The Islamic nation’s cry for unity should fall on the heads of the US & its chained dog, the Zionist regime
Jul 29, 2020The following is the full text of a message delivered on July 29, 2020, by Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, on the occasion of the arrival of Hajj season. In the message, His Eminence points to the inability of many Muslims to participate in this year’s hajj ceremony due to the coronavirus restrictions and expresses his hope that they will conduct a safe and blessed hajj pilgrimage in the near future.
Political Hajj is a religious obligation
Jul 3, 2019One of the grave mistakes, which we used to hear all the time – in the present time, some negligent tongues continue to whisper such things about Islamic truths – is that we should avoid politicizing hajj. What does this mean? The political affairs that we need in hajj are in accordance with Islamic teachings. Establishing unity is a political affair. This is an Islamic command and it is an act of worship: “And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah stretches out for you and be not divided among yourselves.” [The Holy Quran, 3: 103] In hajj, if we defend and support the Palestinian nation and the oppressed in the world of Islam, such as the oppressed in Yemen and others, this is of course a political affair, but it is one that originates from Islamic teachings. Defending the oppressed is an obligation in itself. It is a wajib and therefore, it will be fulfilled. Another obligation is expressing our “bera’at” of polytheists. If we stress and emphasize the issue of bera’at and if we carry it out – by Allah’s favor, it should be carried out every year in the best way possible – this is because it is an Islamic obligation: “Allah and His Messenger dissolve (treaty) obligations with the polytheists.” [The Holy Quran, 9: 3] Believers too should stay away from polytheists: “’We are clear of you and of whatever you worship besides Allah. We have rejected you, and there has arisen, between us and you, enmity and hatred forever unless you believe in Allah and Him alone.’” [The Holy Quran, 60: 4] All these come from religion. Yes, there is politics. Political affairs exist in the hajj obligation, but they are in accordance with religious obligations and acts of worship. Notice that these are important points. If they prevent people from such political moves, that is a political affair too, but one that is non-religious and anti-religious. If they say that you are not allowed to frown at the Americans in hajj, this is a political move as well, but it is a satanic and non-Islamic one. However, if you express your hatred of every polytheist and anti-Islamic element, that is a political move, but one that exactly follows religion.
Hajj is a manifestation of Islam’s social life
Jul 3, 2019In hajj – from start to finish, hajj obligations involve humility and supplication. As well as this completely spiritual element, there is a social element which is unity, fraternity and unanimity. The poor and the rich and various ethnicities, nations and races carry out the same obligation alongside each other and with the same motive and goal. Where else can we find such a phenomenon? Such a phenomenon does not exist in other Islamic obligations and in other religions. In hajj, there is the element of movement and worship, one that is accompanied by dynamism, tawaf, endeavor and coming and going. At the same time, hajj is a display of gathering together. The astonishing gatherings that exist in Arafat, Mash’ar al-Haraam or during the days of Mina, are another manifestation of the social life of Islam. All these exist in hajj. Hajj is a display of morality: “Let there be no obscenity, nor wickedness, nor wrangling in hajj.” [The Holy Quran, 2: 197] Hajj is a place for brotherhood, morality and forgiveness. It is not a place for wrangling and arguing with others. As you see, all these astonishing, constructive and instructive elements exist in hajj. The hajj obligation is such an obligation.
Hajj prepares the grounds for vigilance against the enemies of Islam
Aug 20, 2018Hajj, in this specified place, and in this time period, always and throughout years, calls the Muslims to solidarity and union through an articulate language and clear logic. And this is the opposite of what the enemies of Islam aspire to do: inciting the Muslims to fight against each other at all times and, especially, during the present time. Look at the behavior of the arrogant and criminal U.S. today. Its essential policy against Islam and the Muslims is warmongering. Its desire and vicious efforts aim at killing Muslims by other Muslims: causing some oppressive groups to attack some oppressed ones, supporting the front of the oppressors, suppressing the oppressed front through it, and always fueling this appalling conspiracy. Muslims should be aware and nullify this satanic policy. Hajj prepares the grounds for this awareness, and this represents the philosophy of declaring repudiation to pagans and arrogant powers during Hajj.
God's remembrance represents the soul of Hajj
Aug 20, 2018Remembrance of God represents the spirit of Hajj. In all circumstances, let’s revive and gratify our hearts with this rain of blessings; and deepen in our hearts reliance and trust in Him, who is the source of power, glory, justice, and beauties. We will overcome the enemy’s ploy in this manner. Dear Hajj pilgrims, do not forget to pray for the Islamic Ummah, the oppressed people in Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan, Yemen, Bahrain, Libya, Pakistan, Kashmir and Myanmar and other parts of the world, ask Allah to cut the hands of the U.S. and other arrogant powers, and their supporters.
