7 virtues in Imam Khomeini’s model of behavior
Jun 4, 2018First of all, Imam behaved in a courageous and active manner in the face of enmities and enemies. His behavior was not marked by weakness and passiveness. Imam never became passive, nor did he feel weak and exhibit weakness. He confronted the enemies in a powerful and active manner. The second characteristic is that Imam would avoid making hasty decisions out of impatience. He would not get carried away in the face of events, and he would not rely on irrational feelings. His decisions were courageous decisions accompanied by firm feelings based on rational calculations. The third characteristic is that Imam would pay attention to priorities. His focus was on immediate priorities... He always focused on the main issue. The fourth characteristic is that he trusted the capabilities of the people. He considered the people of Iran to be great, well-informed, and capable people. He trusted them, and he was optimistic about them, particularly the youth. Notice how optimistic he was, in his statements, about the people and youth. The fifth admirable characteristic [of Imam] was his refusal to trust the enemy. Throughout his ten-year blessed presence at the top of the Islamic government, Imam did not trust the enemy even for one moment. He was pessimistic towards the enemy's suggestions. He was indifferent towards the enemy's pretentions. He considered the enemy as the enemy in the real sense of the word, and he would not trust the enemy at all. The sixth characteristic was his insistence on the solidarity and unity of the people. --This was another characteristic of Imam's behavioral mode in the face of such enmity. Everything that could divide the people into factions and poles was condemned in the eyes of Imam. The seventh characteristic was faith and firm belief in divine assistance and divine promises: this is a pivotal point. Imam would rely on divine assistance. He would do his very best, and he would stand in the arena with all his existence, but his hope was pinned on divine assistance and divine power.
A mighty, but innocent leader
Jun 4, 2018He was a strong and sovereign man; he managed to overturn the tyrannical, hereditary dictatorship, after two thousand years, in this great country: this requires a lot of strength. He managed to defeat and repel the US government, which had defined strategic interests for itself in our region, and he managed to force them into retreat. He managed to foil dangerous plots and frustrate those who had devised the imposed war. Those who had devised the imposed war pursued a goal of destroying the Islamic Revolution and uprooting Iran's Islamic government. However, our magnanimous Imam turned this threat into a great opportunity. These [aforementioned qualities] are signs of the strength, power, and authority belonging to our magnanimous Imam. Meanwhile, our transcendent Imam was wronged, too, due to extensive propaganda campaigns led by the enemies against him. Offensive propaganda against Imam Khomeini continued, frequently, during his lifetime and after his demise. Some people behaved one-sidedly towards him, while this was unexpected: it was a mark of persecution against our magnanimous Imam. The grief that he felt because of this betrayal and oppression can be seen in his powerful and solid statements and speeches: they reveal that this great man suffered from deep grief, which was another sign that he endured oppression. The final victory of our magnanimous Imam is another point that I would like to stress. He was powerful, oppressed, and victorious. Just like the Commander of the Faithful, our magnanimous Imam achieved victory. His victory shows itself in the solidity of the Islamic government, in the survival of the Islamic Republic, and in the growth, development, and progress of the Islamic government. Many of his visions came true after his demise: national self-worth and self-sufficiency; the scientific, technological, and political progress of the country; and the expansion of influence that the country and the Islamic Republic achieved in the vast region of West Asia and North Africa, are all visions that became a reality. These visions made into a reality are a symbol of victory stemming from Imam's discourse, path, and method.
Imam Khomeini’s comprehensive virtue: A revolutionary worshipping believer
Jun 4, 2017Some of the descriptions and terms that have been used less than others, in reference to our great late Imam (r.a.), are comprehensive terms: pious, a believer, and a revolutionary. We always describe Imam (r.a.) with different terms and descriptions, but these descriptions – which we have used less frequently – are comprehensive: he was a believer, a pious individual, and a revolutionary. When we refer to him as a ‘Believer’ this means that he believed in God, in a major goal--the very path that helped him reach that goal--and in the people... He was a servant of God, a pious man, and he worshipped Him [God]. He considered himself as a servant of God.--This is an important description as well... Imam (r.a.) enjoyed this characteristic: the characteristic of being a worshipper. He was a man of humility and supplication. He was a man that used to pray ardently: a worshipping believer. As for a third term – that is to say, being a pious, revolutionary believer – I would like to put stress on this description and speak on it. Imam Khomeini (r.a.) was the Imam of the Revolution. Revolution is a word that contains countless realities. “The Imam of the Revolution” means being a leader of all the qualities and characteristics that the word “revolution” encompasses. The reason why materialistic powers were angry and irritated at, and – of course – afraid of, our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) was that he enjoyed the characteristic of being a revolutionary. They chose to be enemies because of this characteristic that he embraced. Today, too, the enemies of the Iranian people exhibit hostility towards this revolutionary characteristic of Imam Khomeini (r.a.). Basically, materialistic powers are intimidated by the word ‘Revolution.’ They are afraid of it, intimidated by it, and panic at the mention of the word: ‘Islamic Revolution.’ The pressures that they exert [on Iran] originate from him [Khomeini] being a revolutionary.
Imam Khomeini’s greatest lesson was the revolutionary spirit and actions
Jun 4, 2017The greatest lesson that our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) taught us was revolutionary morale, mentality and action. We should not forget this. Imam (r.a.) is not a cultural legacy. Some people look at Imam (r.a.) as a cultural legacy. Imam is living! Imam (r.a.) is our Imam! He is our leader. He is in front of our eyes. Although his body is not with us, his words, his path, his thoughts and his essence are alive. You should look at Imam (r.a.) like this and you should learn from him.
Why did Imam Khomeini’s legacy not deviate after his passing away?
Jun 4, 2017Imam (r.a.) then passed away. After his demise, some people entertained the hope of reversing Imam's (r.a.) path, but they thankfully failed. A number of years passed from Imam's (r.a.) demise. Some people outside the country and their agents inside the country waited for the Revolution to show negligence and to become old and derelict so that they could attack and restore the conditions prior to the Revolution, but they failed. What is the reason behind these failures? The reason is the same attractions that our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) enjoyed: attractions related to his fundamental beliefs and principles which exist in the country. I will enlarge on this matter later on. Imam's (r.a.) body has left us, but his soul is alive. Imam's (r.a.) soul is alive, his path is alive, his essence is alive in our society. The same attractions that - during the time of Imam's physical life - used to attract the people, youth and the hearts of individuals like a magnet exist today as well. Imam's (r.a.) name solves problems. Besides, his principles are infinite and they defy time. These things exist. Therefore, the slogans of social and economic justice, independence, freedom, democracy and severance from the domination and lure of American power and other global powers are still attractive to our people and to our youth in the present time.
Imam Khomeini’s personal features and characteristics
Jun 4, 2017Imam (r.a.) had a very strong and powerful personality, marked by his power to resist hardships and difficulties. He was outspoken in declaring his position. He was honest. He used to speak with sincerity. All those who listened to Imam (r.a.) felt honesty in his statements. These were Imam's (r.a.) personal attractions. Faith and reliance on Allah the Exalted were visible in his behavior and in his statements on an equal basis. Both his behavior and his statements were signs of faith and reliance on God Almighty. These were Imam's (r.a.) attractions. Some of his attractions were related to the principles that he presented. For example, one of the things that he presented to the people was Islam: original and Muhammadi Islam. Original Islam is the kind of Islam which is neither fettered by a reactionary outlook nor by syncretism. During a time when these two things existed together – reactionary outlook and syncretism – Imam (r.a.) advocated original Islam. This was attractive to Muslim youth. One of the principles that existed in Imam's (r.a.) slogans was independence. Other principles included freedom and social and economic justice. These were the principles that Imam (r.a.) brought up. These are all attractive.
