
Jawaharalal Nehru was a well-informed, trustworthy author: Ayatollah Khamenei

You should read the book "Glances at World History" written by Jawaharlal Nehru. In the chapter which is about the interference of the English in India, he says that the kind of industry and science which existed in India was not inferior to the one in Europe, England and the west.

You should look at Nehru's 'Glimpses of World History'. In this book, he explains that when the English entered India, the Indians had industry: an advanced industry on the basis of the standards of those days. Nehru says this in 'Glimpses of World History'.

India had the advanced industrial products of those days. The same is true of other countries. When the English entered India, they stopped this. They did something to bring the domestic industry of India to a halt and to make it retrogress so that they would need the imported industries and products of the English. They planned for this. This procedure was adopted in other countries as well. It happened in Iran as well.

Of course, the big difference between Iran, and India and other places was that there was no official colonialism in Iran. There was infiltration, but no colonialism. However, there was official colonialism in India. This is the duality of progress and stagnation.


June 7, 2017

In his memoirs, Nehru says that before the domination of the English over India, India had an advanced civilization compared to those times. It even had an advanced industry and advanced products. However, the English came, took the affairs of that large country into their hands and pushed it backwards so that they themselves could prosper. A small and remote country like England gained power only by looting the resources of a large country like India. As a result of this, they ruined that country. This is colonialism. This is the rule of lust and rage.

May 5, 2016

You should read the book "Glances at World History" written by Jawaharlal Nehru. In the chapter which is about the interference of the English in India, he says that the kind of industry and science which existed in India was not inferior to the one in Europe, England and the west. Rather it was superior to European science. Well, Nehru was both trustworthy and well-informed. When the English entered India, one of their plans was to prevent the domestic industry of India from developing. Well, India ended up watching tens of millions of people in that era and hundreds of millions of people in future eras suffer from hunger in the real sense of the word. The same is true of Africa. The same is true of many Latin American countries. So, not only does global arrogance wage wars but it also brings about poverty. 

The great treasure which has been accumulated on the peaks of wealth and which belongs to the richest individuals in the world reminds us of this hadith: "I have not seen any kind of wealth which was accumulated without someone's right being violated." [Derasat fi Nahjul Balaghah, page 40] When they loot the oil, agricultural products and tea resources of a country, when they take control of financial sectors of a country in a way that the people have no access to it and when they do not let the people in such a country have control over production, industry and other areas related to national progress, this country and nation becomes poor. So, they are responsible for war, poverty and decadence. They are responsible for the prevalence of decadence and fueling the fire of sexual desire - which is a natural process and which can be ignited in all individuals. Each of these issues requires a long and detailed discussion.

September 17, 2013

You should go and read “Glimpses of World History”, written by Nehru, to see what has happened to India. Of course, this is not the only book. Many books exist in this regard. Burma – a country that is known today as Myanmar – was the center of wealth, but an English person used to force tens of individuals into working for him by having a side arm only. They did not even dare to breathe! There were many caoutchouc trees and all kinds of precious wood in that country, but they used to be looted by the English.

Such things exist in historical writings. As I said, our society of book readers unfortunately pays little attention to contemporary history. You should read contemporary history to see what happened to India, Burma, Africa and Latin America because of colonialism. You should read this history to see what happened in Algeria, Tunisia and other such countries at the hands of France – this seemingly orderly, neat, chic and polite country – and colonialism. Well, what created such colonialism? Science. When science does not move in the correct direction, it becomes arrogance. They ruined millions of people by using science. Directionless science and science without moral and spiritual logic leads to such consequences.


November 11, 2015


  • 2018-05-28 12:37
    Every underdeveloped/developing country and its citizens must rely on its local sources. This will eliminate the need for foreign funding. Such funds do nothing but strangulate the independence of the country and its people.
  • Nehru may have written some good things on his book but we know very well that he only prolongated India independence by make friends with British diplomats. It was Netaji Subash Chandra Bose with the INA Army, , whose ideas are more similar to Khomeini, who brought India independency.
  • 2020-04-09 22:19
    History depicts that after Imam Jaffar-e-sadiq a.s; all imams don't have any divisions.