Those who impede implementation of the concepts of Hajj, are indeed blocking the path of God
Jul 16, 2018One key point is that no one should create obstacles in the way of Hajj concepts or teachings: “As to those who have rejected Allah and would keep back men from the way of Allah, and from the Sacred Mosque.” [The Holy Quran, 22: 25] There are some people who “keep back men from the way of Allah” and “from the Sacred Mosque." Keeping people back does not only mean preventing an individual from going to Makkah, they might let you participate, but they might prevent you from benefiting from the concepts of Hajj: this is what is meant by "keeping back men from the way of Allah" as well. This is keeping back men from the Sacred Mosque as well. Those who make this move – the government and administration which commits this grave mistake – is keeping back men from the way of Allah. The concepts of Hajj should be understood and acted upon.
One of the goals of Hajj is for Muslims to congregate and unite
Jul 16, 2018The Muslims’ gathering of solidarity and coordination is one of the important goals of Hajj: this should receive our attention. In all the plans that the honorable pilgrims and the managers in charge draw up, this issue should receive the most attention: Hajj is a symbol of connection, bonding, agreement, and harmony [among Muslims]. Of course, the government which rules the place does not want unity: thus, they create obstacles in whichever way they can. Today, there are several means of communication. Communication methods should be established: the Islamic Ummah should come together. Those who separate politics from Islam, and who reject this, do not have a correct understanding of Islam and Quranic ayahs (verses). Quranic ayahs – including the ones about Hajj, about jihad, about people’s relationship in a society, and about the authority of the Islamic ruler in society – are all policies which originate from Islam. Islamic democracy, which we have brought up, originates from the core of Islam and from the text of the Quran as well: “Who conduct their affairs by mutual consultation.” [The Holy Quran, 42: 38]: this is the main point regarding the Hajj pilgrimage.
The land of Mecca belongs to all Muslims
Jul 16, 2018There is no difference between the inhabitants of Makkah and those who live elsewhere: this place belongs to everyone. And the land belongs to all Muslims. Some people must not feel as if the holy land belongs to only them or that they have the right to behave in whatever manner they want. The truth is that all Muslims have the same rights towards the Holy Ka’bah and Masjid al-Haram, the holy place and the holy environment of the Two Holy Mosques. This Quranic verse only mentions Makkah, but the same is true of Medina: Medina belongs to all Muslims as well. --This is because the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is for everyone.
Hajj is a manifestation of the mixing of spirituality and the affairs of this world
Jul 16, 2018All the other characteristics that exist in Hajj – this great obligation. Hajj also enjoys the characteristic of combining spirituality and politics, spirituality and material attributes, and this world and the hereafter: “And there are men who say: ‘Our Lord, give us good in this world and good in the hereafter, and defend us from the torment of the fire." [The Holy Quran, 2: 201]. Those who say this prayer during Hajj and ask Allah the Exalted for worldly and otherworldly rewards are cherished in the Quran. This means that this world and the hereafter have been combined during the Hajj pilgrimage. Hajj is the manifestation of this great occurrence.
Hajj should be a manifestation of being harsh on disbelievers and compassionate with one another
Jul 16, 2018Hajj should be an embodiment of “Strong against unbelievers, but compassionate amongst each other.” The opposite point involves creating discord and causing separation among brothers but tying one’s tail to that of global arrogance and the US. The opposite of this is what Hajj demands from people, what it wants for them and what the Holy Legislator has ordered -- He has ordered the people to do good. Hajj should be performed with this good spirit and by this condition.The opposite point involves creating discord and causing separation among brothers but tying one’s tail to that of global arrogance and the US. The opposite of this is what Hajj demands from people, what it wants for them and what the Holy Legislator has ordered -- He has ordered the people to do good. Hajj should be performed with this good spirit and by this condition.
The healing remedy for the Islamic Ummah’s problems
Aug 31, 2017Hajj is a mystifying act of worship in a holy dwelling, a position full of divine blessings, and an embodiment of Allah the Exalted's signs and symbols. Hajj can help pious, humble, and wise servants of God achieve spiritual positions; it can make them become lofty and enlightened individuals; it can make them become insightful and courageous elements who are prepared to take action and engage in jihad (endeavour for the sake of God). Both spiritual and political, and both individual and social aspects are completely outstanding and visible in this unique obligation: today, the Muslim community is in dire need of both of these aspects. One the one hand, the magic of materialism is busy beguiling and annihilating by using advanced instruments, and on the other hand, the policies of the dominating system are instigating sedition and fueling the fire of discord among Muslims, turning Islamic countries into a hell of insecurity and disagreement. Hajj can be a cure for both of these grave maladies that the Islamic Ummah is suffering from. It can purge hearts of impurities and enlighten them with the light of piety and understanding, it can open eyes to the bitter realities of the world of Islam, it can strengthen one's determination in order to confront those realities, it can make one's steps firm and it can prepare hands and minds.
Hajj has the highest capacity, compared to all other religious obligations
Jul 30, 2017Hajj is a very important obligation. Perhaps, there is no obligation like hajj among the important Islamic obligations. First of all, there are numerous spiritual capacities in this great and extensive obligation. Those who pursue a spiritual relationship with God Almighty and who are after spirituality and the like can find numerous resources and astonishing capacities in this wajib [mandatory act in Islam] and this great obligation. Spirituality radiates and showers from daily prayers in hajj, from tawaf, from wuquf, from sayi, from ihram [different obligations that Muslims perform during hajj] and from each and every part of this great wajib which is a combination of different components. If we appreciate the value of this and if we pursue spirituality, we will see that the capacity of hajj is a lot more than other obligations.
