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Lessons of the Arbaeen Walk

The Arbaeen Walk is the power of truth. It is the power of the camp of Islamic Resistance that causes millions of people to walk toward Karbala and toward Imam Hussain (pbuh), the peak of honor, self-sacrifice and martyrdom.

Ayatollah Khamenei
Oct. 13, 2019

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The lesson that Arbaeen teaches us is that we must keep alive the memory of truth and the memory of martyrdom in the face of the storm of the enemy’s propaganda. 

Ayatollah Khamenei
Sept. 20, 1989

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Millions of people travel to Karbala by way of an 80 km walk. They go to walk, not to enjoy themselves and to rest in a hotel! This is a divine phenomenon. This shows that this path is the path of love. However, it is not a blind love. It is a love that is accompanied by insight, such as the love the Friends of God have for God. They know and understand, and this magnetism pulls them.

Ayatollah Khamenei
 Nov. 23, 2016

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People from tens of countries participate in the Arbaeen Walk. We should try to strengthen the firm bonds that already exist between Muslim brothers: the bond between Iraqis and non-Iraqis, the bond between Shi’a and Sunni and between Arabs, Persians, Turks and Kurds. These bonds are a source of felicity. They are a sign of divine mercy. That which has created these bonds is faith in God and love for the Household of the Prophet (pbut) and Hussain bin Ali (pbuh). 

Ayatollah Khamenei
Sept. 18, 2019

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