hereafter: let them delight in it, and let them earn from it what they may" [The Holy Quran, 6: 113]. That is to say, ignorant and simple-minded people, who have no wisdom and no insight, accept these hostile calls and these oppositions against the divine invitation and against prophets. This began since the era of the emergence of be'that and the divine message and it continued, in different forms, until the end of the auspicious life of the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.). After the demise of the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) too, this opposition continued to prevail until the present era. Wherever there is invitation to the Truth, there is the opposition of shaitans as well. Wherever there is the path of prophets, there is opposition to this path as well.
How does Islam want to save the world?
Jun 18, 2012There are different aspects to be'that. The beams of light that have emanated from be'that are more than a few. But today humanity needs two things that have their roots in be'that. One is promotion of thinking and the other is moral purification. If these two things are ensured, the old wishes of humanity will be fulfilled, justice will be ensured, happiness will be ensured, material welfare will be ensured. The main problem lies in these two areas. The Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) says, "I was appointed as Prophet to perfect moral virtues." Also, the Holy Quran says, "He it is Who raised among the inhabitants of Mecca a Messenger from among themselves, who recites to them His communications and purifies them." [The Holy Quran, 62, 2] After mentioning purification in the ayah, the Holy Quran continues, "... and teaches them the Book and the Wisdom." This is a lofty goal: purifying human beings, cleansing hearts, improving commitment of humanity to ethics and saving human beings from moral problems, ethical weaknesses and human passions. This is a goal. The issue of thinking is also an essential issue and it is not particular to the Prophet of Islam (s.w.a.). All prophets were sent to revive the power of thinking among human beings. The Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) says in a sermon in Nahjul Balaghah, "Then Allah sent His Messengers and series of His prophets towards them to get them to fulfill the pledges of His creation, to recall to them His bounties, to exhort them by preaching, to unveil before them the hidden treasure of wisdom." Prophets were sent to uncover the treasure of wisdom which is hidden in human beings. Human beings have a great capacity for thinking. When we do not think, when we do not study, when we do not reflect on the divine signs, when we do not reflect on our history, on the different events that have happened to humanity, on the past afflictions and on the causes of great victories that nations have achieved, we deprive ourselves of the spiritual treasure that Allah the Exalted has bestowed on us. "Then Allah sent His Messengers and series of His prophets towards them to get them to fulfill the pledges of His creation, to recall to them His bounties, to exhort them by preaching, to unveil before them the hidden treasure of wisdom." Today humanity needs these two things.
The birth of the Prophet (pbuh) is the greatest Eid for all of humanity throughout human history
Feb 10, 2012We Muslims only need to become familiar with the personality of the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.). Of course, we believe that the entire humanity should benefit from the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) and they do, but we members of the Islamic Ummah should be the first to do so. Allah the Exalted prepared him for the greatest mission in the history of mankind. Imam Sadiq (a.s.) said, “The Almighty God educated His Messenger well and when he had educated him to perfection, he said: surely you have a great character. Then He entrusted him with the affairs of Islam and the Ummah so that he could educate His servants and manage their affairs.” Allah the exalted educated him and helped him improve. He provided him with all the means that he required for this great and historic achievement and then He put this heavy responsibility and this heavy and historic mission on his shoulders. Therefore, maybe we can say that today – which is the 17th of Rabi al-Awwal and the birthday anniversary of the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) – is the greatest Eid in the history of mankind, a day on which Allah the Exalted bestowed this great gift on humanity and on the history of mankind. And the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) rose up relying on the tools he had been equipped with.
What was Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) like prior to his appointment to prophethood?
Feb 10, 2012We know how the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) lived during his childhood and youth and before his be’that. He was so trustworthy that all members of Quraysh and all the Arabs who knew him would refer to him as “Muhammad the Trustworthy”. He used to treat people so fairly that when the Arab tribes were fighting over who was more qualified to return Hajar al-Aswad to its original place in Kaaba, they decided that he should be the arbiter. This was while he was a young man. This shows that he used to treat people fairly and everybody knew this. Everybody considered him honest and trustworthy. This was how he lived during his youth. And when God appointed him as prophet, he engaged in selfless struggle and resistance like that. Everybody was against him at that time. All that pressure during the first 13 years of his prophethood in Mecca: what difficult years! The Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) stood firm and with his resistance, he trained Muslims to stand firm and not yield to any kind of pressure. These things are lessons for us. Later on, he established a civil society and he did not rule more than ten years, but he founded a society that remained the peak of human achievements in science, civilization, spiritual progress, ethical progress and wealth.