Imam Khomeini saved Iran from the quagmire of dependence, backwardness and corruption
Jun 3, 2016Our revolutionary Imam (r.a.) pulled the country out of various quagmires, he pulled the country out of various morasses with the help of the Islamic Revolution... from the morasses of dependence, backwardness, political and moral corruption, and global humiliation. We were suffering in these muddles: we had become dependent, humiliated, and backward; we were held behind. They held us back in scientific fiends, in economic pursuits, technological advancements, on an international presence, overall, in everything... Our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) changed the direction [within Iran], thus bringing about a profound transformation: he changed the path of the Iranian people; he changed the trajectory we were on, and he moved us towards lofty goals. These goals—which guided us with the help of the Imam of the Revolution (r.a.) and that guided the Iranian society towards the revolution—were extremely important. The sum of all these goals is the authority of God's religion. The authority of God's religion calls for social justice in the real sense of the word: it calls for uprooting poverty, ignorance, and oppression; it calls for preparing a collection of Islamic values; it calls for uprooting social detriments; it calls for providing physical, moral, and spiritual health--and scientific progress for the country; it calls for offering national dignity, national and Iranian identity, and international power; it calls upon man to activate the capacities that God has given this land.--All these terms are included in the authority of God's religion. It was Imam (r.a.) who moved us towards this path. This is the exact opposite of the path towards which we were being dragged during the time of taghut [the Pahlavi era].
Valuing national unity and union among the public
Jun 4, 2015Another fundamental guideline in Imam's (r.a.) thoughts and path - this is the last issue that I will address - was national unity and attention to discord, whether discord based on religion - Shia and Sunni - or discord based on ethnicities such as Fars, Arabs, Turks, Kurds, Lurs, Baluchis and the like. Creating discord was one of the enemy's definite policies. From the beginning, our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) placed unique and peerless emphasis on national unity and the solidarity of the people. This was one of his guidelines. Today, we should pursue this guideline. Today, you can see that the policy of creating discord in the world of Islam is one of the main policies of arrogance. Americans have gone as far as speaking about Shia Islam and Sunni Islam. They support one and attack the other. This is while from the beginning, the Islamic Republic adopted a similar outlook towards different denominations. We have behaved towards our Palestinian brothers - who are Sunnis - in the same way that we have behaved towards our Shia brothers in Hezbollah of Lebanon. Everywhere, we have acted in the same way. This was our magnanimous Imam's (r.a.) outlook inside the country. In the world of Islam, the Islamic Republic's outlook is an Ummah-building outlook. The Islamic Republic thinks about the Islamic Ummah. When second-rate servants of America bring up the issue of the "Shia Crescent", this shows seditious policies. When the Americans get along with takfiri and seditious groups in Iraq and Syria despite their widespread propaganda - most probably, they help them secretly as well, but their agents support these groups in an explicit manner - this shows that the role of creating discord is an outstanding matter from the viewpoint of the enemies of Islam and Muslims and the enemies of the Islamic Republic. Everyone should pay attention to this. Both Shia and Sunnis should pay attention to this point. They should not be deceived by the enemy's game. The kind of Sunni that is supported by America and the kind of Shia that is exported from London to the whole world are similar to one another. Both of them are Satan's brother. Both of them are the agents of America, the west and arrogance.
The significance of national independence in the thoughts of Imam Khomeini
Jun 4, 2015Another main guideline in Imam's (r.a.) thoughts was the issue of the independence of the country and rejection of arrogant domination. This is another important chapter... Imam (r.a.) believed in the independence of the country. He believed in the rejection of foreigners' domination over the country. Over the course of these years, many of the activities that our enemy did against the country and the people were for the sake of undermining the independence of the country. He has targeted our independence whether through sanctions or threats. Everyone should be vigilant. Everyone should know what the enemy's goals are. This is another fundamental guideline.
Imam Khomeini’s steadfast support for the deprived and the oppressed
Jun 4, 2015Imam (r.a.) was an ardent advocate of the weak and underprivileged classes. He used to reject economic inequality in a very serious and severe way. He used to reject aristocracy with bitterness. He was an advocate of social justice in the true sense of the word. Advocating underprivileged classes of society was perhaps one of the issues that he repeated the most in his speeches. This was one of his clear and definite guidelines. Everyone should try to uproot poverty. Everyone should try to liberate underprivileged classes from poverty. Everyone should help them as much as they can. On the other hand, he used to warn the officials of the country about living the life of a courtier. This has also been mentioned in the Holy Quran: "And you dwelt in the dwellings of men who wronged their own souls" [The Holy Quran, 14: 45]. He used to prevent everyone from living the life of a courtier. He used to stress that officials should have trust in the loyalty of underprivileged classes. He used to repeat many times that it is the residents of slums, the poor and underprivileged classes who fill the scenes despite their poverty. They do not even complain and they participate in dangerous arenas. On the contrary, those who were well-to-do would in fact complain more if there was a problem in a certain area. From the viewpoint of Imam (r.a.), the loyalty of middle and underprivileged classes was an outstanding phenomenon and he placed great emphasis on it. He also stressed the necessity of using public funds in the correct way and avoiding extravagance. This was another fundamental guideline that Imam (r.a.) had: the issue of administering social justice, advocating underprivileged classes, avoiding an aristocratic lifestyle and taking action in this direction.
Imam Khomeini’s rationale against the arrogant powers
Jun 4, 2015Imam (r.a.) was in the camp which was against international bullies and arrogant powers and he did this in an outspoken way. He showed no considerations for them. This was why in the confrontation between bullies, arrogant powers and the thugs of the world, and the oppressed, Imam (r.a.) was in the latter camp. He used to announce this in an outspoken way and without any considerations and fear. He was an ardent advocate of the oppressed all over the world. He did not compromise with arrogant powers. "The Great Satan" was an astonishing term that Imam (r.a.) coined. The ideological and practical implications of the term "The Great Satan" are very vast in scope. When you consider someone and some organization as "Satan", it is clear how you should behave and feel towards them. Until the last day, Imam (r.a.) had the same feeling towards America. He used to use the term "The Great Satan" and he believed in it with all his heart and soul... Imam's (r.a.) position was against America and its political and intelligence system. On the contrary, Imam (r.a.) supported and defended Palestine in the course of these long years. He defended Palestine and Afghanistan. The day when the Soviets entered Afghanistan, our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) adopted a decisive and determined position against the Soviets despite the fact that we were involved with America's enmity. Usually, when governments are in conflict with a certain side, they compromise with other sides. Even some governments which had a western orientation did not adopt the decisive position that Imam (r.a.) did. But our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) supported the people of Afghanistan and Lebanon without any consideration. He offered his support to the Palestinians in a very genuine and honest way. This was Imam's (r.a.) logic in confronting arrogance… Wherever oppression exists, there are two sides: the oppressor and the oppressed. We advocate for the oppressed and we are opposed to the oppressor. This was the position that Imam (r.a.) adopted in an outspoken way and this was one of his main guidelines.
