We’re not pursuing nuclear weapons since they’re contradictory to religion: Enemy cannot use this excuse to stop Iran’s advancement
Imam Khamenei visited exhibition of achievements in nuclear industry
Imam Khamenei met with scientists, specialists, experts & officials of Iran’s nuclear industry
Good demand for Iran’s nuclear products in international markets
Iran's 20 years of experience with West on nuclear issues has one achievement: Their promises cannot be trusted
Enemies focus on Iran not having a nuclear industry since it is so fundamental
Highlights of Imam Khamenei's meeting with nuclear scientists and officials
Islamic Republic of Iran proved there is no conflict btw. science & religion
The Islamic Republic model nullified Renaissance theory of a conflict btw. science and religion
Keep cooperating with IAEA; do it under safeguards agreements and no more than that
Exhibition of achievements in nuclear industry was pleasing and promising
Nuclear industry is fundamental to country’s power; enemies' opposition to Iran's nuclear program is due to opposition to a strong Iran
The existing nuclear industry’s infrastructure must not be changed