If humanity knew Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) better...
Feb 21, 2011The Holy Quran says, "And We have not sent you but as a mercy to the Worlds." [The Holy Quran, 21: 107] The entire world has benefited from his holy existence, and it will do so in the future as well. The advances made by humanity, the scientific advances, the different areas of knowledge and the great discoveries that have been made in the world are all because of the emergence of the light of Islam in that amazing historical era. And this blessing was made available to people. If humanity had more knowledge, if humanity enjoyed a deeper understanding, if humanity knew the Prophet (s.w.a.), if humanity was familiar with Islam, if humanity knew the message of Islam, today the scene of history would be a different scene. The ignorance of human beings and their short-sightedness have made them fall behind. Definitely the more time passes and the more human beings increase their capacity for understanding, the more this brilliant sun will reveal itself. Then human beings will benefit more from this light of life. And today we can see the signs.
Islam will fulfill the needs of all of humanity
Jul 10, 2010Mab'ath is the greatest historical and eternal memory because it created a very sensitive era in human history and it presented a special path to humanity. If humanity moves forward on this path, all its natural demands and historical and natural desires will be satisfied. Throughout history, humanity has always complained about lack of justice. That is to say, justice is the greatest demand of all human beings throughout history. If someone carries the flag of justice today, they have - in fact - satisfied a historical, permanent and natural desire of human beings. Primarily, the rules of Islam, the movement of Islam and the be'that of the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) are based on justice. Justice was at the top of the agenda for the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.), as was the case for all other prophets. Other important, great and fundamental demands of human beings are peace, security and tranquility. People need peace of mind, tranquility and a secure environment for living, nurturing talents and making practical progress. They need this in their hearts and souls, in their family environment, in society and in international environments. Tranquility, security, health and peace are among the fundamental demands of human beings. Islam carries the message of security, peace and health. When we say - according to the Holy Quran and Quranic teachings - that Islam is the religion of human nature [fitra], we mean this. The path that Islam presents to humanity is the path of human nature, one that satisfies the natural needs of human beings. God of the world entrusted be'that to the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) with such comprehensibility, precision and care. He promised humanity's happiness to him: "Surely We have sent you with the truth as a bearer of good news and as a warner" [The Holy Quran, 2: 119]. Primarily, this good news is about living a peaceful life in which justice exists. Besides, this lifestyle is based on people's natural make up.
Who opposed the Prophet?
Jul 10, 2010From an Islamic point of view, the goal of enmities is opposition to these basic guidelines which are valuable for human life. Those who are opposed to justice, those who are opposed to peace, security and tranquility and those who are opposed to purity and the spirit of human warmth and transcendence are against the Holy Prophet's (s.w.a.) invitation. It is for the sake of justice that Allah the Exalted has described jihad as an obligation. And this is not particular to Islam. Jihad has existed in all divine religions. Those people who are opposed to the tranquility and transcendence of society and those who are enemies of humanity's interests are against this invitation. This is the point which Islam aims at. From the beginning of the be'that of the Holy Prophet of Islam (s.w.a.), he established clear guidelines on the basis of the ayahs which were sent down to him through divine revelation. In the blessed Sura al-Alaq whose first ayahs are apparently the first ayahs sent down to the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) - the other ayahs in this sura were sent down to him over time - God says: "Let him beware. If he desist not, We will drag him by the forelock, a lying, sinful forelock. Then, let him call for help to his council of comrades. We too will call on the angels of punishment to deal with him" [The Holy Quran, 96: 15-18]. Those who stand up against the invitation to mercy, dignity, tranquility and security are threatened in the first sura [revealed] of the Holy Quran. Another example is Sura al-Muddathir which is also one of the first suras which were sent down to the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.). In this sura, there is an in-depth discussion about those elements which disrupt people's lives: "Leave Me alone, with the creature whom I created alone. To whom I granted resources in abundance, And sons to be by his side. To whom I made life smooth and comfortable. Yet is he greedy that I should add yet more. By no means! For to Our Signs he has been disobedient. Soon I will make a distressing punishment overtake him" [The Holy Quran, 74: 11-17]. In these ayahs, it is pointed out that those who are opposed to the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.), to