Human values have been trampled upon in America: Ayatollah Khamenei

Today, as the Americans themselves acknowledge, the U.S. government and the U.S. system have drifted miles away from human values. Human values have been trampled upon in that country. There is discrimination, differentiation, racism and annihilation of human rights in America.


There is racial discrimination in the United States

Today, as the Americans themselves acknowledge, the U.S. government and the U.S. system have drifted miles away from human values. Did you watch the recent debate between the two candidates for the U.S. presidential elections? Did you see the truths that they revealed? Did you listen to them? They revealed the true nature of America. The truths that they revealed were several times larger in number [and worse] than the truths which we had disclosed. Of course, some people did not believe or did not want to believe them.

And what is interesting is that the person who spoke more candidly attracted more attention from the people of America. Because that man spoke more candidly and more openly, the people of America paid more attention to him. The other party said that he is adopting a populist method. Why populist? It is because the people were watching him and they saw that what he was saying was correct. They saw it in the realities of their life. Human values have been annihilated and trampled upon in that country. There is racial discrimination in that country. Just a few days before that debate, that man stood up in his presidential campaign and said that if you are colored – black or red-skinned - and if you are walking on the streets of New York, Chicago, Washington, California and other such cities, you cannot be sure that you will remain alive for a few more minutes! Notice that this is being said by a person who expects to go to the White House in a few days to manage the affairs of America! American racism means this.

Poverty has struck the Americans as well. He said that 44 million people are hungry in America! He and others said that less than one percent of the people of America are the owners of 90 percent of American wealth. Human values have been trampled upon in that country. There is discrimination, differentiation, racism and annihilation of human rights in America. When you shout, “Death to America” and when Imam (r.a.) said, “Let out all your shouts and cries on America” this means death to all these things. It was because of these things that Imam (r.a.) said, “Let out all your shouts and cries on America.”


November 2, 2016


Why did US vote black president in office last time?

Notice that the US President came to power with the slogan of change. What does change mean? It means that the existing situation is very bad and that we are determined to change it. He stepped in with this slogan and the people of America voted for him because of his slogan of change, otherwise there are racist people who were not prepared to vote for a person from an African-American background. But they did, hoping that there would be change. The fact that the slogan of change affected the people like that shows that the situation was very bad. That is to say, on the admission of the American people, the situation of America was very bad when he decided to run for president. And he promised to bring about change. Therefore, it is an undeniable truth that the situation inside of the United States was very bad. This is not what we say: it was the American people themselves who admitted that their situation was bad. Then he came to power, but did he bring about change? Did he manage to change the situation? Did he manage to change that bad situation? Today the U.S. has a debt of fifteen trillion dollars. This debt is equal to - or bigger than - their gross domestic product. This is a major problem for a country. As for their political situation, they were forced to leave Iraq without any achievements and in Afghanistan their situation is becoming worse on a daily basis. They are becoming more disgraced on a daily basis in Pakistan, a country which used to be their ally. In Muslim countries, in Egypt, in North Africa, in Tunisia, the Americans have completely lost their original awe. Besides all these things, the Occupy Wall Street movement has started in the cities of America. Is this situation good? This is simple mathematics. It is not complicated. The people of America accepted that they needed change, thus admitting that their situation was bad. And that bad situation has not changed so far. Therefore, America is in a dire situation.


March 20, 2012


Our position against America is not based on the people of America or on racist outlooks

Imam openly adopted a position against the Zionist regime which is a fake and usurping regime and which wants to rule over the oppressed people of Palestine. He did not show any consideration and he did not draw a veil over any of these. Notice that these are the principles and the foundations. Imam did not conceal the fact that we are opposed to arrogance. Arrogance means the international system which is reliant on dividing the world into the oppressed and the oppressor. Imam decisively rejected this.

This arrogant system is completely manifested and represented by the current regime and government of the United States of America. Imam openly adopted a position against America. Our position against America is not based on the people of America or on racist outlooks. The issue is not this. The issue is that the behavior, nature and conduct of the government of the United States of America is based on interference and imperialism.

Imam adopted an open and clear position against this. This is the reason why the Revolution continues to move forward on its true rail of principles and guidelines even after the passage of 35 years. The Revolution did not change, it did not change its principles, it did not change its path and it did not change its slogans. This is very important.


February 8, 2014