We really need to think about this. We need to think about the issue of Muslim unity. Today, the enemy is seeking the exact opposite of this. They planted the rotten seed and this cancerous cell in this region called the Zionist regime, to serve as a base for Western enmity against Islam. Because they destroyed and divided the vast Ottoman Empire into many countries that day, they needed to establish a base here so they could continue occupying places. They didn’t want to allow great achievements to take place in the region. The oppressed country of Palestine was chosen as this base in which the malicious, corrupt, murderous, and ruthless Zionists were transferred and settled into. They established a fake government. They created a fake people and nation for this purpose. Well, the Muslims were aware of this. The enemies are trying to do something so that the Zionist regime, this enlarged cancerous cell, won’t be called “the enemy” anymore and use it to create discord between the countries in the region. They are trying to occupy everywhere. These normalizations are one of the biggest acts of treachery against Islam and Muslims. The creation of divisions, the creation of discord, that is what the enemy does. The enemy is always working on this.
Imam Khamenei
Oct. 14, 2022
Global political map is changing and Islamic nation can attain a sublime position in this new world if maintaining its unity
Who is a British Shia?
Great hope lies in Muslim elites
Global imperialism rejoices at the suffering of Muslims
Zionist regime is the cancerous cell serving as a base for Western enmity against Islam
British Shia is one who sows discord among Muslims
Celebrating birth anniversary of Holy Prophet means establishing him as a role model