Having faith in divine promise and distrusting the arrogant powers
Jun 4, 2015The second principle is reliance on divine assistance, trust in the truthfulness of divine promises and - at the opposite end of the scale - distrust of arrogant and bullying powers in the world. This is one of the constituent elements of Imam's (r.a.) school of thought: reliance on divine power. Allah the Exalted has given certain promises to believers. Those who do not believe in these promises have been cursed by God: "For them is the curse of Allah" [The Holy Quran, 9: 68] and "Have you not seen those who befriend a people who have the wrath of Allah?" [The Holy Quran, 58: 14]. Who have "the wrath of Allah"? Those "who imagine an evil opinion of Allah. On them is a round of evil. The wrath of Allah is on them. He has cursed them and got hell ready for them. And evil is it for a destination" [The Holy Quran, 48: 6]. Belief in divine promises and their truthfulness is one of the elements of our magnanimous Imam's (r.a.) thinking. Allah says, "If you help the cause of Allah, He will help you" [The Holy Quran, 47: 7]. We should trust and rely on this promise. On the contrary, we should not at all trust the false promises that the enemies and arrogant powers in the world give. This is completely visible in Imam's (r.a.) actions, behavior and statements. This reliance on and trust in God's power helped our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) to be outspoken in announcing his revolutionary positions. Imam (r.a.) used to speak in an outspoken manner. He was candid in expressing what he believed in because he relied on God. This does not mean that he was unaware of the fact that powers did not like what he said and that they became angry. He was aware of it, but he believed in divine power and assistance. He did not show considerations for anyone in the face of events. He responded to one of the letters that had been written to him. In general, he probably responded to two of the letters that had been written to him by the heads of arrogant governments or those connected to arrogant governments. He responded to that letter with complete outspokenness. This was broadcast by the IRIB. Of course, Imam (r.a.) spoke politely, but he announced his definite and clear positions in those letters. Such reliance on God spread in the veins of the people like blood. As a result of his behavior, the people too began to rely on Allah the Exalted, believe in divine assistance and enter this path. Imam's (r.a.) distrust of arrogant powers made him ignore their promises. The president of America - Reagan, who was a powerful president - used to write letters and send messages and agents to Imam (r.a.), but Imam (r.a.) did not pay any attention to him. He did not respond to his letters.
What is pure original Islam in the viewpoint of Imam Khomeini?
Jun 4, 2015From the viewpoint of our magnanimous Imam (r.a.), original Islam is one that is reliant on the Book and the Sunnah. This is achieved with clear thoughts, with familiarity with the developments of the time, and with scholarly and well-established methods - those methods that are developed by Islamic seminaries. It is not the case that we do not pay attention to the method of istinbat [derivation] and that anyone can open the Holy Quran and derive the principles of social movement. This is not the case at all. There is a certain method which is scholarly and well-established. There are some people who can pursue this method. This is original Islam from the viewpoint of our magnanimous Imam (r.a.). Of course, not everyone who knows this method is able to do so. They should also have clear thoughts, be familiar with the developments of the time, know the needs of human and Islamic societies and have knowledge of the enemy and his methods for showing enmity. Only then will they be able to identify and introduce original Islam. The kind of Islam that is practiced by "court akhunds" - Imam (r.a.) repeatedly used this term to refer to such people - the kind of Islam that is promoted by DAESH, the kind of Islam that is indifferent to the crimes committed by the Zionists and America and the kind of Islam that is dependent on America and great powers and that acts with America's signals have their heads in one trough. They all meet in the same place and Imam (r.a.) rejected all of them. The kind of Islam that Imam (r.a.) introduced is against all these [fake] kinds of Islam. Imam's (r.a.) followers should draw a line between original Islam, and reactionary and secular Islam. They should identify and pursue original Islam. This is one of Imam's (r.a.) principles and it is not something that he spoke about only once, rather this is evident throughout his statements.
Opposing despotism and arrogance, the two primary words of Imam Khomeini’s school of thought
Jun 4, 2015Imam's (r.a.) intellectual system enjoyed all the characteristics of an intellectual, social and political school of thought. First, it was based on a monotheistic worldview. All his activities and all his thought processes were based on monotheism which is the main infrastructure for all Islamic thoughts. Another characteristic of this intellectual system - which has turned it into a school of thought in the real sense of the word - is that it was up-to-date. It addressed all the issues which were related to human societies and the Iranian society in particular. The addressees of Imam's (r.a.) intellectual system used to feel this. In Imam's (r.a.) intellectual school of thought, opposition to tyranny and arrogance was the most important matter. This is what the people of Iran and other Muslim peoples felt tangibly. This was why his invitation was promoted everywhere. Another characteristic of this intellectual school of thought was that it was lively, dynamic and practical. It was not like other intellectual philosophies and theories which contain beautiful words, but which are not practical in the arena of action. Imam's (r.a.) logic, thoughts and path were practical. His path could be implemented in the arena of action and this was why it achieved victory and moved forward... Imam (r.a.) turned us into a motivated, hopeful and dynamic people who enjoyed great goals.
Imam contrasted original pure Islam with the American version of Islam
Jun 4, 2015Imam (r.a.) is that he proved original Muhammadi Islam and rejected American Islam. He differentiated between original Islam and American Islam. What is American Islam? In our own time, during Imam's (r.a.) lifetime and at all times - as far as we know, in the future too the situation will be the same - American Islam has only two branches: one is secular Islam and another is reactionary Islam. Imam (r.a.) always placed those who had secular thoughts - that is to say, those who wanted religion, society and individuals' social behavior to be separate from Islam - on an equal footing with those who had a reactionary outlook. The latter means those who adopt a backward outlook that is not understandable to broad-minded individuals. It means those who are prejudiced about their wrong principles. This is the meaning of being reactionary. Imam (r.a.) always mentioned these people together. If you take a look today, you will see that both of these kinds of Islam exist in the world of Islam and both of them are supported by bullying powers of the world and by America. Today, the deviant DAESH, al-Qaida and other such orientations are supported by America and Israel. Some other orientations that work in the name of Islam, but that know nothing about Islamic action, fiqh and sharia are supported by America as well.
Imam Khomeini’s strong spiritual backing sustained his selfless endeavor
Jun 4, 2015Our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) used to show humility before God, shed tears, read duas and rely on Allah the Exalted. He used to repeat this part of Dua Sha'baniyya in his Sha'ban speeches: "Oh God, bestow upon me the perfection to separate myself from others and to join You. Enlighten our hearts with the light of seeing You so that our hearts tear the veils of light and join the mine of greatness" [Iqbal al-A'mal, Vol. 2, p. 687]. Such was his behavior, his tears at sunrise, his supplication, his prayers and his constant relationship with God. This condition formed the spiritual source of support for the continuation of that great man's jihad. We should remember this concerning our magnanimous Imam's (r.a.) jihad in the way of God.
Knocking down the foundation of hereditary monarchy and creating an Islamic establishment: two great and unprecedented tasks in Iran’s history
Jun 4, 2015In the history of our country, two great and unprecedented tasks were carried out by Imam (r.a.). One was the destruction of a structure which was based on a cruel and unreasonable hereditary monarchy. This hereditary monarchy had a millennium-long history in our country. This old and derelict structure - on the basis of which some people took over the government with the power of their swords and armies and then passed it to other people in a hereditary way - was a wrong and unreasonable tradition that dominated our country for several thousand years. The first task that Imam (r.a.) carried out was to destroy this wrong structure and to entrust affairs to the people. The second great task that our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) carried out was to create a government on the basis of Islam. This was unprecedented in the history of our country and the history of Islam after the early Islamic era. The great jihad that our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) did brought about such a valuable product. Therefore, it is really necessary to say that "He strove in His cause, such a striving that is due to Him" [Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 33, p. 18] which also exists in the Holy Quran: "And strive in His cause, such a striving that is due to Him". Like other saints, this great man was a manifestation of "He strove in His cause, such a striving that is due to Him". Of course, I should say in parenthesis that this great man's jihad was not merely a political, social and intellectual jihad, rather besides all these forms of jihad, he engaged in inner jihad as well. He engaged in jihad against one's self and he preserved his constant relationship with Allah the Exalted. This is another lesson.
