
The event of 9/11 set the stage for an invasion

In order to find out the reasons why the neoconservatives of America have succeeded in carrying out their plans and in moving toward their ambitious goals, it is necessary to understand the causes and motivations behind the events of 9/11. Perhaps without such understanding, a link will be missing in looking into this important issue.

On 9/11 American trade, military and political centers collapsed as a result of explosions with enormous smoke and dust. In this event, two passenger jets slammed into world trade centers and another one hit the Pentagon. Also, another jet crashed, for unknown reasons, before it hit its target. According to the latest statistics, these operations resulted in over five thousand dead and injured. Immediately a state of emergency was declared all over the U.S. Washington and New York was closed off. The trips of economic and political heads were left half done. The sky across America was declared a no-fly zone and American army was put on high alert. Also, European countries were in unofficial state of emergency, and their security forces stepped up espionage and intelligence operations. The official programs of the mass media in Europe were disrupted and crisis groups, political and military pundits held especial meetings in order to try to reduce the insecurity, which took hold of all the political apparatuses and to control public unrest in the wake of this mass killing. Based on this, the news related to the events and the causes was under the exclusive control of American police forces, and the news which was in line with the American administration was broadcast.


A few hours after the operations, U.S president called the above-mentioned events a national tragedy for America and stated that this is a war. It is a war on America. He added that this is an attack on a lifestyle, democracy, and the values of the modern world. Bush went on to say, that America has entered a war. A war between evil and good, and we will win this war.


The event of 9/11 had the consequences below. In fact, this event provided the necessary space for carrying out the radical ideas of American neoconservatives.


  1. In declaring war and bringing out its gigantic military machine, America referred to article five of NATO for the first time in fifty years and prepared itself to attack targets all over the world. This measure taken by America marked a new phase in international policy and order.
  2. The events of 9/11 gave rise to new situations. Militarism and nationalism have been intermixed, and the neoconservatives entered a new phase in their interaction with the world. The first stage of this interaction was the attack on Afghanistan.


The event of 9/11 provided the necessary space for the neoconservatives to realize their ideas. Even though terrorist acts are attributed to forces outside America led by Osama Bin Laden, numerous experts maintained that American authorities by a predesigned plan were responsible for the explosions in order to create an opportunity for their objectives.


  1. Theories on the causes of the event


Some researchers by relying on lots of evidence believe that America itself is the cause behind the event of 9/11. Since the possibility that the events of 9/11 were planned and executed by radical American agents, opens up a new door for analyzing the policies of the neoconservatives, and shows their determination to achieve their goal for American unilateralism, some of the evidence linking America to the events of 9/11 will be briefly cited.


It is worth mentioning that in the wake of the event of 9/11, the state apparatuses and mass media in the US skillfully manipulated the information surrounding the event to their liking. Despite the fact that there was a massive censorship of the media, a lot of opposing views were expressed by prominent American and non-American elites and theoreticians with regard to the origin of 9/11, and the ensuing events.


  • LaRouche, a former American presidential candidate and one of the analysts of the political and economic issues, expressed candid and clear views in this regard. In an interview, he claimed that the event of 9/11 was planned and carried out by veteran American politicians in order to canalize and redirect the administration of George W. Bush into a specific course. He said that 9/11 can never be the job of an outside group or organization because given the way the security system works, these events could have only been possible through internal security groups and organizations; and at high level of security authorities, of course there might have been cooperation with others but in a limited way, but what is self-evident is the fact that, these attacks were mainly controlled by high-ranking American security authorities and organizations.


They wanted to stage an effective coup against Bush, they didn’t intend to overthrow the government, but they wanted to move bush administration in the direction they wanted.