humanity's best interests and to the path of truth will face this great divine opposition. Therefore, jihad exists in Islam. But this jihad is against those who are opposed to people's tranquility, justice and happiness. When you look at the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet's (s.w.a.) Sunnah, you will see that since the day Islamic government was established, there were certain non-Muslims who lived a secure and peaceful life in the shade of the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.). The Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) reached an agreement with the Jews who lived in Madina so that they could live a peaceful life in the shade of the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.). However, they conspired against him and they opposed and betrayed him. They stabbed him in the back. Therefore, the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) stood up against them. If the Jews of Madina had not opposed him, if they had not shown hostility and if they had not betrayed the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.), perhaps the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) would never have confronted them. Therefore, the Islamic invitation is a spiritual and reasonable invitation. This invitation means presenting an enlightened and happy lifestyle to human beings.
The prophetic mission of the Prophet of Islam (pbuh) was to invite to knowledge and ethics
Jul 12, 2009Regarding the Prophet's appointment to his divine mission, reason and wisdom are the primary issues that have been raised. Similarly, throughout the Quran and the Prophet's teachings, you can see that the main focus has been placed on such things as reason, wisdom, thinking, reflection, and pondering. Even on Judgment Day, the Quran quotes sinners as saying: "Had we but listened or pondered, we should not have been among the inmates of the burning Fire." [The Holy Quran, 67: 10] They say, "The reason we came to suffer from hell fire is that we did not refer to our wisdom, we did not listen, and we did not pay attention. Therefore, today on Judgment Day we have to suffer from this everlasting, bitter destiny[...] Provoking thoughts and strengthening the ability to think were the first things that the Holy Prophet did. That is the panacea for all problems. It is wisdom that can lead man to religion. It is wisdom that forces man to serve God. It is wisdom that prevents man from engaging in stupid and ignorant actions and from being allured by the material world. That is what wisdom is. Therefore, strengthening the ability to think is the first thing that has to be done in a society. That is our obligation. Despite our inherent flaws and weaknesses compared to the Prophet, we decided to build a modern society following the example set by the Holy Prophet's Islamic community. In this society, like the early Islamic community, reason must be the yardstick. Moral education is the second priority in education. "I appointed you as prophet to complete moral virtues." [Majma' al-Bayan, vol. 10, p. 500] Morality is the pleasant air that human beings could breathe and have a healthy life if it were present in human societies. Life will become difficult when there is no morality, when immorality becomes dominant, and when such vices as greed, carnal desires, ignorance, love for the material world, spite, envy, and suspicion step into man's life. Then the atmosphere will become stifling, and it will be difficult for human beings to breathe normally. That is why in several places in the Holy Quran the word "purification" - namely, moral growth - has preceded the word "teaching".
The reason the 12th through the 17th of Rabi' al-Awwal was named the Week of Unity
Mar 15, 2009As the members of the Muslim Ummah, we have been presented with this great blessing and we must make use of it. We must enlighten our hearts, faith, thoughts, and lives through the blessing of this holy religion. We must enlighten our world. Islam is a source of light and insight. We can get close to it and benefit from it. That is the responsibility of all Muslims. Unity, which is among the greatest and the most important duties of all Muslims, is one of the issues that I will stress today. The week leading to Rabi al-Awwal 12 was named as Unity Week at the beginning of the Revolution. That was because according to famous traditions narrated by our Sunni brothers, Rabi al-Awwal 12 marks the birth anniversary of the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.). But according to famous traditions narrated by the Shia, the Prophet's birth anniversary falls on Rabi al-Awwal 17. At the beginning of the Islamic Revolution, the Iranian nation and government officials named the period between these two dates as Unity Week. They wanted Unity Week to be a symbolic representation of unity among Muslims. But it is not enough to choose names and talk about things. We must engage in action. We must move towards unity. The world of Islam is in need of unity today. There will be obstacles and sources of discord, but we must overcome these obstacles. All great aspirations require serious efforts. No great aspiration can be achieved in the absence of serious efforts. Unity among Muslims is not an exception: It requires efforts. It is our duty to make efforts to create unity in the world of Islam. This unity can solve many problems. It can bring about glory for Muslim nations and communities. Consider the current situation of the Muslim countries in the world.