Hajj is the best occasion for expressing stances and beliefs
Jul 30, 2017In hajj, the Islamic Ummah can express its correct, unanimous and accepted positions. Unanimous and accepted by whom? By nations and by peoples! Governments might think and act otherwise. As we see, many Muslim governments are unfortunately taking a path which is different from the wishes of their nations, but the hearts of nations are different from governments. Hajj is a place where nations can express their positions on different matters[...] Which place can the Islamic Ummah find which is better than Bayt-ullah al-Haram, Makkah, Madina, Arafat, Mash'ar and Mina for expressing what Muslims have to say, what they want and what they think about Palestine and about Masjid al-Aqsa? Which place is better than hajj? Hajj has such a capacity.
The manifestation of the greatness of the Islamic Ummah
Jul 30, 2017Hajj is the manifestation of the great presence of the Islamic Ummah, of unity, of unanimity and of the power of the Islamic Ummah. Every year, the greatest gathering of the Ummah takes place in a particular location with clear and transparent circumstances. The Islamic Ummah shows off its presence through hajj. As well as this extrinsic aspect, there is an intrinsic aspect: during hajj, Muslim nations get familiar and establish a close relationship with one another. And they understand each other's language – by "language", I do not mean words, rather I mean the culture that dominates everyone's mind. They get familiar with this language and become close to one another. This way, doubts and falsehoods are eliminated, enmities are undermined and gradually disappear, hearts get close to each other and hands come to one another's help. Countries can help one another. Nations can help one another. This is hajj.
Hajj's high potential compared with other religious rituals
Jul 30, 2017Hajj is a very important obligation. Perhaps, there is no obligation like hajj among the important Islamic obligations. First of all, there are numerous spiritual capacities in this great and extensive obligation. Those who pursue a spiritual relationship with God Almighty and who are after spirituality and the like can find numerous resources and astonishing capacities in this wajib [mandatory act win Islam] and this great obligation. Spirituality radiates and showers from daily prayers in hajj, from tawaf, from Wuquf, from Sayi, from ihram [different obligations that Muslims perform during hajj] and from each and every part of this great wajib which is a combination of different components. If we appreciate the value of this and if we pursue spirituality, we will see that the capacity of hajj is a lot more than other obligations.
In Hajj, seek to gain spirituality
Jul 30, 2017Hajj pilgrims have certain responsibilities which should be carried out. The honorable hajj pilgrims should attach significance to public prayers. They should attach significance to saying daily prayers on time. They should participate in the public prayers which are held in Masjid al-Haram and Masjid al-Nabi. Great significance should be attached to the recitation of the Holy Quran - on the days that hajj pilgrims manage to show their presence in the Two Holy Mosques – and to Arafat obligations and Arafat Day. Roaming the markets should be avoided! I have repeated this over and over again. Markets exist everywhere in the world. There is one in Tehran as well, with all sorts of legal and illegal products. So, markets exist everywhere including in Tehran and other cities. What does not exist in Tehran is Ka'bah! What does not exist in Tehran and in your living environment is Masjid al-Haram and Masjid al-Nabi! These are the exclusive places that only exist there. Therefore, they should be benefitted from. Otherwise, markets and various commodities exist everywhere. You should not spend your valuable time on these things. On the issue of hajj, hajj pilgrims should only think of purifying themselves and their hearts and souls so that they can achieve great spiritual results, God willing. If this happens, then social results will be achieved by Allah's favor as well.
Hajj is a place for exchanging experiences
Aug 22, 2015The issue of unity is one of the social dimensions of hajj. Showing the greatness of the Islamic Ummah is another social dimension of hajj. The fact that several million Muslims gather in one place to attend a particular ceremony shows the greatness of the Islamic Ummah. From a country whose population is seventy, eighty million, around fifty, sixty, seventy thousand people come together and form a glorious gathering. This shows the greatness of the Islamic Ummah. Another dimension is the sharing of experiences among hajj pilgrims. Many Islamic countries have certain experiences. For example, the Iranian nation has certain experiences in confronting the enemy, in identifying the enemy, in refusing to trust the enemy, in distinguishing friends from enemies. We have experience in these areas. We did not make a mistake in distinguishing friends from enemies. From the beginning of the Revolution to this day, we have been aware that the real enemy, the aggressive, stubborn and persistent enemy is the world of global arrogance and Zionism. We have been aware of this. Sometimes this archenemy has spoken through other people. We must not make a mistake and think that those who are speaking for the enemy are the real enemy. No, as I stressed earlier, the real enemy is the arrogant powers.
