hamd - 30

Travelers on the Straight Path

Surah Al-Fatihah, which is a summarized surah, like a sign and a pointing finger, tells us about the signs of those who travel on the Straight Path: “The path of those whom You have blessed…” (Quran 1:7). March 6, 2000 The Straight Path is the path of those whom You have blessed. March 4, 1998 Generally, this blessing is not food and clothing. It is the blessing of God’s guidance…it is a spiritual blessing, which is the greatest blessing from God. (Nov. 24, 1997) It is the path of those whom You have blessed, not the path of those who earned Your anger, nor of those who are astray. They need to have these three characteristics: God has blessed them with guidance and they have not turned this blessing into God’s wrath with their bad behavior. They have not turned the blessing into punishment for themselves, and they have not ignored this blessing due to inattentiveness. They should not be among those “at whom Allah is wrathful” (Quran 58:14) and they should not have gone astray. You can easily find examples of this Path in your own time, in the past, at the beginning of Islam and throughout history. (June 11, 1997)

Imam Kamenei

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