Imam Khamenei

Lady Fatimah Zahra's (pbuh) behavior in society is a model

Well, the things that are well-known about this honorable personage in the field of cultural affairs includes the issue of hijab, the issue of standing up to falsehood in order to prove the truth, and supporting the issue of Wilaya. These are things that can be seen and which were repeated too. Another part of Lady Fatimah’s (pbuh) teachings was the issue of helping others. I would like to say a few words about this social solidarity today and about helping others. When her son asked, “Mother, why did you only pray for others?” her answer was, “First the neighbor, then ourselves.” This is a lesson. It reminds us of our social responsibility. Another example is that of helping the poor, orphans, and captives as referred to in Surah Insan. The Almighty God refers to this event as something magnificent, and 17 or 18 verses are dedicated to it. This shows the significance of this event. “They give food, for the love of Him, to the needy, the orphan and the prisoner, [saying,] ‘We feed you only for the sake of Allah’” (Quran 76:8-9). It is a symbolic event. Yes, these honorable individuals and all the members of their family endured hunger. They helped the orphan, the poor, and the captive. This actually happened, but it is also symbolic. Lady Fatimah (pbuh) could have asked them to go to the Mosque instead. There was an Islamic government after all. However, the government’s duty does not remove society’s duty. People in a society are required to truly help one another. Various types of assistance should be offered in society, including financial assistance, help in thinking, protecting the honor of others, etc. This is a lesson from Lady Fatimah Zahra's teachings and her understanding.”

Ayatollah Khamenei
 Feb. 15, 2020