In the press conference with Japanese Prime Minister (Koizumi Junichiro), Bush made a speech which added to the ambiguities surrounding the reasons behind New York explosions. In reference to the incident, he


In his book, The Big Lie, written about 9/11, , a French Researcher says remarks that, complete official investigations into the incident as to how it happened were not conducted, but the official account confirmed the idea of two jets, as well as the accused without substantiating their existence or their involvement in the incident. Immediately there was an emphasis on demolishing the damaged buildings and collecting the debris and whatever was in this place was placed under the control of the F.B.I, and was declared as part of national defense secrets. The rapidity with which the debris were collected raised suspicion with the fire officials of the fire department of New York, because they didn’t find Washington officials convincing and they were certain that the fuel of the two jets wasn’t sufficient to melt the iron skeletal of the two towers in such a short time, and practically and chemically it is impossible, unless the two towers were made of cardboard. For this reason, the officials of fire department requested an inquiry in order to clarify the facts as to whether an explosion occurred at the bottom of the two towers or not. However, F.B.I authorities didn’t agree with this suggestion. There is another mystery here, since it is only through explosives that high rise buildings can be demolished, while in this case there isn’t any other evidence or picture to show what happened at the bottom of the two towers.


In an interview with France TV, Meyssan discloses secrets which can only be grasped by experts in aerospace sciences. He states that following a Q & A with the experts in this field, it became clear that it is impossible for passenger jets, such as the ones that crashed into world trade center to carry out such precision target without having predetermined radars from within the two towers. This is exactly what happened two hours prior to the attack which scrambled radios and TVs within the range of that area. Thus, without these radars, it wouldn’t have been possible to achieve target precision, even if several jets had carried out this task simultaneously. There are other aspects which cast doubt on the involvement of foreign agents in the explosions. With regard to writings in Arabic that show how to learn flying and directing airplanes, it should be noted that aircraft terminology has never been written in Arabic, but it is always been completely in English. As for the attack on the Pentagon, US administration claimed that these operations were conducted by a crash of aircraft Boeing 757 into the first or second floor, while the aforementioned aircraft flew so low, that it touched the grass surrounding the Pentagon. However, when asked about this, experts in war aircrafts ascertained, that such an act couldn’t be done by non-military aircraft such as Boeing 757, because such aircrafts aim at their targets vertically or fly low, but not close to the ground and suddenly attack their target horizontally, and since the Pentagon isn’t very high, but with only two floors, it is impossible for a non-military jet to hit the pentagon horizontally, because Boeing jets can’t fly so low and even if such thing is supposedly possible, it will damage the trees, electric posts and other things around the area, which didn’t happen and no sign or traces of this kind could be seen in the scene of the accident. What draws more attention in this regard is the fact that no one had seen the skeleton of the aircraft in the scene of the accident, and there wasn’t the smallest picture of it, but just a black box, which it was said had been found in the scene of the accident, whereas the first statements made by the officials, it was said that the attack is done by a helicopter.Furthermore, the place which was the target of the attack didn’t have any personnel or military staff, because buildings were under construction in this place and the only victims were workers and people who happened to be there. This is surprising, because only one military person was killed, while they announced that many of the victims were the Pentagon employees. Another surprising thing is that, there wasn’t any follow-up on the pilots or the perpetrators of the operations. Another point is that, when an aircraft is hijacked, the information is conveyed in a code to the control tower and non-military aircrafts also use identification serial number, which is sent to the control tower by transmitterdisks and in fact it is in this way that tracking of such aircrafts is made possible. Likewise, when an aircraft doesn’t send signals, it is assumed to be an aircraft of the enemy and warning signals are sent to it. In the case of the two jets which hit the twin towers, there wasn’t any signal. Another point worth contemplating concerning the above-mentioned incident is that none of the officials of the companies belonging to the buildings of the world trade center was a victim. At the time of the incident, most of these managers were invited for a friendly breakfast at Ford military base, which is very far from New York, and George W. Bush joined them.


Overall, there is substantial evidence which indicates that 9/11 was perpetrated by American neoconservatives in order to create the opportunity to achieve their goals such as strengthening militarism, attacking countries such as Iraq and Afghanistan and enlisting other countries for fighting terrorism. This suggests the will and determination of the neoconservatives to consolidating American power across the globe at whatever cost.