
What was the war in which US and Israel were badly defeated?

This thirty-three day war was a historic event. We cannot remember a similar event in the entire region; enemies of Muslim nations and the Islamic Awakening never expected this, either; but it took place. 

The thirty-three day war had a winner and a loser. Evidently, the winner constituted the Lebanese Hizbollah, the Lebanese resistance, and indeed the Muslim Ummah. All Muslim nations were happy over it [ 33 day war victory ]. They heard, and it is absolutely true, that today the name of Hizbollah and its leader are among the most favored in the Muslim World and Arab countries; Its people are among the most popular; it is true in our own country; and it is also true in Turkey, Egypt, Maghreb, and other Islamic countries. This [excitement] reveals that the whole Muslim world shares this victory. 

The loser is, of course, the Zionists and the imaginary state of Israel; however, no one in the world can ignore that the US government has lost as well; the Europeans confirmed this and others. The US itself admitted this [its losses] in different ways without directly announcing it; therefore, US was also defeated in this war. Evidently, the losers have allied parties in the region within different layers; these are also included among the defeated. 

Just as I said before, the victory on one side and defeat on the other side was a phenomenal event. It had lessons for the people--enemies desire it or not: the people of Palestine, Iraq, Iran and other nations, saw firsthand that resistance is the only path towards victory. There exists no other way; even if, the resistance represents a small group; even if, the power the resistance faces is the number one army among the world and supported by the US. Of course, this is a divine tradition and secret: Resistance is the way to victory. 

However, those who resist must not fear its dangers. If they fear, their fear interferes with their resistance and victory cannot be achieved. This is a big challenge in most nations and communities when fear is felt in the middle of the path.  

If the group, nation, or community that wants to resist does not get upset or confused by the loss of worldly pleasures, loss of life, and loss of comfort, but instead progresses, then their resistance will, no doubt, bring about victory for them.
When resistance is accompanied with belief, it will persist; thus, belief along with resistance will lead to victory. By belief, I don’t mean religious belief only, but belief in principle--in general. However, if it is a religious belief, then God Almighty has promised to make the natural and historical laws at their service: “Whoever should desire the immediate--We hasten for him from it what We will to whom We intend. Then We have made for him Hell, which he will [enter to] burn, censured and banished.”(Quran 17:18) This pertains to those who desire this world; their intention is worldly; but they have strong will-power and God grants to them. The same is true for those who have religious will-power: “To each [category] We extend--to these and to those" (Quran 17:20); this is a divine tradition.
The event in Lebanon taught all Muslims a lesson; you, dear brothers and sisters, should know that the event in Lebanon was a turning point in the region's history; its effects might not show immediately, but gradually and in the long run, this will be clear for all. Once again, after the Islamic Revolution--in which victory of the Islamic Revolution was experienced--nations saw firsthand that the way to victory and freedom is only through resistance against bullies, intruders, and oppressors.

 October 13, 2006