The founder of the intellectual, political and social school of thought in the Islamic Revolution
Jun 4, 2015Imam (r.a.) is the embodiment of the great movement that the people of Iran began and with which they transformed their history. Imam (r.a.) was the founder of an intellectual, political and social school of thought. The people of Iran accepted this school of thought, path and roadmap and they moved forward on it. The continuation of this path depends on gaining a correct understanding of it. Without knowing Imam (r.a.) - that is to say, knowing his principles - this roadmap will not be known... Imam was a great faqih. He was an outstanding and great faqih, philosopher and expert on theoretical mysticism. He was an outstanding personality on these matters and in scholarly areas, but Imam's (r.a.) outstanding personality is not dependent on either of these things, rather his main characteristic is manifest in this ayah: "And strive in His cause, such a striving that is due to Him" [The Holy Quran, 22: 78]. With his outstanding scholarly capabilities, he entered the arena of jihad in the way of God. He continued this jihad until the end of his life and he created a great movement, not only in his own country, but also in our entire region, in the entire world of Islam and - in one sense - in the whole world. The product of this movement was a unique product.
Adherence to Islamic law, the main pillar of Imam Khomeini’s movement
Jun 4, 2014Some people should not think that our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) derived elections from the western culture and then mixed it with Islamic thoughts and Islamic sharia. This was not the case. If elections, democracy and reliance on the votes of people had not been part of religion and Islamic sharia, then Imam (r.a.) would have told us. If this had been the case, he would have announced it in an outspoken and decisive way. Democracy is part of religion. Therefore, Islamic sharia is the framework. When passing and implementing laws, when assigning individuals different tasks and discharging them from their service and during all tasks that follow this political-civil system, Islamic sharia should be observed... This was the main base of our magnanimous Imam's (r.a.) movement. The great structure that this great personality built was founded on these two bases. Commitment to Islamic sharia is the soul and truth of the Islamic government. Everyone should pay attention to this issue... Therefore, our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) stressed the necessity of Islamic sharia which is the soul of the Islamic Republic. He also stressed the necessity of religious democracy which is a means and a tool and which is derived from sharia. According to Imam's (r.a.) school of thought, any power and force which has come into being through deception and oppression is unacceptable. In the Islamic government, oppression and subjugation are meaningless. Power and authority are meaningful, but only the one that originates from people's free will and choice. The kind of power which originates from bullying, subjugation and weapons is meaningless from the viewpoint of Islam, Islamic sharia and Imam's (r.a.) school of thought. The kind of power which emerges on the basis of people's choice is respectable. No one should confront this power. No one should try to suppress and subjugate this power. If they do so, this is called fitna. This is the new prescription that our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) introduced to the world. He added this important chapter to the political literature of the world.
Imam Khomeini’s main plan was the establishment of a civil-political order was based on Islamic rationality
Jun 4, 2014Our magnanimous and dear Imam (r.a.) was more complex and meaningful than what we managed to say and reflect about him. What is available to the people of Iran and what is in front of the eyes of people throughout the world has been built by those powerful hands. We should know about the architect's plan in order to take the path in the right way... Imam's (r.a.) plan and main task was to create a civil-political system on the basis of Islamic reason. The prerequisite for carrying out this task was to uproot the monarchic regime which was corrupt, dependent and dictatorial. The monarchic regime had these three characteristics: it was corrupt - different moral, financial and other such corruptions. It was dependent on powers. One day, it was dependent on England and another day, it was dependent on America. It was prepared to abandon its own interests and the interests of the people for the sake of the interests of foreigners. And it was dictatorial and oppressive. For the monarchic regime, the people's votes and requests counted for nothing. Each of these characteristics forms a long chapter. Each of them forms a long book. The prerequisite for the great task that Imam (r.a.) wanted to carry out was to uproot this corrupt, dependent and dictatorial regime. He focused his efforts on doing this and consequently, the regime was uprooted. In our country, the issue was not replacing a monarchic regime with another monarchic or semi-monarchic regime. The issue was uprooting the characteristics that the monarchic regime had and this was done by our magnanimous Imam (r.a.). Imam's (r.a.) statements, guidelines and behavior were oriented towards this goal.
How was Imam Khomeini different from other revolutionaries?
Jun 4, 2013Even in the last few days of his life, nobody noticed any signs of despair, doubt, exhaustion, weakness or submission in the words and actions of our magnanimous Imam (r.a.). Many revolutionaries throughout the world start to have doubts and become conservative as they grow older. Sometimes they even take back their main statements. The statements that were issued by Imam (r.a.) during the last few years of his life were sometimes even more strongly worded and revolutionary than his statements in the year 1342. He was growing old, but he was young at heart and his soul was vibrant. This is the same steadfastness that has been described in the Holy Quran: "And that if they should keep to the (right) way, We would certainly give them to drink of abundant water." [The Holy Quran, 72: 16] In another ayah, Allah the Exalted says: "(As for) those who say: Our Lord is Allah, then continue in the right way, the angels descend upon them, saying: Fear not, nor be grieved, and receive good news of the garden which you were promised." [The Holy Quran, 41: 30] These three beliefs kept Imam (r.a.) young and vibrant. They consolidated Imam's thought and path for our nation and then these three beliefs gradually spread among our people, our youth and individuals from different social backgrounds. These three beliefs created hope. They created self-confidence. They resulted in reliance on God. These things replaced despair and pessimism. The people of Iran changed their characteristics and Allah the Exalted changed their conditions. "Surely Allah does not change the condition of a people until they change their own condition." [The Holy Quran, 13: 11] The people of Iran reformed their path, their movement and their motives and Allah the Exalted helped and supported them. What was the result? The result was that Iran became an independent country.
Imam Khomeini taught the people to have faith in God and self-confidence
Jun 4, 2013Imam (r.a.) taught the people of Iran to be confident. Before instilling a sense of confidence into the people of Iran, Imam (r.a.) first revived this sense of self-confidence in himself. He exhibited his faith in his capabilities in the true sense of the word. On the anniversary of Ashura in the year 1342, while he was alone, Imam (r.a.) threatened the Shah that he would ask the people of Iran to force him out of the country if he continued acting like that. He said this among the people and seminarians of Qom in Feiziyeh School and he threatened Mohammadreza Shah, who was wielding unrestricted power in the country by relying on America and other foreign powers. This threat was made by a cleric in Qom who had no weapons, no equipment, no money and no international support. He managed to resist in this arena by relying on his faith in God and in himself. The day when Imam (r.a.) returned from exile, he threatened the government of Bakhtiar at Behesht Zahra Cemetery and he announced in a resonating voice that he would punch Bakhtiar's government in the mouth and that he would establish another government. This was indicative of Imam's (r.a.) self-confidence. Imam (r.a.) had faith in himself and in his capabilities. It was this self-confidence that was transferred to the people of Iran through his words and actions
Imam Khomeini’s true confidence in the Iranian nation
Jun 4, 2013Our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) knew the Iranian nation in the true sense of the word. Imam (r.a.) believed that our nation enjoys deep religious faith and is intelligent and courageous, a nation that has the capacity to shine like the sun in different areas only if it has competent leaders. One time an incompetent person like Shah Sultan Hussein caused the Iranian nation to retreat into a corner, but another time a courageous person like Nader Gholi - without those honorary titles - emerged among the people and became their leader by relying on his courage and as a result, our nation managed to expand the arena of its glory from Delhi to the Black Sea. Imam (r.a.) had noticed this truth about our history and he had witnessed the examples. He believed in this truth. He knew our nation. He had faith in the Iranian nation. The people's deep religious faith - which had been concealed by materialistic people - was revived by our magnanimous Imam (r.a.). He provoked the people's religious pride and the Iranian nation became the role model of resistance and insight. In the eyes of our magnanimous Imam (r.a.), the people were the dearest and enemies of the people were the most hated. The fact that Imam (r.a.) did not stop his battle against the domineering powers even for one single moment, was mainly because the domineering powers were enemies of the people's happiness, and Imam (r.a.) believed that enemies of the people were his enemies too.