Hajj is the manifestation of the formation of the Islamic Ummah
Aug 22, 2015Hajj is the manifestation of Islamic unity. People with different skin colors, people from different nationalities, people with different identities, people from different Islamic denominations, people with different tendencies – all of them gather in one place as equals. They all perform Tawaf together. They all work together. They all stay in Arafat and Mash’ar. This unity is very important. Islamic solidarity is the true manifestation of harmony and unanimity during hajj, not just for the people of Iran, but also for all Muslims throughout the world, for the Islamic Ummah. God’s curse be upon those who sideline the truth of the Islamic Ummah, those who divert attention away from the importance of the Islamic Ummah, those who divide Muslims into different groups with different goals, those who magnify nationalities against the glory of the Islamic Ummah and those who create division within the Iranian nation. The Islamic Ummah is important. Glory belongs to the Islamic Ummah. Allah the Exalted will bestow His mercy and blessings on the Islamic Ummah. Hajj is a manifestation of the Islamic Ummah: it is the Islamic Ummah in microcosm. “Coming from every remote path” [The Holy Quran, 22: 27]. Muslims come together from different parts of the world and from remote places. And what a great opportunity for communicating with each other, for unity with one another, for listening to each other’s sufferings, for expressing sympathy. Apart from hajj, when do Muslims get such an opportunity?
Observe individual duties in Hajj
Aug 22, 2015Hajj has two complementary aspects: an individual aspect and a social aspect. It is necessary to pay attention to both aspects. The individual aspect of hajj belongs to individual hajj pilgrims. Each hajj pilgrim should establish a relationship with Allah the Exalted during his pilgrimage and he should repent and take spiritual provisions for himself. In a holy ayah relating to hajj, piety has been advised. “Surely the provision is the guarding of oneself, and be careful (of your duty) to Me, O men of understanding” [The Holy Quran, 2: 197]. Each and every one of the honorable pilgrims who are blessed with this great opportunity should think of how to make the best of this provision. “And you that ask forgiveness of your Lord, then turn to Him” [The Holy Quran, 11: 3]. Hajj pilgrims should repent. They should pray. They should ask Allah the Exalted for whatever they need. They should make a covenant with Allah the Exalted to remain committed to their future, their lives and their activities. This is the individual aspect of hajj. As far as this individual aspect of hajj is concerned, every hajj pilgrim should try to move closer to Allah the Exalted on his pilgrimage. He should cleanse his heart. He should take provisions for the rest of his life. Spiritual blessings for individual pilgrims originate from this pilgrimage, from these rituals, from these days. Hajj pilgrims should appreciate the value of this opportunity. There are certain things that an individual can achieve only during hajj pilgrimage. Seeing Ka’bah is worship. Tawaf around Ka’bah is worship. Praying in Masjid ul-Haraam is worship. Visiting the shrine of the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) is worship. Arafat is an arena for speaking to God. Mash’ar is an arena for attention to God. The same is true of Mina. Pilgrims should make use of each and every one of these elements to cleanse their hearts, to improve their spiritual status and to take provisions for the rest of their lives. This is the individual aspect of hajj.
Profit from the spirituality of Hajj
Sep 7, 2014The issue of Hajj is an important issue. Apart from the spiritual blessings and the constructive role of Hajj, this spiritual pilgrimage is an opportunity like many other great opportunities. A people should prove their vigilance by making maximum use of opportunities. Hajj is an opportunity. The Islamic government, Islamic society, and Muslims should appreciate the value of this opportunity. On the one hand, this opportunity can be used for improving and correcting people's religious and spiritual affairs, for enlightening our ignorant hearts, and for drawing the attention of Islamic societies towards divine blessings and on the other hand, it can be used for correcting many important affairs of the Islamic Ummah. The spirituality of Hajj is something to benefit from. More than anywhere else, the opportunity to establish a close relationship with Allah the Exalted, to engage in divine dhikr, and to develop a sense of presence before God exists in Hajj rituals. When we visit the Two Holy Mosques, Mina, Arafat, and Mash'ar, when we engage in dhikr, when we put on ihram costumes, and when we feel that we are responding to the divine invitation, this is a great opportunity. It is a great opportunity for wise and vigilant hearts to strengthen their relationship with Allah the Exalted: we should familiarize our hearts with God. --This is a very important opportunity.
An opportunity to exchange experiences and truths with other Muslims
Sep 11, 2013Another important point is that Muslims should share and exchange their original Islamic cultures and their Islamic experiences with one another. This is another strong point of hajj and another source of power for it. We may have heard different things about such and such an Islamic country. But, hearing is different from sitting and talking directly to an individual from an Islamic country. This individual can also compare what he has heard about our dear Islamic Iran with what he sees in you and hears from you. This way, he can discover the truth about Iran ]…[ Your presence in hajj and in this international arena gives you the opportunity to reveal the truth not only in words but also in action. It helps you to speak the truth about Shia Islam, the Islamic Revolution and the events which are happening today.
The spiritual power of the Hajj improves human beings from within
Sep 11, 2013The power of hajj is far beyond this. As well as showing the political and cultural power of the Islamic government, hajj provides a source of spiritual power. That is to say, it builds human beings from the inside, prepares them to overcome difficult obstacles and opens their eyes to realities which cannot be seen and felt without being present in the arena of hajj. By performing hajj rituals, one can understand a number of spiritual and educational realities of Islam. Hajj plays such a role.
