enlightenment of the hearts

Ramadan is the cause for enlightenment of hearts: Imam Khamenei

This month bestows so much light and spirituality upon a person’s heart and soul that others can see it in their appearance as well. Others can understand based on their speaking and manners that they have become more enlightened: advanced in spirituality. True servants of God are like that.


Imam [Khomeini] was more enlightened spiritually after Ramadan. Key is that we manage to go through the path towards God during the month of Ramadan; and it is possible. Sometimes when I visited Imam Khomeini (R.A.), after the month of Ramadan, I could see that he had changed; he was more enlightened: his manners, his speaking, looking, movements and remarks were different than before that of Ramadan.

The month of Ramadan is as such for a virtuous person. This month bestows so much light and spirituality upon a person’s heart and soul that others can see it in their appearance as well. Others can understand based on their speaking and manners that they have become more enlightened: advanced in spirituality. True servants of God are like that. We should make the most of this great opportunity.

April 7, 1990


The month of Ramadan is a manifestation of worshiping God: it is a lighted path toward piety; it is a cause for forgiveness of sins; it is a cause for the enlightenment of the hearts. Ramadan is a month when the Almighty God invites His servants to a feast, and they become closer to the Almighty God.

January 18, 1999


The month of Ramadan is the month of a divine banquet. Entrance into the arena of the divine banquet requires some preparedness. We should prepare the ground for this in ourselves.

This is easier for you dear youth than for us. With their pure and sincere hearts and without the impurities that emerge in individuals over the course of time, youth can be more prepared.

May 17, 2017