3 beliefs that granted Imam Khomeini courage and resistance
Jun 4, 2013Our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) had three beliefs which made him decisive, courageous and steadfast: namely, faith in God, faith in the people and faith in himself. These three beliefs revealed themselves in the character, decisions and actions of Imam (r.a.) in the true sense of the word. Imam (r.a.) spoke to the people through his heart and the people accepted his call with their heart and soul. They stepped into the arena and resisted in a brave way. Their movement - which had no sympathizers in the world and received no assistance - gradually moved towards ultimate victory.
Imam Khomeini’s great achievement was reviving the spirit of dignity in the Iranian nation
Jun 3, 2012Throughout his studying and teaching years, throughout the time he was engaged in political activities and throughout the time he was managing the country, Imam Khomeini (r.a.) remained a manifestation of "rely on the Mighty, the Merciful." [The Holy Quran 26: 217] It was for this reason that he managed to do what was considered impossible. All the obstacles which were considered insurmountable became surmountable after he stepped into the arena. Not only was Imam Khomeini (r.a.) the embodiment of honor and spiritual power, but he also revived the spirit of honor among our people. This was the great achievement that our magnanimous Imam accomplished.
Having friendly ties with the people, one of recommendations by Imam Khamenei for authorities
Jun 4, 2011The Imam wanted government officials like myself to have a close relationship with the people. The Imam used to stress that facilities and services had to be available in every part of the country. He used to stress that services had to be made available to the people living in remote places. These things point to the justice of our magnanimous Imam. He used to stress that government officials had to be elected from among the people. He used to stress that government officials had to be from among the people and that being well-connected was not a good criterion for appointing people to different positions. The prevalent favoritism during the time of Qajar and Pahlavi dynasties had made the Imam sensitive to this issue. Sometimes he used to praise certain government officials by saying, "He is from among the people." This was the standard for the Imam. He believed that taking wealth and power into consideration when appointing people to different positions was one of the greatest threats to the country and to the Revolution.
Imam Khomeini opposed officials’ wastefulness and luxury lifestyle
Jun 4, 2011The dimension of justice is also very important in the Imam's school of thought. Although in a sense justice originates from rationality and spirituality, the prominence of justice from the Imam's perspective makes justice especially outstanding. Since the victory of the Islamic Revolution, the Imam used to emphasize the needs of underprivileged social classes in his statements. He used to emphatically advise our government officials to cater to the needs of underprivileged social classes. He used to emphatically advise our government officials to avoid aristocratic lifestyles. This was one of the most important recommendations of our magnanimous Imam. We must not forget these things. In a government which relies on the votes and religious faith of the people, a serious problem will occur if the officials start to think about their own welfare, if they start to think of accumulating wealth for themselves, if they do everything to satisfy their aristocratic passions. This is a very serious problem for such a government. The Imam completely avoided this problem, and he used to repeatedly advise our government officials to avoid developing a tendency towards aristocratic lifestyles and accumulating wealth. He used to advise our government officials to develop a close relationship with the people. The Imam wanted government officials like myself to have a close relationship with the people.
Imam Khomeini’s moral recommendations and features
Jun 4, 2011He used to advise us to rely on God. He used to advise us to trust God and to make effort for the sake of God. He himself used to rely on God. He used to engage in supplication and worship. He used to ask God for assistance. One could clearly feel the spirituality emanating from the Imam after the month of Ramadan had ended. He used to make use of every opportunity to get closer to Allah the Exalted and to purify his immaculate heart and soul. He used to advise others to do the same thing. He used to say, "We are present before God." The world is being watched by Allah the Exalted. The world is full of divine manifestations. The Imam used to advise everybody to keep this point in mind. He himself used to observe moral principles, and he used to advise other people to do the same thing. An important part of spirituality in Islam consists of morality, avoidance of sins, avoidance of slander, avoidance of suspicion, avoidance of backbiting, avoidance of spite and avoidance of separating hearts from one another. Our magnanimous Imam used to observe these things, and he used to advise the people and government officials to do the same thing.
Imam Khomeini highly welcomed criticism
Jun 4, 2011The Imam used to advise us against becoming arrogant. He used to advise us against considering ourselves superior to the people. He used to advise us against considering ourselves flawless and above criticism. All high-ranking officials of the country had heard the Imam telling them to be ready and to welcome criticism. All high-ranking government officials had heard him advising them to avoid considering themselves flawless and above criticism. The Imam himself used to act like this. In his writings and his statements, especially at the end of his holy life, His Eminence admitted on several occasions that he had made a mistake in certain cases. He admitted that he was wrong in certain cases. This requires a great character. One needs a great soul to be able to say such things and to admit that one has made a mistake. This was a manifestation of the Imam's spirituality and ethical principles. This is one of the important dimensions of the lesson that the Imam taught us.
Imam Khomeini’s spiritual manifestation was primarily his purity
Jun 4, 2011The primary manifestation of the Imam's spirituality was his religious devotion. The Imam used to do everything for the sake of God. Since the beginning, he used to do whatever he thought was his divine responsibility. He did not spare any sacrifices on this path. This was how he acted since the beginning of the revolutionary activities in the year 1341. He used to move forward with the aim of carrying out his religious obligations. He repeatedly told our people and government officials that what is important is to carry out one's religious responsibilities. We only do our obligations: it is God who determines the outcome of our efforts. Therefore, the Imam's devotion was the manifestation of spirituality in his behavior. He never said or did anything in order to be praised. Allah the Exalted blessed whatever he did for the sake of God, and the effect of his actions became permanent. This is the characteristic of religious devotion. The Imam used to repeat the same recommendation in his meetings with government officials of the country.
Imam Khomeini regarded the Revolution as belonging to all Muslims, even non-Muslim, nations
Jun 4, 2010Another clear characteristic of the Imam's path is that his movement is global. He considered the movement to be global, and he used to say that the Revolution belongs to all Muslim nations as well as non-Muslim countries. He was not afraid of saying this. This has nothing to do with interfering in the internal affairs of other countries which is something that we will not do. This is different from exporting the Revolution the way yesterday's colonialists would, and we are not the kind of people to do such things. This means that the sweet aroma of this divine phenomenon should be spread all over the world. Nations across the world should know what their responsibility is. Muslim nations should know what their identity is and where it lies. One example of this global view of things is the Imam's position on the issue of Palestine. He explicitly said, "Israel is a cancerous tumor." What do they do with a cancerous tumor? Other than removing it, what else can be done to treat a cancerous tumor? The Imam did not take anyone's interests into consideration. That was the logic behind the Imam's actions. This is not just a slogan. It is logical. Palestine is an ancient country... Some powerful people are saying that Palestine and its people should be wiped out so that a fake country called Israel can be established in its place. These powers were initially led by England, and later on America and other western countries joined in. This is one position on the issue of Palestine. Another position is one that was adopted by the Imam. He rejected the first position and said that it is the fake and imposed geographical unit that should be wiped out. He argued that the fake and newly-established country should be removed and the original country and geographical unit should be re-established in its place... This is the most logical comment that can be made regarding the usurping Zionist regime and the issue of Palestine.