A cause for the sovereignty of the Islamic Ummah
Sep 11, 2013Hajj is one of the strong points of the holy religion of Islam] …[ hajj is a source of power for the Islamic community and the Islamic Ummah. The day when we Muslims from different countries and with different denominations manage to achieve intellectual growth so much so that we can form the Islamic Ummah in the real sense of the word - unfortunately, we Muslims have not managed to achieve this moral, political and intellectual growth until today - and the day when we Muslims from eastern parts to western parts of the world of Islam manage to form one single ummah although we may have different governments, we understand how hajj can be a source of power, strength, transcendence and dignity for this Islamic Ummah.
In Hajj, treat each other brotherly and do not behave like strangers toward each other
Sep 11, 2013One of the requirements of hajj is that hajj pilgrims should behave in a brotherly - in the real sense of the word - way towards one another in the arena of hajj and this great Islamic obligation. They should not look at one another as outsiders and enemies. They should see themselves as people who are moving towards one goal, who pursue one thing, who revolve around one pivot. Allah the Exalted says, "Let there be no obscenity, no wickedness and no quarrelling in the Hajj." [The Holy Quran, 2: 197] The meaning of "no quarrelling" is not that we should not quarrel with the enemy. On the contrary, hajj is the manifestation of quarrelling with the enemy. Some narrow-minded and pessimistic people say, "There should be 'no quarrelling' during hajj pilgrimage. Why do you hold a detestation ceremony during hajj pilgrimage?" The enmity which is reflected in this ceremony means enmity towards polytheism and atheism. This is one of the most fundamental principles of Islamic life. The kind of enmity which should not exist in hajj pilgrimage is enmity between brothers and believers and enmity between people who believe in monotheism. This enmity should not exist. Not only should we Muslims express in words that we have no enmity towards one another, but also we should feel this from the bottom of our hearts. This is the exact opposite of what the enemies of Islam are trying to do in the Islamic community. You should pay attention to this. The existence of differences between Islamic denominations and between Shia and Sunni Muslims will not create any problem as long as these differences are confined to ideological differences. One person may believe in something and another person may believe in something else. Problems arise when these ideological differences lead to behavioral differences, confrontation, hostility and enmity. The enemies of the world of Islam are after creating such a situation and hatching such a plot.
Safeguard the reserves gained during Hajj, after the Hajj
Oct 3, 2011After you obtain provisions for your journey to the next world and come back from hajj pilgrimage, you should try to safeguard your provisions. Reciting the Holy Quran repeatedly over the course of hajj pilgrimage has become an established tradition - and what a good tradition it is. Some people recite the Holy Quran once in Medina and once or twice in Mecca. Continue this tradition. Those who do not regularly engage in midnight prayers try it during hajj. They go to Masjid al-Haram and Masjid al-Nabawi to engage in midnight prayers. Continue this tradition. If we observe these things, hajj is a great means of bringing about transformation.
Like Ramadan, prepare yourself before entering Hajj
Oct 3, 2011It is necessary to become prepared for hajj, just as great religious scholars and mystics used to prepare themselves for several months before the holy month of Ramadan. The same is true of hajj. It is necessary to prepare oneself before the pilgrimage. Avoiding sins, backbiting, injustice and impure looks and actions are the most important things to do. Avoiding these things prepares the heart to enter this divine celebration.
In Hajj, you should try to clear yourself of pollutions
Oct 3, 2011There are a number of things that are done for the sake of one's heart. You should have provisions [for your journey to the hereafter]. In this world, we are sullied by material possessions, motives and temptations. Woe betide anybody who crosses the border to the next world like this. We need to purify ourselves. This purification can be achieved through daily prayers, reciting the Holy Quran, fasting, charitable actions and different kinds of religious obligations that bring about purification for human beings. Hajj is a collection of these obligations. There is divine remembrance in hajj. There is tawaf in hajj. There are daily prayers in hajj. There is wuquf in hajj. There is attention to God in hajj. There is charitable actions in hajj. There is sacrifice in hajj. There is everything in Hajj: it is a complete collection of religious rituals. Make the best of these few weeks. Purify your hearts. Hajj ceremonies, Masjid al-Haram, tawaf, Masjid al-Nabawi and those great rituals provide the best opportunity to do so. While pilgrims are together, each of them establishes a separate relationship with God. And not everybody might know this. Preserve and strengthen this relationship. Start from now. Maybe you should have started earlier.
Grab and hold on to the firm string of God, and be united
Oct 3, 2011"And hold fast by the covenant of Allah all together and be not disunited." [The Holy Quran, 3: 103] Hajj is a manifestation of the divine covenant, so hold fast by this firm covenant of Allah all together. Stay together. Not only Iranians but also the entire Islamic Ummah should stay together. Muslims - whether they are African or Asian or European, whether their skin color is black or white and no matter in which part of the world they live - are a unified body. This is the global and general outlook that should be adopted. Establish a relationship with other Muslims. Speak to them. Keep each other informed of the latest developments. Raise each other's morale. Explain the truths about the arrogant powers and the enemies to the brothers who have entered this arena recently. You have thirty years of experience in this regard. And those who are not able to explain and clarify should attract people to Islam with their behavior. "Invite people [to Islam] with something other than your tongues." It is possible to attract people towards Islam by speaking to them, but a better and more effective way is to attract them through one's behavior. Your manners and showing respect and commitment to the truths of hajj - these are communal behaviors that can contribute to holding this international Islamic event in a better way.