When the Prophet (pbuh) was born, what intellectual disasters was the Arabian Peninsula suffering from?
Mar 15, 2009The Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) has described in many parts of Nahj al-Balagha the time before the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) was born. Specifically, he said, "the world lost its light and pride appeared." There was no light for humanity. People lived in a dark era. Ignorance, rebellion, and misguided beliefs - whose manifestations were most obvious where the Prophet (s.w.a.) was born and subsequently chosen as the Prophet of Islam, Jaziratul Arab [Arab Island] - pervaded the lives of the people. All the manifestations of darkness and misguided beliefs were represented in one form or another in Mecca and Jaziratul Arab. Misguided beliefs, polytheism that brings humiliation on mankind, savage social behavior, and brutal actions were examples of the norms at the time the Prophet (s.w.a.) was born and chosen as the Prophet of Islam. "And when the birth of a daughter is announced to one of them, his face becomes black and he is full of wrath. He hides himself from the people because of the evil of what is announced to him. Shall he keep it with disgrace or bury it (alive) in the dust? Now surely evil is what they judge!" [The Holy Quran, 16: 58-59]. That is an example of human morality at the time the Prophet (s.w.a.) was born and chosen as the Prophet. "And then there was guidance from misguided beliefs and light from darkness." Mankind was blind, but the Prophet (s.w.a.) made it see. Darkness pervaded the world until the Prophet (s.w.a.) enlightened it. That is the significance of the Prophet's (s.w.a.) birth and being chosen as the Prophet of Islam. Not only Muslims, but all humanity has benefited from this divine blessing.
The miracles that took place at the time of the birth of Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)
Mar 15, 2009The birth of the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) is not just a historical reality. It was an event that determined the path of humanity. The phenomena that took place at the time of his birth and were recorded in history are a clear sign pointing to the significance and reality of this event. According to some traditions, the birth of the Holy Prophet of Islam (s.w.a.) was a setback for all manifestations of atheism and polytheism throughout the world. The Zoroastrian Temple of Fars, which had kept its fire alight for a thousand years, went out when the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) was born. Idols collapsed in temples, leaving the servants of the temples wondering what was happening. That was the symbolic blow that the Prophet's (s.w.a.) birth dealt to atheism, polytheism, and materialism. In addition, the castles of the oppressive kings of the polytheistic Persian Empire were shaken. The battlements - fourteen battlements - of the Castle of Madaen collapsed. That was another clear sign pointing to the fact that the Holy Prophet's (s.w.a.) birth was a preface to fighting evil in the world. This birth had a spiritual as well as a practical aspect to it - that is, moral, intellectual, and social guidance of humanity. Fighting oppression, uncontrolled passions, and unlawful rule of oppressors over people were all the symbolic meanings of the Prophet's (s.w.a.) birth.