The significance of people’s role in the viewpoint of Imam Khomeini
Jun 4, 2010Another important characteristic of the path of the Imam is the role of the general public both in elections - the Imam started a great democratic movement in this regard - and other social matters. Revolutions were prevalent in the first half of the 20th century, and various kinds of revolutions were started in the east and the west. But holding a referendum to determine the form of government only two months after the victory of a revolution has been unprecedented in the history of all revolutions. This happened in Iran due to the efforts made by the Imam. Less than a year had passed since the victory of the Revolution when the Constitution was formulated and ratified... Our elections were never cancelled even during the most difficult days of the war when Tehran was being bombed by the enemy. Not even a singe election has been postponed until this day. Which democracy has been like this? No democracies, let alone revolutions, have held elections as punctually and carefully as we have. This is the path of the Imam. In various other issues that were not related to elections the Imam used to pay attention to the role of the people. He used to explicitly emphasize the role of the people. Once he said, "If government officials fail to do what they are supposed to do, the people will step in voluntarily."
Imam Khomeini’s faith and confidence in divine promises
Jun 4, 2010Another crucial standard of the path of the Imam is the issue of divine and spiritual calculations. The Imam used to give priority to spiritual calculations in his decisions and actions. What does this mean? It means that people should give priority to satisfying God in everything they do. The priority should not be gaining a victory, seizing power, and acquiring prestige in front certain individuals. First, satisfaction of God should be the most important goal. Second, one should have faith in divine promises. Despair, lack of vigilance, and arrogance will become meaningless if your goal is to please God and if you have faith in divine promises. When the Imam was alone, he was not filled with fear and did not lose hope. Similarly, he did not become arrogant when the Iranian people unanimously shouted his name and when other nations started to express their love for him. When Khorramshahr was occupied by the Iraqi forces, the Imam did not lose his hope. And when Khorramshahr was liberated by our selfless and valorous soldiers, he did not become arrogant. He said, "Khorramshahr was liberated by God." He meant we did not play a determining role. That great man remained like this in all the events that happened during his life. When he was alone, he felt no fear. And when he was in power, he did not become arrogant. He did not lose his vigilance either. This shows his trust in God. When one strives for the satisfaction of God, the result is always like this... The Imam was confident about the truth of divine promises.
Imam Khomeini’s manner towards the liberals, communists, and western trends
Jun 4, 2010Another standard in the path of the Imam was the Imam's power to attract and repel... Islam was the factor behind the Imam's power to attract and repel people - just as Imam Sajjad (a.s.) prays to God in Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya... In dua 44 of Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya - the prayer that is said on the eve of the month of Ramadan - Imam Sajjad (a.s.) prays to Allah the Exalted for certain things in the month of Ramadan. One of the things that Imam Sajjad prays for is peace with his enemies. But then he says, "Except for the enemies that I have made for the sake of You because they are the enemies with whom we will never make peace." That was the way the Imam behaved. He had no personal grudges against anyone. Even when there was personal resentment, he would ignore it. But enmity that was rooted in religious principles was very important to the Imam. At the beginning of the revolutionary movement in the year 1341, the Imam used to accept different people with various intellectual tendencies and from various ethnic and religious backgrounds, but he drove certain people away after the victory of the Islamic Revolution. He explicitly rejected the communists. At that time what he did was strange for many of us who had been involved in revolutionary activities since the beginning of the Revolution. During the early days of the Revolution the Imam adopted an explicit position against the communists and drove them away. He adopted a determined stance against the liberal-types and those who were bedazzled by western systems and culture. He distanced himself from those people. He never stood on ceremony with them. He drove the reactionary people away - the people who were not prepared to accept divine realities and the Quranic spirit of Islamic teachings, the people who were not prepared to accept that great transformation. He repeatedly rejected the reactionary people in strongly-worded statements. He did not hesitate to reject the people who were not within the same intellectual and Islamic framework as he was. But at the same time he did not hold any personal grudges against them.
Imam Khomeini established the Islamic Republic against the tyrannies
Jun 4, 2010The Imam believed that the Islamic Republic was the manifestation of Islamic rule. As a result, he stood firm and made all those strenuous efforts to establish the Islamic Republic. Obviously, the Imam was not after power. He was only fighting for Islam. Therefore, he supported the Islamic Republic until the end. The Islamic Republic was a novel idea that the Imam introduced to the world... The Imam established the Islamic Republic to oppose these forms of human taghuts [government that is not sanctioned by God]. He made Islam the main standard, and relying on the votes of the people is a core principle of an Islamic system. Therefore, the Islamic Republic is both republican and Islamic in that it relies on the votes of the people as well as divine sharia. This is a novel system. This is one of the main standards of the path of Imam Khomeini (r.a.). Any other conception of the rule of the Islamic Republic would be against the Imam's thoughts. Someone who has a different conception should not claim to be a follower of the path of the Imam. This is one of the clearest principles of the Imam's intellectual path.
Muhammadian original Islam is the first and the main point in Imam Khomeini’s outlook
Jun 4, 2010The first and the most important point about the Imam's principles and views is the issue of genuine Islam - that is, the kind of Islam that is against oppression, seeks justice, supports jihad and the underprivileged, and defends the rights of the poor and the oppressed. The Imam introduced the term "American Islam" into our political discourse as opposed to "pure Muhammadi Islam". American Islam means an Islam that is ceremonial - the kind of Islam that is indifferent to oppression, greed, and violation of the rights of the oppressed, the kind of Islam that helps bullies and the powerful, the kind of Islam that can put up with all this injustice. The Imam named this Islam "American Islam". Pure Islam was our magnanimous Imam's constant concern. It was not just limited to the era of the Islamic Republic. However, practicing pure Islam was impossible except under an Islamic government. If the political system of a country is not based on the foundations of Islamic thought and sharia, it is impossible for Islam to genuinely fight local and global oppressors and bullies. Therefore, the Imam believed that among all Islamic duties, safeguarding the Islamic Republic was the most important obligation. According to the Imam, safeguarding the Islamic Republic is not just one of the most important Islamic obligations - it is the most important obligation. Safeguarding the Islamic Republic is the most important Islamic obligation because protecting Islam - in the true sense of the word - depends on safeguarding the political system of the Islamic Republic. In the absence of an Islamic political system, it is impossible to protect Islam.
Imam Khomeini revived and raised the flag of Islam and the dignity of Iran
Jun 4, 2009I believe that two flags have been raised by the Imam in his recommendations, his slogans, and his demands of the public, government officials, and all Muslims across the world. In fact, our magnanimous Imam raised two flags through the great movement he established in the country and the world of Islam. One flag was the revival of Islam and invoking the great power of Islam. The second flag was the honor and grandeur of Iran and the Iranian people. These two flags were raised by the powerful hands of our magnanimous Imam. The first flag, which is in fact one aspect of the Imam's call and movement, concerns the great Islamic Ummah. Although it concerns Iran and the Iranian nation, the second flag is a source of hope and dynamism for the Islamic Ummah, as it is living proof of the inspirational Islamic movement. This great movement in Iran was a real-world outcome of Islamic awakening and the realization of Islamic goals. Therefore, it is directly related to Iran and the Iranian nation. However, the outcome of the movement is valuable and important to the entire Islamic Ummah… The first aspect - that is, raising the flag of Islam - caused Muslims living all over the world to feel that they had an identity. After the efforts that had been made for many consecutive years to destroy the Islamic identity, the Revolution was carried out and the charismatic personality of the Imam was revealed to the people of the world, which caused all Muslims to feel that they had acquired an identity, a noble personality. As a result, the signs of Islamic awakening started to emerge throughout the world of Islam… The second aspect of the movement is related to the dignity of Iran and Iranians. The first and the most important measure that our magnanimous Imam took in this regard was to cleanse the psyche of the Iranian nation of feelings of inferiority... The Imam arrived and annihilated these feelings of inferiority. Our magnanimous Imam inspired confidence during his 15-year movement and this led to the victory of the Revolution. After the victory of the Revolution, he instilled self-confidence into our nation in other ways. He made us believe that we can make a difference and that we have the power to do so. He made us believe in our capabilities and greatness.
