anti imperialism

If nations resist domineering world order, the course of history will change: Imam Khamenei

Today, the course of history is the course of oppression. It is the course of oppressors and the oppressed. One group of people are oppressors and another group of people are the oppressed. If you the Iranian people can put your message across, if you can achieve a victory and reach the specified point, then the course of history will be changed, the ground will be prepared for the re-appearance of the Imam of the Age (may our souls be sacrificed for his sake) and the world will enter a new stage. This depends on our determination and understanding in the present time.

The people of Iran accomplished a great feat. They carried out a great task. In a world which is based on the oppression, bullying and transgression of powers and bullies and in a world in which the weak are pressured by these powers, an entity and identity emerged which denied this wrong system in the world - which is imperialism and which we refer to as global arrogance - in an outspoken way, with complete courage and without any consideration. This was done by the people of Iran. The people of Iran rejected global arrogance which is based on an oppressor-and-oppressed dichotomy.

The basis of this looting and power-based system is the division of the world into the oppressor and the oppressed. The same is true of the present time. The same was true of the time when the Islamic Revolution achieved victory. The same system has existed throughout history. Of course today, it has gained strength compared to past eras. This is because today's weapons of domination are not comparable with 100, 1,000 and 5,000 years ago. This is why imperialists can dominate the oppressed and the weak more than before and they are making the most of this opportunity.

They are looting resources, destroying cultures, humiliating people, increasing hunger among oppressed and underprivileged nations and committing many other crimes. Against this movement, an identity, namely the Islamic Revolution, emerged that relied on revelation, divine principles, divine morality, divine movement and what the Holy Quran says in a clear way. This is the movement of the people of Iran. Thankfully, this movement has developed and moved forward on a daily basis.


February 16, 2015


Today, the Iranian nation has certain ideals, claims and big ideas for its own country, for the world of Islam and for humanity. Hungry wolves, unbridled savages, oppressive companies and materialistic groups have lined up against the Iranian nation. They build and export weapons, wage wars, control the United Nations the way they want, send their troops wherever they like, commit crimes, support oppression and support the usurping Zionists. They carry out oppressive actions against the human community - such as the one which we saw during the time of taghut in Iran - with their pretentious power and false arrogance. Today, there are also a number of people who question whether it is possible to stand up against and move forward in the face of the enemies who have formed a unified front against our country and who are equipped with money, media, a strong economy, a strong political system and everything. Today, they say the same things. This is what experience shows us.

Yes, it is possible. This is not what we say. This is what the Holy Quran says. If you step in the arena for the sake of God and if you resist, victory will be definite. "And if those who disbelieve fight with you, they would certainly turn (their) backs, then they would not find any protector or a helper. Such has been the sunnat of Allah that has indeed run before, and you shall not find a change in Allah's sunnat" [The Holy Quran, 48: 22-23]. This is not just true about the war that happened during the early Islamic era. The ayah "And if those who disbelieve fight with you, they would certainly turn (their) backs" is the sunnat of Allah.

When we do not know what our slogans are or how to express them, when we do not stand by our slogans and when we get cold feet in the middle of the way with satanic temptations or inner temptations, then our efforts will come to nothing. It is obvious. The argument is that "Surely Allah will help him who helps His cause" [The Holy Quran, 22: 40]. There is nothing that could be emphasized stronger than this.

If we help Allah - by thinking, producing brilliant ideas, presenting them to the world in the right way, standing by them, thinking how to promote them and preparing ourselves to bravely face the dangers - Allah the Exalted will certainly help us. This is the meaning of "Surely Allah will help him". Allah will definitely help. "And whose word can be truer than Allah's?" [The Holy Quran, 4: 122].

The Iranian nation has experienced these things in practice. If you dear people of Iran and you spirited, strong and determined youth put up a resistance on the path that you are following you should have no doubts that all dreams, claims and slogans of the Iranian nation - not only for itself, but also for the world of Islam, the Islamic Ummah and the human community - will be realized at the right time. Each piece of work should be done at a specific time. At the right time, these dreams will come true. The Iranian nation will reach the point that it wants to reach, that it has moved towards and made efforts for. The way to reach this point is to put up a resistance.

What will happen then? The course of history will be changed. Today, the course of history is the course of oppression. It is the course of oppressors and the oppressed. One group of people are oppressors and another group of people are the oppressed. If you the Iranian people can put your message across, if you can achieve a victory and reach the specified point, then the course of history will be changed, the ground will be prepared for the re-appearance of the Imam of the Age (may our souls be sacrificed for his sake) and the world will enter a new stage. This depends on our determination and understanding in the present time.


January 9, 2013


Mankind is in need of thinking. They need to find out the causes of human afflictions. There is no doubt about the fact that there is oppression and about the fact that double standards are prevalent in the policies of the domineering powers of the world. It is obvious to everybody that human communities are exposed to clear oppression. Everybody can clearly see that the domineering powers are oppressing defenseless nations. A superpower travels thousands of kilometers and imposes its hegemony on a poor and defenseless country in our region. They turn wedding ceremonies into funerals. Their helicopters shower the people with death. They demolish houses. And nobody is allowed to protest. They do not even apologize. This is the situation of the world. This is the case with advanced countries as well. Take a look at the economic issues of the world and you will see that the situation of the advanced countries is not different. Solving the problems of the people is not an issue for Europe. They are only trying to solve the problems of capitalists, owners of banks and those who have enormous wealth: today this is what they are concerned about. The domineering powers are not concerned about humanity. These are some of the realities that exist in the world. Human beings should think and try to find out the causes of these problems. The cause of these problems is the system of hegemony, the existence of two poles: those who dominate and those who are dominated. If the domineering powers did not exist, the system of hegemony would be annihilated. Similarly, if those who are dominated refused to give in to domination, the system of hegemony would fall apart. And in this regard, the responsibility lies on the shoulders of nations, especially on the shoulders of outstanding political and cultural personalities.

When the satans who are affiliated with the arrogant powers notice a truly popular liberation movement in one corner of the world, they focus all their efforts on turning that movement against itself or changing its main characteristics. You see what is happening in our region today. The people carry out revolutions in order to put an end to their dependence on America, in order to deliver themselves from the hegemony of Zionism, in order to express hatred towards the existence of this cancerous tumor in the heart of Islamic countries. In response, all political, security and financial organizations of the arrogant powers and their followers start to counter the popular movement. This is the issue.


June 18, 2012