Use the Islamic bond between yourself and other nations to bring the hearts closer together
Oct 3, 2011Regarding the first goal - namely, holding an international ceremony that belongs to the world of Islam and the Islamic Ummah - Iranian pilgrims have certain responsibilities. They should behave well. They should behave in a brotherly way. They should show solidarity. They should use their Islamic bond with other Muslim nations in order to make hearts get closer to each other. These are among our responsibilities, just the opposite of what the enemies of Islam and Muslims currently want. The enemies of Islam and Muslims want the Islamic Ummah to be disunited because if the Islamic Ummah unites, it will become powerful and it will seek its identity in different areas. Then everything will become difficult for the arrogant powers of the world. Therefore, they want to create discord. They create religious discord. They create ethnic discord. They promote radical nationalism in different countries. They divide Muslims into different groups and label them as Persians, Arabs, Turks, Pakistanis, Shia and Sunni. They constantly try to highlight and magnify these differences in order to build a wall among Muslims. They highlight these differences in order to make us suspect each other and prevent us from joining hands and giving rise to a great movement.
Take the matter of unity very seriously
Oct 9, 2010Take the issue of unity very seriously. Today accurate plans are made in centers of plotting in order to turn different parts of the Islamic world against one another - peoples in one way and governments in another. Whenever there is a whisper showing that Muslim governments are getting close to one another, we suddenly see that a foreign element - a Zionist element, an American element - steps in and prevents Muslims governments from getting closer to one another. Whenever Muslim governments are on good terms and are close to each other, they start causing a fitna. They do the same to Muslim peoples. Peoples do not have any motives to fight each other. Therefore, they resort to religious, ethnic and nationalistic motives in order to pitch peoples against one another. If we fail to pay attention to these things, we will be harmed by the enemy. If we let down our guard, Islam will be slapped across the face. Today enmity towards Islam is something that is openly pursued by the camp of arrogance. Although they keep denying this fact, it is obvious that they are opposed to Islam. This makes our duties extremely heavy.
Appoint Hajj as the symbol of mutual understanding and dialogue
Oct 9, 2010The hajj must be the manifestation of unity. It must be the manifestation of harmony. It must be the manifestation of dialogue. It must be the manifestation of solidarity, cooperation and closeness of Muslims to one another. This is how the hajj should be performed. During the hajj, which is the axis of unity and convergence, some people may start fomenting discord - in Mecca or in Medina. Some people may start to act against Shia Muslims and pressure them during their daily affairs and in the course of doing their obligations and duties. They may start insulting Shia Muslims. Unfortunately, I have received some reports in this regard. Similarly, some Shia Muslims may do certain other unacceptable things in response to these actions. This is exactly the opposite of what should be done during the hajj. This goes against the philosophy of the hajj.
Hajj showcases the grandeur of Islam to the enemy
Oct 9, 2010We need the hajj in order to improve and raise our morale and in order to feel that we are relying on God, that we are glorious and that we are a great Ummah. This is the internal effect of the hajj, which is important. On the other hand, the international effect of hajj is also important. It weakens the enemy and destroys its morale. It shows off the greatness of Islam to the enemy and reveals the unity of the Islamic Ummah against the enemies. We are in need of these things. Today a big camp has deployed its forces against Islam. Why do some people ignore this big camp? This confrontation is like the Battle of the Trench. Different anti-Islam, anti-spirituality and anti-truth cults have joined forces to fight Islam. They are carefully scrutinizing everything in order to find weak points and exploit them. They are trying to find ways of infiltrating the Islamic Ummah in order to harm us. The hajj can stop these things.
Resolving of all calamities, restoring dignity, authority and hope for the Islamic Ummah
Oct 9, 2010The hajj is the focus of holy sharia. Today when you take a careful look, you realize that the hajj is more important and necessary than ever before. The hajj is important both in terms of its significance for our inner self and the Islamic Ummah and in terms of its international significance. Over centuries, they undermined the determination of the Islamic Ummah. They made the Islamic Ummah hopeless. They humiliated it. They used modern tools and tried to undermine spirituality, attention to God and humility before Him. The hajj remedies all these problems. It provides the Islamic Ummah with glory. It empowers the Islamic Ummah. It fills the Islamic Ummah with hope. The first effect of the hajj is observed within the Islamic Ummah and within our hearts.
In Mecca and Medina, consider increasing the capital of faith and spirituality before Allah
Oct 26, 2009It is a pity to think about petty material concerns instead of engaging in dhikr and remembrance of God when one visits Mecca, Medina, and the shrines of the infallible Imams (a.s.), the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.), the Prophet's companions, the martyrs of the Battle of Uhud, and other Islamic figures of history. During the hajj, we should not waste our time in marketplaces or on visiting different places to do the petty things that we constantly do in our life. Every minute and every hour of the hajj is an extremely valuable opportunity, and we should not spend them on the petty everyday activities and untimely entertainment that we engage in at our own marketplaces and in different other places. In Mecca and Medina, we should think of increasing our faith, our spiritual qualities, and our humility before God. This is the first step we should take.