One of the strongest and best spiritual legacies of Imam Khomeini is his will and testament
Jun 3, 2008Imam Khomeini (r.a.) left a perpetual guideline for his Ummah - our nation - with his words and deeds. This means that the words of Imam Khomeini (r.a.) guide us in all difficult stages of life, and his testament is one of the best and most influential moral legacies of Imam Khomeini (r.a.). It is advisable that the people and the different officials and youth refer to this testament at different times and reflect on it.
Factors in the continuance of Imam Khomeini’s memory among Muslim nations
Jun 3, 2008Most of our people consist of the youth who were born after Imam Khomeini's blessed life had ended. They were either born after he passed away or were young children at the time. But these faithful youth living in various parts of the country loved Imam and his memory so much that it appeared as if they had been in his company. As we say in Samaat prayers: "We rightly and sincerely put our faith in him without being able to see him." They enjoyed pure and sincere faith without having been present during Imam's lifetime and without having had the opportunity to listen to his remarks. This is not peculiar to our nation alone. In many parts of the world as well as in Muslim countries, people have the same feeling towards Imam Khomeini. This reality is the result of two factors. One is the greatness of the Imam and the various aspects of his personality, which was unparalleled in the recent and contemporary era. The other factor is the greatness of this Revolution. It is the greatness of the deed that our magnanimous Imam accomplished in the present era by relying on his faith, acumen, and strong determination. This deed was his starting the Islamic Revolution and the establishment of the Islamic Republic. The greatness of this Revolution is indicative of the greatness of our magnanimous Imam. This Revolution was a divine miracle.
What is the secret to Imam Khomeini’s magnanimity and grandeur?
Jun 4, 2007The secret of the surprising influence of this great man, who deeply influenced masses of Muslims in different countries, was to practice self-denial and renounce his self, obey Allah, receive inspiration from the Almighty and strive in the way of Allah in a wholehearted manner. This is the secret of the grandeur of our magnanimous Imam and of any spiritual leader. This was also the secret of the influence and permanence of prophets; otherwise, everybody is familiar with outward things and collusion and secret deals and empty slogans that are aimed at attracting the masses. Others are doing so, but this is not what helps a spiritual leader to influence and dominate the hearts. The rule of a spiritual leader is not like the rule of tyrants and oppressors, but it is like the rule of prophets. Therefore, if you study the life of Imam Khomeini, you will notice that his relationship and communion with Almighty Allah had created in him a sense of composure and peace of mind. He was calm and self-possessed at the time when others were frightened. He was determined and unwavering at the time when others wavered and showed signs of indecision.
The move by which Imam Khomeini surprised the world
Jun 4, 2007Our late magnanimous Imam managed to create a new identity in this region in the turbulent world of politics. This identity is the Islamic Republic of Iran, which was established and safeguarded by the Iranian nation. It is an Islamic and national identity; however, the Islamic aspect of this identity does not only belong to the Iranian nation, but it also belongs to the entire Muslim ummah. Through the perseverance of the Iranian nation, our magnanimous Imam created and infused life into this identity. The West had dominated this region for many years. After World War II, the domination of the Middle East had almost become complete. The regional countries, including Iraq and Iran and Jordan and Syria and Lebanon and Egypt, were each dominated by the Western colonial powers - first the European powers and then the United States. They also created the usurper regime of Israel in this sensitive region in order to make sure that the West could maintain an active military and political presence in this region through the agency of the Zionists and exercise control and dominance over the region... Under the circumstances, the Westerners were taken aback by the Islamic Revolution. They could not believe that a movement launched by the Islamic clergy and led by the late Imam Khomeini could develop into such a great popular movement. The Iranian nation emerged on the scene in its entirety. It was the Iranian nation's perseverance and our late magnanimous Imam's unique leadership that gave rise to this miraculous event.
How does Imam Khomeini differ from the leaders of the rest of the world?
Jun 4, 2007Our late magnanimous Imam is becoming more prominent as time goes by, and his thought and his path are becoming more clearly understood and more deeply felt in our society and in the Islamic world. What has caused this durability and continuity of existence and given rise to all these blessings? It is genuine faith and sincere deeds. Our magnanimous Imam was the evidence corroborating this holy verse: "Surely (as for) those who believe and do pious deeds, Allah will bring about love for them" (the Holy Qur'an, 19: 96). His objective was a divine objective; his behavior was combined with faith, and his actions were pious deeds. This is the reason why this personality remains permanently alive and experiences no death in the collective memory of the Islamic community, similar to divine prophets whose bodies have disappeared from the scene, and who are no longer before the eyes of the public, but their truth and their identity have remained alive. His objective was a divine objective; his behavior was combined with faith, and his actions were pious deeds. This is the reason why this personality remains permanently alive and experiences no death in the collective memory of the Islamic community, similar to divine prophets whose bodies have disappeared from the scene, and who are no longer before the eyes of the public, but their truth and their identity have remained alive. They clutch at straws and use every stratagem to keep materialist leaders alive in the hearts of people, but they do not succeed in doing so. They mummified the dead body of Lenin, the former Soviet leader, so that he would remain before the eyes, but he did not remain so. That mummy - a worthless body - and that thought and those principles and that memory were all doomed to destruction, both in Lenin's own society and in the entire world. This is what marks off religious and spiritual leadership. The reason for this difference is the connection to the main source of power, that is to say, relationship and communion with Almighty Allah, and considering everything to be originating from Him and doing everything for His cause and in His way. This is the secret of power and influence and eternity of godly men. From this viewpoint, Imam Khomeini will continue to remain alive.
What was the main factor in Imam Khomeini’s progress and success?
Jun 4, 2006The second point is that the main factor in the progress and success of our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) was his heartfelt and strong belief in a Quranic principle and truth. He believed in this principle from the bottom of his heart and he worked with all his power on this path. That Quranic principle is what has been pointed out and stressed in this holy ayah: "If you help the cause of Allah, He will help you and make firm your feet" [The Holy Quran, 47: 7] and many other ayahs. If you help God, God will help you too. If you take a step on the path of God, Allah the Exalted will help you take tens and hundreds of steps forward. This is a Quranic principle and it is a fact and a divine law. Helping God means helping His religion... Imam (r.a.) employed this Quranic truth for the sake of saving his country and his people. He helped God by sparking an uprising. And Allah the Exalted helped him as well and bestowed His blessings on his movement. When Imam (r.a.) took one step, Allah the Exalted responded by hundreds of steps.
The basis and foundation of Imam Khomeini’s activities was Islam
Jun 4, 2005The essence of the political school introduced by our magnanimous Imam is the relationship between religious and temporal affairs. In delineating this relationship, the late Imam used Islamic teachings and guidelines as a basis for his delineation. From an Islamic perspective, the world is a path that human beings should tread in order to attain perfection; the world is compared to a farm, the harvest of which is reaped in the hereafter. From this viewpoint, the world is the arena of human endeavors in various spheres of activities such as political and economic spheres, and the arena of human efforts to deal with different concepts like the rights and responsibilities of human beings or the concepts of education, wisdom, knowledge and justice. Therefore, from this perspective, the material world is the place where religion is expected to fulfill its mission and perform its responsibilities. Religion is what gives shape and direction to and guides the activities of human communities in all arenas of life. Based on this definition of the world, religion and worldly affairs cannot be separated from one another... Thus, from the viewpoint of our late Imam Khomeini, religion and worldly affairs are intertwined and complement each other. Ever since the beginning of the Imam Khomeini's movement, this viewpoint has provoked the greatest resistance, hostility and opposition from the arrogant powers, the powers whose wealth, power and rule depend on the elimination of religion, moral values and spirituality from human societies.