The story of how the unbelievers tried to lure the Prophet of Islam (pbuh) with wealth
Jul 30, 2008In the first phase of be'that, the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) had managed to convert 30 or 40 people to Islam through his covert call to Islam. Then a divine order was issued - "Therefore declare openly what thou art commanded, and turn away from the polytheists." [The Holy Quran 15: 94] - requiring the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) to raise flag of Islam and to openly call people to Islam. The Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) did so and then the events that you have heard about took place. This struck terror into the hearts of the chiefs of Quraysh and the wealthy and powerful people. The first thing that they did was to try to tempt the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.). They went to Abi Talib and told him that if his nephew wanted leadership, they were prepared to grant the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) absolute authority over their community. "If he wants wealth, we will give him so much wealth that he becomes wealthier than all of us. If he wants to be a king, we will appoint him as our king. Just tell him to stop saying these things." Being concerned about the safety of the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) and his enemies' plots, Abi Talib went to him and told him the message of the chiefs of Mecca. He probably gave the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) some advice and recommended that he tone down his remarks to some extent. Maybe he told the Prophet (s.w.a.) that his dogged persistence was unnecessary. "Dear uncle, even if they place the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left to prevent me from achieving this goal, I swear by Allah that I will not do as they say [and I will continue with my call to Islam] until God grants us victory over them or until we all get killed," [Speaking in Arabic] the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) replied. Then the Prophet's (s.w.a.) eyes were filled with tears, and he got up to leave. Having observed this faith and steadfastness, Abi Talib was impressed and said "dear nephew, go and say whatever you like." [Speaking in Arabic]. He told him to pursue his goal. "I swear by God that I will not give you away, no matter what I receive in return." [Speaking in Arabic]. This steadfastness bred more steadfastness. This steadfastness on the part of the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) strengthened the roots of steadfastness in the heart of Abi Talib. Pursuing the goals, not fearing the enemy, not being tempted by what the enemy has to offer, and not being dependant on the privileges that the enemy offers to prevent one from treading the path one believes in give rise to resistance, peace, trust in the path, the goal, and God who this goal belongs to. There were not more than 30 or 40 of them. These 30 or 40 people tolerated all those hardships and increased in number on a daily basis. Each day they were witness to what they did to Ammar and Bilal. They were witness to the torturing and martyrdom of Sumayyah and Yasir. They were witness to these things, but they still converted to Islam. That is the way righteousness is promoted. The mere raising of the flag in peace and security will not help promote righteousness. Righteousness will be promoted only when there is steadfastness and perseverance on the part of righteous people who believe in righteousness.
The Prophet's (pbuh) great social revolution in just 13 years
Jul 30, 2008The Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) carried the message of knowledge, yet there was no knowledge in that society. He carried the message of justice, yet there was no trace of justice in that society and powerful people and bullying rulers dominated people's lives and possessions. He was the messenger of morality, lenience, forgiveness, justice, and kindness, yet that society was devoid of such characteristics in the real sense of the word. The society was full of unkind, bullying, immoral, ignorant, and prejudiced people who were unjustifiably arrogant and who had their hearts set on carnal desires. It was in such tough and fanatic conditions and in such a dry desert that the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) grew up. And this 13-year period finally ended in the establishment of the Prophet's rule. He formed a community on the basis of monotheism, knowledge, justice, morality, ethics, and generosity. He transformed humility into dignity and savagery into brotherhood. He turned fanaticism into tolerance and reasoning. He transformed a state of ignorance into knowledge. He built a strong and logical foundation on the basis of which Muslims could reach the peaks of global civilizations for centuries and could rise to new heights which were unprecedented in human history. His rule did not last any more than ten years. You just see what proportion of a nation's lifespan could those 13 years and the following ten years constitute. It is like a moment which passes very quickly. During such a short time, a great movement was started which could well be said to have divided human history into two eras: the pre-Islamic era, and the post-Islamic era. The Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) pushed humanity forwards, strengthened the bases of morality, and left unforgettable lessons for all humans. You should consider the greatness of mab'ath from such a perspective. There were of course a number of interrelated factors which led to this success. But this success was mainly due to the Prophet being full of spirituality, purity, loyalty, and relying completely on God. This was a major and decisive factor in his success. Prior to his prophethood, the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) was the most knowledgeable and the wisest of the people of Mecca. He was the most generous, respectable, and decent person in the area where he lived. Among those people, this prominent person enjoyed the blessing of God and the responsibility was put on his shoulders. This was because God had put him to the test before. God knew His servant and knew who He was assigning this responsibility to. The Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) stood firm. His resistance and his perseverance that was accompanied by a deep knowledge of the goal he was pursuing and of the path he was treading supported all the achievements of the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) and led to the success of this great movement. One who is right always wins but there are some prerequisites. In order for the right to win, one must defend it. To help righteousness win, one must persevere on the path of righteousness.
Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) is a role model not only for the Muslims but also for the entire humanity
Apr 14, 2004The Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) lived his life in the way of God and he dedicated it to promoting divine teachings. Therefore, his life and the unique and peerless personality of that great personality is a permanent example, lesson and model for people living in all eras of the history of Islam: "You have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful example of conduct" [The Holy Quran, 33: 21]. With his diligence, Islamic teachings spread and developed throughout history. These teachings are not particular to Muslims. The entire humanity benefits from the development of Islamic teachings. If we Muslims appreciate the value of Islamic teachings and understand their depth, we will manage to create a new world which is compatible with the real and natural needs of human beings. By relying on Islam, the Islamic Ummah can save the world which is drowned in lust, rage, ignorance, selfishness and egotism. The essence of all Islamic teachings and concepts is that people's behavior and movement in life should not be controlled by lust and rage. Its essence is that selfishness should not lead human beings and human societies. Rather, they should be led by reason and piety. Take a look at the pains of humans. What do poverty, discrimination, corruption, folly and irrational prejudice stem from? Where do massacre of people, wars, oppression and cruelties in human societies come from? The root of all these disasters lies in the fact that whenever those individuals who have no self-control and who are slaves to lust, rage, selfishness, ambition and wealth dominate the fate of humanity in a corner of the world, they drag humanity towards poverty, war, ignorance, discrimination, corruption and chaos. Islam wants to cure this. Islam says that humanity's will and freedom - which is one of the greatest divine blessings to human beings - should not be in the hands of ignorance, cruelty, materialism, selfishness and egotism. Rather, it should be in the hands of reason and piety.
The Muslim world needs to revive the memory of the Prophet (pbuh) to solve its problems
Jul 12, 1998Commemorating the Prophet is not just ceremonial. Although, such ceremonies among the Muslim nations are useful and even necessary. However, the ultimate goal is more than this. Today, the Muslim world needs to revive the memory of the great Prophet of Islam more than ever. Humanity too needs this holy name, remembering him, and his precious teachings. But, before we want to spread this to all of humanity, the Muslim world needs to rediscover this tremendous, spiritual resource. In the same way that nations lived on areas with undiscovered, precious, material resources with empty stomachs for centuries until others came and took away their resources, the Muslim world today is struggling with many problems while they have tremendous, spiritual reserves at their disposal. These vast reserves and great resources can save and help them. Several decades ago, a great man said, “Islam was founded on two principles: monotheism (towhid), the oneness of God, and unity among Muslims." These are the two foundations of Islam. The first is the principle of one God, and the second is unity among those who believe in God. The second one relies on the first, that is unity around the principle of monotheism. Today, we need this slogan more than ever. We need to return to the word of monotheism, and to unity in words.
Love for the Prophet (pbuh) is the solution to the problems of the Islamic nation
Sep 5, 1993It is easier for the Muslims of the world to unite under the name of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) than anything else. This is a characteristic of that great personage. I have said this several times, “He is the focal point of the Muslims' emotions. A Muslim loves his/her Prophet.” O God! Bear witness that our hearts are filled with love for the Prophet. This love should be used. This love can solve problems. Today, Muslims need brotherhood. Today, the words "Believers are indeed brothers, therefore make things right among your two brothers” [Qur’an, 49:10], are more crucial than any other time. Today, the weakness and lack of dignity that Muslims suffer from in some countries of the world, is a result of disagreement and division. If Muslims had been united, Palestine would not be like this, Bosnia too. Kashmir would be in a different situation too. Tajikistan's condition would be different. The Muslims in Europe would not have to live with so much difficulty. The Muslims in the United States would not have to endure so much oppression. The reason for all these is the division between us.
The Holy Prophet (pbuh) is the axis for the unity of the Muslims and their unity in practice.
Oct 8, 1990The holy name of the Prophet (pbuh) is one of the most attractive Islamic phenomenon for all Muslims in the world, because it is about emotion and faith at the same time. Thus, the power of remembering this name, in different matters concerning Muslims, is much more than many other Islamic phenomena which rely solely on faith but do not arouse emotions. As a result, many of the previous, great, Muslim intellectuals have said that the holy name of this superior personage, having faith in him, and keeping his memory alive can be the axis for the unity of the Muslims and their unity in practice.