Hajj’s primacy over other Islamic duties and rituals lies in its universal aspect
Oct 26, 2009The same is true of the hajj. Being international is the advantage of hajj over other Islamic obligations. During the hajj, solemn praying is manifested in an international form. All Muslims need solemn praying and humility before God. In spite of all their racial, linguistic, and cultural differences, all Muslims engage in solemn and humble praying during the hajj ceremonies. This is an extraordinary phenomenon, but we fail to realize its greatness and importance appropriately because we are used to it. During the hajj, all Muslims assemble in one place, focus their attention on the same thing, and prostrate before the same centre. That is how we should view the hajj. We should view it as an opportunity. If we consider the hajj as an opportunity, then we will have a better view of our obligations and will pay more attention to them. The hajj provides you with the opportunity to worship God near His House [the Ka'bah] along with other Muslims. This is the first opportunity. Considering the hajj as an opportunity requires that we do not at all lose this opportunity.
Hajj rituals: teaching, practising and reminding of individual and social education
Dec 7, 2008The Hajj embodies the essential elements that are necessary for this individual and social moral education. All hajj rituals serve as a means for moral education and admonition: Ihram, removal of individual characteristics, renunciation of carnal desires, walking around the symbol of monotheism, praying where selfless Ibrahim (the enemy of idols) used to pray, the hurried rush between the two mountains, the peaceful stay in Arafat among the large number of monotheists from different races, spending a night in worship in Mash'ar al-Haram, the individual relationship of each heart with God while being among a large number of other praying hearts, the presence in Mena and stoning the icons that symbolize Satan, and finally the significant act of sacrificing and feeding the poor and passers-by.
Diversity of denominations and races is a source of strength for the Islamic Ummah
Dec 29, 2006The main objective pursued by this pilgrimage is to display the unified identity of the Islamic Ummah. The separation of Muslim brethren from each other paves the way for those with malevolent intentions and helps the seeds of discord grow among Muslims. The Islamic Ummah comprises various nations and races and followers of different Islamic schools of thought. This diversity, which is accompanied by geographical dispersion in a volatile and important region of the planet Earth, may be regarded as a strong point of this great community which makes its common heritage and culture and history more efficient in a vast expanse of land and puts a multiplicity of human and natural capabilities and potentials at its disposal.
Be the first to declare repudiation to idolaters
Nov 22, 2006Another issue is the issue of expressing hatred [for the enemies]. The issue of expressing our hatred of kufar and polytheists is very important. All Muslim nations should take a leading role in this task. In our opinion, Saudi Arabians themselves should take a leading role in this matter. Those who host hajj pilgrimage should carry out this task. They should pursue it more seriously than Iranian guests and the guests of other countries. This is their responsibility. There is no doubt that global arrogance is not on good terms with the world of Islam. And this is not only a feeling. Rather, they express their grudge and enmity. Their enmity does not mean that they sit idle and watch. This is not the case. They show their enmity. Their intention is to do something so that the world of Islam becomes completely empty of the truth of Islam. This is not something that requires proof and evidence. This can be witnessed by all those Muslims whose eyes are open. They are the enemies of Muslims. They like to see the destruction of the world of Islam so that they can dominate Muslim nations. They want Islam not to exist so that they can dominate their resources and promote their culture in Islamic countries. They want to turn them into a second-hand and lower version of their own people.
Get rid of your material motives in Hajj
Nov 22, 2006Hajj officials should purge - as much as possible - the environment of materialistic and worldly motives. This is very important. This is one of the criteria that has been considered for the hajj ritual. They say that you do not have the right to smell those things which have a pleasant scent. If you go to a place where there is an unpleasant smell, you do not have the right to cover your nose. Of course, there are very good reasons for this. Hajj is a place where we should be away from worldly and material motives as much as we can. Of course, we do not want to say that you should make pilgrims starve and that you should give them unsuitable places for accommodation. This is not what we mean. Catering for pilgrims, providing them with suitable accommodation and everything that they need is an important task. We do not disagree with this, but the hearts of pilgrims should be purged of material motives as much as possible. The desire to go shopping, buy souvenirs and other such things should be avoided. You should prevent pilgrims from looking at hajj pilgrimage as if it were vacation or other things which are not mentionable. Our worldly desires drag us towards dangerous places. These things should be avoided. Hajj pilgrims and officials should avoid material motives. This is another point which should receive attention if we want to benefit from this great capacity.