The path taken by Imam Khomeini is the path of faith, justice, material progress and dignity
Jun 4, 2005Imam Khomeini guided the Iranian nation on the path to the accomplishment of some noble objectives. He also introduced us to certain criteria so that, by observing those criteria, we may not deviate from the right path. Only by treading this path will we be able to achieve salvation and prosperity; that is, we will be able to eliminate poverty and backwardness from our country, administer justice, which has been the ancient dream of mankind, put an end to the humiliation suffered by Muslim nations, foil the arrogant powers in their expansionist goals through power and strength not through flattery and self-abasement, make moral values, piety and faith prevail both in our individual lives and in the country's macro policies and, finally, enjoy freedom, which is a great divine gift, and all other blessings resulting from it. These are the objectives and ideals delineated by Imam Khomeini. The late Imam's movement and revolution and the Islamic system which he architected have all come into existence to realize these objectives. Thus, the path of Imam Khomeini is the path to justice, dignity and progress. We have vowed to continue treading this path and will do so by divine favor and assistance. Imam Khomeini opened this path to us and made us familiar with these objectives. He covered the most basic stage of this long path with strong will and determination and with the help of our nation, and he managed to change the Islamic world.
Social justice was one of the most important and most essential lines of Imam Khomeini’s political school of thought
Jun 3, 2004Social justice is one of the most important and fundamental guidelines in his political school of thought. In all plans of the government - in all legislative, executive and judiciary plans - social justice and filling class rifts should be the goal. If we say that we will make the country rich - that is to say, we will increase gross domestic product - but all sources of wealth are accumulated in the hands of a small group of people with a large number of people excluded from it, this is not compatible with Imam's (r.a.) political school of thought. Filling economic rifts for the people and combating discrimination in using different national resources is our most important and difficult responsibility. All decision-makers, law-makers, executive officials and those who are working in different organizations should pay attention to this and they should consider it to be one of their most important standards.
Elaborating the issue of ‘the rule of the jurisprudent’, to safeguard many values
Jun 3, 2004Another important characteristic of Imam's (r.a.) political school of thought is protecting and guarding values whose manifestation can be seen in his establishing Wilayat-e Faqih. From the beginning of the Islamic Revolution and the formation of the Islamic Republic, some people have tried to portray the issue of Wilayat-e Faqih as inappropriate, bad and false. They interpreted it in the wrong way, they told lies and they had expectations which were not compatible with the political viewpoint of Islam and our magnanimous Imam (r.a.)… Some people try to introduce Wilayat-e Faqih as an absolute and dictatorial system. This is a lie… The role of Wilayat Faqih is that the movement of this complex system - in which different roles are interconnected - should not deviate from its goals and values. The role of Wilayat-e Faqih is to make sure that this movement does not deviate from its straight path. Guarding the general movement of the system and directing it towards its ideal and lofty goals is the most important and fundamental responsibility of Wilayat-e Faqih. Our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) found and derived this role from Islam's political fiqh.
Democracy in the political school of thought of Imam Khomeini
Jun 3, 2004In Imam's (r.a.) political school of thought, human identity is both valuable and respectable, and powerful and influential. The result of this value and dignity is that the people's votes play a fundamental role in managing the fate of humanity and society. Therefore, in his political school of thought, democracy - which has been derived from Islam - is real and genuine. Like American and other such democracies, it is not a hollow slogan and it does not want to deceive people's minds... In Imam's (r.a.) political school of thought, the people's votes play a determining role in the real sense of the word. This means the value of the people's votes. On the other hand, he believed that with the iron determination of the people and by relying on the power of their votes, one can stand up against all transgressing powers in the world. And he did stand up against them. In his political school of thought, democracy originates from religion. It originates from "Those who conduct their affairs by mutual consultation" [The Holy Quran, 26: 38] and from "He it is That has strengthened you with His aid and with the company of the believers" [The Holy Quran, 8: 62].
Muslims’ intellectual achievements in the realm of politics emerged from Imam Khomeini’s school of thought
Jun 3, 2004The third characteristic of Imam's (r.a.) political school of thought is its international and global outlook. In his political opinions and ideas, Imam (r.a.) addressed the entire humanity, not just the people of Iran. The people of Iran carefully listened to his message. They fought and stood up for it and they managed to achieve dignity and independence. But this message addressed the entire humanity. His political school of thought wants good, independence, dignity and faith for the entire Islamic Ummah and humanity. This is a mission which falls on a Muslim individual. Of course, the difference between Imam (r.a.) and those who assume a global responsibility is that Imam's (r.a.) political school of thought does not want to make a people believe in its thoughts and path by using weapons and torture. The Americans say, "We have a responsibility to promote human rights and democracy in the world". Is using nuclear bombs in Hiroshima the way to promote democracy? Is it using cannons, tanks, waging wars and launching coup d'états in Latin America and Africa? Today too, such deception, oppression, tricks and crimes are being witnessed in the Middle East region. They want to promote human rights and carry out their global responsibility with these tools. Islam's political school of thought leaves its new and correct thoughts and opinions in people's minds and these thoughts spread everywhere like a spring breeze and like the scent of flowers. Those who have a good sense of smell can benefit from it, as many people in many countries have benefitted from it until today. The Palestinians say that they have been revived and awakened by Imam's (r.a.) message. The people of Lebanon say that they have learned from Imam's (r.a.) political school how to defeat the army of the Zionist regime. Muslims in all areas of the world - Muslim youth, intellectuals and outstanding personalities - believe that their intellectual victories in different political arenas have originated from his political school of thought. The masses of people in Islamic countries feel dignified with the name of Islam. This is the same international outlook that Imam's (r.a.) school of thought adopted towards the issues of humanity.
Imam Khomeini’s political school of thought defeated the Front of Arrogance
Jun 3, 2004Our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) managed to break the long-established spell of tyranny in this country. It was with his political school of thought that he managed to cut the hands of the looters in this country. These looters had turned Iran into their safe refuge with the cooperation of dictators. They were people who had hoped to keep Iran for themselves as a country which produces raw materials and as an endless oil store. I would like to highlight Imam's (r.a.) political school of thought. His political school of thought cannot be separated from his attractive personality. The secret of Imam's (r.a.) success is the school of thought that he presented and that he showed to people all over the world as a tangible and clear system. Of course, our great Islamic Revolution achieved victory because of our people and the people of Iran showed the depth of their capabilities and capacity. But they were not able to accomplish such a great feat without Imam (r.a.) and his political school of thought. His political school of thought opens an arena whose scope is even wider than the formation of the Islamic government. The political school of thought that Imam (r.a.) introduced and established and for which he made great efforts has new ideas for humanity and for the whole world. It offers new paths to them. There are certain ideas in his school of thought that humanity is thirsty for. Therefore, they do not become old-fashioned. Those who try to introduce our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) as a person who belongs to history and the past do not succeed in their efforts. Imam (r.a.) is alive through his political school of thought and as long as this school is alive, his presence and existence is a source of great and permanent influence for the Islamic Ummah and even for the entire humanity.