International impacts of Hajj in the world
Nov 22, 2006Hajj is a heavy obligation. If it is fulfilled in the right way and on the basis of God's commands and if it meets the requirements of the time, then it will exert influence on an international - as well as individual and domestic - level. Which obligation do we have which is similar to this one? This religious act and obligation purify and enlightens the hearts and souls of hajj pilgrims. It makes them get close to God and it familiarizes them with dhikr and supplication. Moreover, it influences the affairs of a people. This is because when a group of people go on a trip with a common goal and in a specific direction, their convergence will naturally increase and their spirituality and national morality is promoted. Hajj exerts influence on an international level as well. Nations have some common points and some differences. These differences make them distinct from one another. This sometimes leads to hostility between them. Hajj decreases these differences and it strengthens their common points and unity. So, we have no religious obligation with such magnitude. Apparently, the reason why we have been told to fulfil this obligation in a limited and specific period of time is to highlight its international aspect.
Benefit from Hajj's lofty capacity and potentials
Nov 22, 2006Worldly and otherworldly affairs have really been included in hajj. It is a very vast and resourceful arena that can be benefitted from. If you and I make efforts so that people get to know and benefit from this capacity, then we will receive a divine reward for that. Therefore, this is a very important act and officials in charge of it should really feel proud.
Perform Hajj rituals attentively and observantly
Dec 20, 2004The hajj ritual should be performed with complete attention, with concentration and by observing its codes of behavior. Apart from the hajj obligations and the acts that form the outward appearance of hajj, there are certain codes of behavior that constitute the spirit of hajj. Some people preserve the outward appearance of hajj, but they ignore its soul and its truth. A code of behavior in hajj is supplication, dhikr and attention. A code of behavior in hajj is a sense of presence before God at all moments. A code of behavior in hajj is seeking refuge in the safe haven that God has provided for believers and for those who rely on the Holy Essence of God. One should understand and enter this paradise. This is how we should understand hajj. A code of behavior in hajj is peace and tolerance. Showing hostility towards believers, fighting against one’s brothers, violating divine rules and causing tension in hajj are forbidden. A code of behavior in hajj is plunging deep into the truth about the meaning of hajj and benefiting and feeding from it for all the stages of one’s life. A code of behavior in hajj is acting in a brotherly manner and creating camaraderie and unity. The opportunity to create unity among Islamic nations and denominations is provided only in hajj. So many people make it there from throughout the world, all for the love of Ka’bah, the Holy Prophet’s (s.w.a.) shrine, divine dhikr, tawaf and endeavor.
Hajj is an opportunity for shedding light on the Truth and declaring repudiation against the U.S.
Dec 20, 2004The opportunity in hajj to cast light on these issues and to express one’s hatred of arrogance and America should not be missed. The world of Islam should know what issues it is faced with. These things should become a means for the enthusiasm and movement of the world of Islam. In their propaganda, it is pretended that whatever Muslims do, it is not of no avail, that arrogance will dominate and that nothing can be done about it: the story is about might and fight. But this is not the truth of the matter. The truth of the matter is that the Islamic Ummah is a living and powerful organism. Whenever it shows its willpower and determination and whenever it takes action, neither the power of America nor the power of others greater than America. We ask Allah the Exalted to help all of us succeed, to approve of what we do and to bestow His blessings on the honorable clergy in hajj caravans and on different officials – at different levels – in charge of hajj affairs. That they pointed out that the pivot of our promotions is the Holy Quran is a very great sign. The Holy Quran is the key to the success of Muslims. In all conditions, the Holy Quran should become the pivot of our promotions, our movement and our endeavors and the best condition for this task is hajj. Qura and reciters of the Holy Quran should recite the Holy Quran in mosques - in the Two Holy Mosques in particular - in ba’tha [the Islamic Republic’s delegation in hajj] and in any area when the ground is prepared. They should convey Quranic ayahs to people so that in practice, they can show the people throughout the world the Iranian nation’s attention to the Holy Quran. I hope that by Allah’s favor, these promotions will continue throughout the year.
Hajj ritual is a means of providing security for mankind
Dec 20, 2004The city of Makkah and the hajj ritual is a means for humans’ security. By supplicating, by paying attention and by plunging into divine remembrance, people feel secure – in their hearts – in that astonishing and great ritual. This is the greatest need of humans. The inferno that material powers and motives have created around humans can be replaced with the safety of a paradise in that place and in that time when humans seek refuge in hajj. How ignorant are those people who undermine the hajj ritual and hajj obligations by attending to material affairs.
The best worshiping ritual
Dec 20, 2004The opportunity of hajj is an exceptional opportunity. All acts of worship are an opportunity to redeem one’s self. As a result of negligence about Allah the Exalted – Who is the Spirit and the Truth of existence – human beings show negligence about themselves, their hearts and their reality: “And be you not like those who forgot Allah and He made them forget themselves” [The Holy Quran, 59: 19]. Today, this is the great pain of humanity. By forgetting Allah the Exalted, humans have forgotten themselves as well. Amid the wheel of materialistic apparatuses, the needs and the truth about humans and the goals behind their creation have completely been forgotten. What helps human beings to pay attention to God and – in the shade of attention to God – to themselves, to the truth about them and to their needs and their hearts is praying, worshipping and supplication. And hajj is the best act of worship in this regard. This is because it is an exceptional act of worship because of the time and the place when it is performed and because of the succession of the moves that are available to hajj pilgrims.